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Everything posted by Grim1

  1. Some really good photos submitted, I love the January pic. Also thought Greeny had a couple of great shots too. I'll definitely be after one of these!!!!
  2. Definitely a No No!!! Definitely bling that wouldn't really suit Rado's and maybe even a bit chavy in my opinion.
  3. Grim1

    Tyre problems!

    I'd suggest going to someone that specialises in wheels and explain what's happened and what's been checked. Just don't let them fob you off and sell you a tyre without checking the rim first!!
  4. Grim1

    Tyre problems!

    If it's anything to do with the valve core, just use some washing up liquid or spit on the end of your finger and smear over the valve, if it's that, it will blow bubbles. Or like pumbaa says, just replace the valve, only pence to replace, although if you go to the tyre supplier, they may do it for free.
  5. Grim1

    Tyre problems!

    Out of interest, when were your tyres fitted? If fairly recently, it could well be just the valve.
  6. Grim1

    Tyre problems!

    If the tyres are stretched on the rims, and the car is driven quite hard, could cause air loss. I've just spoken with another of our engineers (Bridgestone), and he's in agreement. I'll check and see what the recommendations are in ETRTO for the rim size and tyre size abd let you know.
  7. Ooh, I can sympathise with you there Rob, my oil cooler blew it's seal. Nearly broke my heart seeing so much oil dumped into a lay-by. Hope your C is running nicely again now though. Mine still runs sweet as....!! lol
  8. Feels good getting these things done eh?!! lol Needing a new windscreen, then need the front track rod ends doing (maybe get the front assembly checked while we're at it) then hopefully she'll get mot'd and I'll be enjoying my drive to work again, having to use the girlfriends astra at the moment!!!
  9. Started getting my C back to former glory today with the missus. Got the new heater matrix in, took about three hours and so much easier than we thought it would be!!! just waiting for the new dash, then we'll get that in and all the electrics hooked up. Tomorrow we're having a go at doing the front top mounts.
  10. Ok, I know thus is more for good buyers/sellers, but decided it's only fair that we get to know of the bad ones too. G900 16v is a bad buyer. Having offered a stupidly low price, and lack of interest for my c, we agreed a price (still way short of what we wanted!!). Having said he definitely wanted it, never turned up on the two occasions he arranged. Ok, the first time he said he had to work, but would come for the car the following weekend. After contacting him to see which day and what time, he stated he was waiting for a call from his mate with a low loader. Then, no contact from him since, and a wasted weekend for me and the other half. Muppett!!!!!!!! (all contact was via PM's)
  11. Saw a red C on the A46 heading towards coventry, would've been around 4.20pm today. Spotted you at the last moment, so didn't have time to wave or catch the reg, but could've been Jim.
  12. Feel free to give me a shout if you're short on people at all. Tend to be a bit busy to commit to a league, but would gladly take a wild card entry!!
  13. I've tried to tune it so that i have a good tune for most tracks. In A class i switch bewteen no more than 3 cars depending on the track. also, out of interest, what assists are you using? I've got all driver assists switched off, and using manual gearbox and manual clutch. clutch too? wow... i'm no good with that, so i use manual w/o clutch... but otherwise all assists off... the more you tune, the more u realise how much you need a specific tune for each track... i don't have a tune above B 500... the car just doesn't handle well after that... I'd definitely recommend trying manual clutch. I found my laptimes have improved significantly, on average around 2 seconds per lap!! You can switch the clutch and handbrake to, which makes it so much easier to get along with. If you try it, get used to hit putting in hotlaps via the leaderboards. Give yourself about 10 laps and you'll be pretty useful with manual clutch. I do find that above B500, the C isn't so good at handling. I was tempted to use a different engine but opted to stick with the VR6, although it has twin turbo on it now!!!
  14. we change the tunings every week to suit the track... what track you tuning for? I've tried to tune it so that i have a good tune for most tracks. In A class i switch bewteen no more than 3 cars depending on the track. also, out of interest, what assists are you using? I've got all driver assists switched off, and using manual gearbox and manual clutch.
  15. Ok people, what class PI are you running your C's at? I've currently got mine tuned to B class, but thinking i need to lower it. As i mostly race A class, any tips for C tuning?
  16. Thanks Shaun (Shaung60), the taillight was with me the next day and in mint condition. Much appreciated, and i'd definitely recommend you as a seller. Many thanks, Ian
  17. Wish i'd seen this thread sooner!!!!!! So, what class/PI have you got your C's tuned to? Add me, and give me a shout if you a race!!
  18. I can't believe i didn't see this thread before!!!! I'm loving Forza 3, so if anyone fancies a race, add me, GRIM DIESEL.
  19. At least Raikkonen isn't racing this year :lol:[/quote:1tlctxoh] I'd have to disagree with this one Dude. When Ross Brawn joined whilst it was still Honda, hescrapped any development of the car they were running, and focused on the next seasons car. Also, bear in mind that last seasons car was powered my Mercedes Benz. So, Ross Brawn is still the team boss, the team is now Mercedes Benz/Brawn, so more money and resources for engine development. I can actually see them doing very well and giving McLaren and Ferrari a good run for their money. Watch out for the Red Bulls though!!!! As for Schumacher returning though, i'm really pleased to see it and i think he'll still do very well, but he's going to find it tougher than he thinks!!!
  20. Cheers for that bud, i've just emailed the guy so hopefully he'll still have them. Any idea's what size they are? If they're just 15", they'll do til i get the others!!!!! and they'll look a darn sight better than the crappy 3 spokes!!!
  21. The main problem is going to be raising the funds quickly, but i'm on the case. These will work out around £120 per wheel, but it'll be worth it. So the three spokes will be going, it's just a matter of when. And yes, i am tempted to smash the crap out of them.......video will be posted!!! :lol:
  22. I'm actually living in Salford Priors, a village out towards evesham, but i work in Cov, and our head office is in Leam on Tachbrook Park. If you're about town this evening, there's a very strong chance you'll see my C opposite RBS on Regent street as i'm visiting a mate. As for the wheels though, I'm waiting for quotes on three different sets from Demon Tweaks. I've had discount from them before as they're also one of our customers........but i'll get the photo's of each alloy. This could be my first choice though.....
  23. Brilliant!!! Love the poll!!! If I could get some, I'd love the Ace Arius alloys like the ones on my last C, unfortunately you can't get them in this country. They were shipped in from the U.S. specially. Saw a really nice set in an auto centre in cov on my way home from work. Will call in tomorrow for the price. Good thing is I won't need to buy tyres with them. The advantages of working for Bridgestone. lol. On that front, i'm trying to blag group discount for everyone here. Not much joy yet, but I'll keep you posted.
  24. cheers dude!!! lol. As soon as i can afford it, i'm changing them for sure. I really don't want my Rado being the laughing stock at meets due to it's ugly shoes!!!!
  25. Looks like yours may be lowered a bit as well, is it? So should look even better on your motor! :D I'm not sure if it is or not. The guy i bought it from wasn't sure either. But he reckon'd that it hadn't, as he bought it off someone in their fities. I'm actually only the forth owner. But if it's not been lowered at all, then i may consider dropping it slightly..........but nowhere near as low as my last one!!!!
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