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Everything posted by G60Jet

  1. i love the mk1 rocco and golf
  2. in the answer to the question you need a 10bar oil pressure sender and T-piece that mounts to the oil filer housing. However VW do a duel sender so you dont need the t-piece. and you need the wiring harness, which may already be there, it was on mine it was just tucked inside the foam covering :shock: The voltmeter need to be wired to a clean feed I.e direct from the battery, cos the C's dash loom is pants
  3. iwhat the part number does it start with 536 or 535 535 is a LHD Corrado only part 536 is a RHD Corrado only part
  4. mines got a soft linning almost like thin cotten wool
  5. you can lock the petrol tank cover from inside the boot i think just push the catch over on the lock
  6. go with 17's you know it makes sense!!
  7. and here its great cos you set the aircon and the car is coooool to get into!! ACE
  8. Replace the Cambelt and tensioner, Get the OEM kit. then if it still whines at least the cam belts okay for a few thousand miles my money would be on the cambelt tensioner, but when was the charge last looked at?
  9. G60Jet

    most posts

    Latest of the Kevbot Its been spotted trying to transform itself into a solid format, last attempt was with one of those robots from the gadget shop. Sadly its got a far way to go before it can reach the pedals of a C. It seems the Corrado simulator that was developed to keep him from overriding his programming can in no may match the real thing.
  10. G60Jet

    most posts

    restrict him to 5 posts per day hes been on for 21 months and 9000 posts thats over 400 a month
  11. come on bring on the cat jokes, i think this has been the most catastrophic 24 hours for my C. UPDATE ON THE METAL WORK The cross member that supports the base of the bumper and chin spoiler is all bent, and that at conected to the Subframe!!! and that all ONE PART!! RS bumper her i come!!
  12. Oh and the moggie was ginger, given that half of the cat furr is under my car
  13. Well its gonna be a bit more than a new bumper, the front cross member that the rads sit on is a weeee bit bent, please the slam panel mounts at the base are no more (that can be weld up i guess, but that was one well hard moggie
  14. Well i hit it at a high speed!! on the motorway
  15. Hit a bloody Cat on the way out tonight!! lets just say the cat is no more and so is half my C!! Bumper, Chin Spoiler is all toast, plus the base of the cross member is bent, thats okay though cos it can be fixed. F'in Cats
  16. Its about time someone came up with a morning after breath test for the home. Sorry to hear you misfortune.
  17. (Not a good idea if you can't unlock the boot with a key - cos if the battery dies you're screwed ... ) where did it say the boot lock was not working :lol:
  18. De Lock the Door and thats two barrels less to worry about. then you only have the glove box, boot on ignition to worry about thats 40% less of a problem!! or could solve it all if the door keys are the different ones
  19. i thought there was no way they could make you sign it, or have they got round that now?
  20. kongo127, they only made them in LHD
  21. G60Jet

    Rogue plug

    Yellow Plug!! thats a new one on me for a VW i thought the plug for th temp sender was blue or black
  22. its a close one for me, just love G60Dans and G60Renshaws I 've gone with Dans, but i think Renshaws should have an best mod for that dash!!
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