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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. So can I sell my plate? And if I did, when it came to selling the car, DVLA would get me another one on the same reg letter then is it?
  2. Ha! Been lookin' at getting a new numberplate literally last nite and today - even posted a topic about it 10mins ago! :lol:
  3. Right, was thinking of maybe getting myself a new no.plate t'other day, nothing special but something a bit more personalised. Now, if I bought the new plate and had it put on, do I have to sell the old one? Can I keep the old one? I guess my main question is, if and when I come to sell the car, and I wish to keep my number plate, would I have to buy a new reg to go on the car then? Or as mentioned above, could I keep the old reg? If so, for how long? Thanks :D
  4. Thinkin' about buying some new rimmage and getting some stretch on the go - only 40miles from me and id rather go somewhere recommended than try somewhere new or just get turned down by local garages - nice one! :thumb right:
  5. Lol, didn't get a reply before I went out - gave em a good clean with a toothbrush (minus the toothpaste :lol: ) and applied a thin coating of grease. Suprised by how much I lowered it - N/S/R about 8-10mm and O/S/R about 15mm!! Looks much better now been meaning to do it for a while, will have to go for a spin later and take some photo's on the most level surface I find! :D Probably find out it's a wonky donkey!
  6. Alreet guys, Anyone got any reccomendation's of what to lube my threads with? Realised I never did it when I put them on and am about to go out and lower the rear a bit so thought Id maintain the threads while im there...lithium based grease be alright? Should I cover them up with tape or something too? What do u guys do? Cheers!
  7. I normally receive around £5 discount on oil that costs around £23-24. So around 20% Id guess..! I went in to get a brake light a while back, it cost £3.49 or something for a pack of 2, wasn't gonna bother with my trade card coz the price was relatively low anyways and thought why bother? In the end I thought 'may as well', used it, and got both bulbs for about 50p!! :shock: I laughed to the girl on checkout and said, "the worst thing is, ur still making a profit on them aren't u!!?", she just laughed!
  8. That'll be the rears bud - came across that problem myself after re-furbing them :lol: mk4 rear carriers don't work on Corrados. As with the mk3 VR 288's, u sure that's what they came off mate? You've bought the correct 288mm discs, for the fitment of a late mk3 VR?
  9. That's a good call Torsten, I wasn't overly convinced it is a 'rado. Looking at it now it does look very high... rado.jpg[/attachment:384knh3t]
  10. That is, the sex. Looks absolutely stunning sir :notworthy: That paintwork looks flawless, and although I love my cars pretty low, the stance on yours looks immense!! Did u 'paint' the insides of the reflectors on your fogs?
  11. Haha, don't get me wrong man id probably buy a 50mm and lower it more, if it weren't for the damn sump!!
  12. Mate thanks for the awesome offer, unfortunately Im on the other side of the bridge this wknd! Id love to take u up on that another time tho mate? I got some pretty bad lacquer peel on the rear bumper now too, wouldn't really wanna disturb that?
  13. Cheers bud, he's filthy now tho!! Haha, I've never even polished a car before :| Should really get into it I guess...
  14. Yes mate, still got the 90mm on there. It loves it mate, it takes on hell of a lot of abuse tho!! There's been a couple of occasions on bits of road that have been in the process of being re-surfaced etc when I thought id lose it, but it's still going strong! Guess the question is, how long! In answer to the question tho, id say in an ideal world it's be too low, but I don't scrape it too often, and i love the look.
  15. Sorry dude didn't notice this! Haha, nah, never bother with show & shines - don't think mines worth entering, plus it starts at 9am on the Sunday, I don't get to sleep till around then from the previous night! :lol:
  16. Absolutely agree with everyone here, contest it. It annoys me as this has happened to me before and I just rolled over and took it, very stupid of me but I couldn't be arsed with the hassle. Had a mate at work late last yr in the same situation, we both agreed that it'd probably end up costing him in the end if he contested, he did anyways, and got his money back as they couldn't prove it!! So there IS a little hope :D
  17. I bought some Phillips Extreme AND a loom about 2 months ago, have no idea why I've not fitted them yet tho!?!?? :lol:
  18. Absence makes the heart grow stronger, friend :D And your right foot heavier :lol:
  19. Good call! De-badged grill? My GF asked if I was watching Sex and the City or something, I explained it was the Boots advert and to wait until 26seconds in, then it happened and the look she gave me was all too familiar - she says she's "worried about my wellbeing now, as it's getting slightly obsessive" I always call out "mk2!!", "mk3!!", and the very very rare "corrado!!" when we're watchin' a film together :lol: She even spots Corrado's out on the road now when she's by herself, looks like my work here is complete! :D
  20. :bad-words: Words can't comprehend how annoyed it makes me to see this. And trust me, I've experienced my fair share. Just don't understand how some people can have so little regard for other people's property. :nono:
  21. Sweet man, SC :D I've always planned* on having mine supercharged rather than turbo'd. Bet u can't wait bud, how long did u say it'll be at DG for? *if funds would EVER allow, that is :lol:
  22. Saw a dark rado reg no. G*** MEX going through Dilton Marsh in Wiltshire yesterday evening, around 6pm. Was in the GF's motor as always when I seem to spot Corrados! :lol:
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