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Everything posted by timthetinyhorse

  1. timthetinyhorse


    Someone must have a decent splitter out there that they don't want the earth for Let me know Email [email protected]
  2. LOL to be fair mookie it was a bit of a rush job........all done with masking tape, plastic sheets and about 2hrs of my time. Still managed to get it to look ok though.
  3. HA HA yeah im almost in scotland! what size are the venoms? they look massive? i.e. 17" which in my world is massive on a road lol.... Yeah i will be hoping to take the car to a few shows next year once im happy with it but it has a long way to go yet before its at the standard that i expect from my cars lol, doubt i will get the engine bay sorted any time soon though so it will be a bonnet closed car at shows lol. How old is the G60? looks clean as a whistle in your sig.
  4. anyone will win that race aginst me as i refuse to pay the daft prices people want lol!! Yeah im going to do my plinth satin back to break up the red on the back end...... Is your rado on TSW venoms?? wish you were a bit closer would love to get some pics of the two red rados together!
  5. ok so checked the paint code finally and its time to confirm that........drum roll please..............yes.........the car is flash red!!!!! Clumpy you win the prize!
  6. Couple of pics taken from inside the rado :-) Not really of the car but still like them all the same.....
  7. no its not tornado that was my mistake, i think its storm but need to check the paint code as have a little bit of painting to do next week so need to get the paint well noticed
  8. Thanks man, lots of work is going into this car so it will keep getting better
  9. Quick update for the rado Firstly a post I just stuck up on detailing world So today i gave my wife some money to go shopping so I could get on with something that's been bugging me since I got the car.....rusty callipers and the insides of the wheels were filthy, this wasnt going to be a caliber off pads out job, this was a quick mask and spray job but here are the results..... Unfortunately I forgot my camera so couldn't take very good pics due to using my phone :wall: First I gave the caliber a good wire brush down and used brake cleaner to shift the dust. Then mask off the disc and get busy with the paint......have no fear the pic doesn't show the inner arch masked but it was :thumb: also the pads were masked off Once the brakes were painted and left to go off it was time to tackle the wheels which were fairly dirty Gave them a good spray with wonder wheels (it's all I had as my clean your car order didn't come) and agitated it with detailing brush Next the wheels were rinsed and given a good polish with AG super resin then a coat of HD wax....yet again I had run out off any wheel specific products so had to do the best with what I had I then did the same with the face of the wheels and gave the tires a good shine with megs tyre dressing Wheels were than fitted and I was much happier with the OEM silver look, the brake disc centres were also done satin black to hide the messy rust..... It was then time for some light refreshment Next task was the exhaust, it was looking a bit shabby so I got straight to sorting that out. Before And after All that was left to do now was apply a 2nd coat of AG HD wax and take a couple of reflection shots And 2nd a few night time shots copied from edition 38
  10. Just seen this on eBay, it's a guy I used to work with, could be worth a cheeky bid if anyone has a trailer and wants spares....... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Vw-Corrado-2-0-8v-/320968707595?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item4abb39ce0b#ht_500wt_922
  11. Ok mate will drop you a message when I know what plans the wife has. Weather as been a right royal sack of ****
  12. Mine broke and caused me a whole world of issues on my 16v.........dash lights would go mad and I would get crazy temps etc showing............changed the broken boner earth strap and all was well with the world. Need to check on my vr now though as radio reception is painfull!
  13. Yeah, got the red vr gleaming now, just need a splitter to finish the job, didn't realise how hard they ate to get lol!
  14. Anyone fancy getting a few north east cars together for a few snaps etc?
  15. Indeed, I can't stand seeing corrados being broken but I would rather break them all than let people like this have one.......
  16. Carbon isn't my bag but going to do it Hi-gloss black as I didn't with the scuttle etc on my aqua 16v a few years back.... Where did you follow me mate? I used to have bikes so always keep a good eye in my mirrors....... Just noticed your from blyth! I'm jogging my brains now trying to think if I've seen any rados in the past when I had my last aqua one a few years back....... I've dropped you a private mail pal.
  17. This thread makes me laugh.......if you don't like your corrado sell it and let someone enjoy it rather than make a complete dogs ear of what is a true future classic......go buy a mr-2 or something and build a crap looking Ferrari rep and cover it in awesome carbon vinyl......I'm sure it will look epic!
  18. indeed its on my to do list, to be fair the paint looks that good due to its previous owners taking good care of it. totaly agree about the contrast, it will be going gloss black, hopefully this weekend if i get time but lots to get done
  19. Picked this up two weeks ago, it was in need of an MOT etc so never got round to posting any pics of her. She is a 1993 VR6 in storm red on TT mini comps, The plans for the car are to keep it looking as factory as possible, source a good leather interior etc and do some shows next year. My last rado was an aqua pearl 16v and since that car i always wanted a VR so when i was offered this i couldnt say no....... When i picked her up she had badly faded plates, half clear chrome tail lights and good paint but just needed a polish. All opinions welcome good or bad so judge for yourself. Im using her daily so not going down the hard slam route and i know it needs a splitter but im busy trying to find one. Apologies in advance for the poor photography.
  20. Picked up my rado a couple of weeks ago with half clear rears on but they aint to my taste, there are no bulb holders with these as i need them to fit my stock lights. who says £45 posted?
  21. Well had her back for two days now after she got through the mot and so much for weekend toy.....been going everywhere in her but loving every minute, the sound of the vr6 never fails to make me smile! Will miss the car over the winter big style!
  22. Hi, The heater control on my 93 vr6 is stuck on demist, the knob ios very stiff so im scared to force it incase i do too much damaged, im not too worried about it at the moment but just wondered if its something daft like cables to replace or are there flaps that can jam open/shut etc cheers rob
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