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Everything posted by V-Dubstar

  1. Gonna have to get a ding sorted soon methinks. Was just wondering has anyone used any before, for dings/dents along the crease of the rado? What were the results like? Any pix? Also, any recommendations for local (Wiltshire/Bristol based) or national companies? Cheers all! :salute:
  2. And make sure u remember to unplug it before u go to work!! :lol:
  3. Yeh Im gonna look into it - just hate the idea of having to drive somewhere or walk a long distance to just take the C out for a spin when I feel like it! Id rather just shoot the neighbours and all their kids :lol: I hear ya bud, yeh u got it right it's Chris lol! I don't fancy escalating it further with the feds, a) for it being such a small ding and b) as said I don't wanna ruin any relations tbh. I ain't gonna get paint bud, been on the phone to some PDR guys, been quoted max £65 +VAT for a panel - ain't too bad but I just can't help but feel 'why the hell should I be paying for it?!' Any recommendations for national or local PDR guys? I know the feeling all too well. Doesn't matter where u park or how far away from everyone else, someone always decides to park next to u! :lol: It worries me more tho as ur walking back to the car and u notice all the dents and scrapes along that persons car, and start worrying that if that's how they treat their car, how've they treated urs! :lol: I think if and when I see the bloke (as he seemed more reasonable and understood) I'll mention to him about the height thing, and see what he says. After speaking to my GF about it who knows them slightly odds are they'll try and get out of paying any money towards it anyways. As Kev said, put it down to experience. Again.
  4. REALLY f@cks me off tho. There's nothing I can do about it as there's nowhere else to park! When I had my Dusty Mauve mk3, some of the kids decided to use the bonnet as a chalk board with a lump of chalk off the Westbury White Horse!! That was nice of them, especially as the bonnet had just been replaced and sprayed following an accident. I could find a lock up I suppose as Im not using the car much due to having a company van, but I don't wanna have to fork out for it, or travel a distance each time I wanna go for a spin! So annoyed right now. Cheers tho Kev didn't think about extra weight in the car, it's pretty obvious its them then. Thing is I don't wanna go knock on their door and say "excuse me, would u mind sitting in the car and then opening the door and see how it looks?" now that he's already been out. Last thing I want is bad relations with people who could then 'accidentally' damage my car another time. :bad-words:
  5. :roll: Well, I've found another ding on the passenger door on my rado. After the driver's side door getting a smashing upon me owning my C LESS THAN 24HRS (see my members thread!), Id say I've adopted a compulsive disorder as to everytime I go outside, even if not going out in the 'rado, I check the line of the crease on both sides to see if there's any new dings! Anyways, today was fine. Until I got home from work and noticed a neighbours car parked quite close to mine (it's like a line of residents cars parked up next to each other at the end of a grove), so, like clockwork, I went round and had a look! Sure as day there was a new ding in the door, there already is one, and one in the wing, but this one is the most noticeable from distance so was pretty peaved off. Waited in since 1pm on the laptop looking out the window ready for the neighbour to appear (didn't know the exact house), and when she did I confronted her about it. She instantly denied it, saying she hadn't been in her car today, etc etc and that she's really careful getting the kids out the car etc and it couldn't of been her! Im a good natured person and so instantly started apologising for any false accusation but pointed out that the door strip of her car (Vauxhall MPV) was curiously at the same level and 'swing' position that could've caused my ding. I asked her if she could just prove it by opening the door to put my mind at rest at least, but she said she didn't have the keys. By now I felt quite guilty but still quite adament (sp) that it was her car... Anyways, she went back inside and I stayed out for a little longer, as I was walking back in she came back out with her bloke who had the keys. He said "Here we go mate, let's have a look". He's a big bloke but sound, so I didn't feel intimidated, but just wanted to clarify that I didn't mean to falsely accuse anyone. He opened the door, and sure enough, the corner end of the door strip was EXACTLY in the right position along my door, but probably about 5mm higher than the crease. I said well, thats pretty much spot on, he said not really as it was higher than my ding. Surely tho, when opening the door in the car u'd have more weight held onto the door which would lower it a little? In the end I just said OK, well apologies for accusing u, at the end of the day I don't want any agro. What're are ur thoughts on this, from the info I've given would u say it's more than likely that car? I understand it's hard to judge without any pics lol. Thing is, im 'pretty' certain her car wasn't next to mine this morning, as I would've noticed as I knew there was a blue Micra on the other side of mine when I left and was there when I got back from work (as u can tell im pretty anal about cars being next to mine!!) I knew the Micra was an 'ok' :lol: distance from mine and that was that, if there was another car next to mine that was 'more of a danger' :lol: , I would've remembered that one more!? Im thinking of going through a dentless paint removal company to sort the dings as there's 2 on that door now, but is it worth it!? :shrug: Sorry, rant over :lol:
  6. Sappenin' geeza!! Nice to see a members thread! Good to meet u and ur bro t'other wknd man! :thumbleft:
  7. I've just emailed them after a quote, what was yours please mate if u don't mind, for reference? Assuming it was for a Cat-back system on a VR?
  8. Awesome discount! I assume u got that email coz ur on the customer database? (even tho u didnt get one fitted?!)
  9. New seals? Pistons working? Probably £45-50 max Id say.
  10. Dunno, seeing as that's through work Id have thought it'd be a little cheaper! I got a quote to blast my calipers for £20 each, and a fiver on top to powder coat em if I wanted...
  11. Unfortunately newer cars have better security by all accounts. How have you got insurance without an immobiliser already :shock: ???? If I put immobiliser on my insurance it makes no difference to price!! But then I think my ins quote's pretty good anyways
  12. :lol: Quality! Unfortunately mate what u describe sounds like its what u think it is! VERY odd behaviour otherwise, unless u've p1ssed someone off recently? What the police say to do then? Maybe u should get a tracker installed?
  13. When I get it on the road I'll be able to take it out somewhere & get a few pics with a nice background. The eyebrow is fitted using Velcro so its easy to take off foe a pic. I know the CF effect is not to everyones taste & tbh its probably only still on because I know how quick I can remove it. When it comes off, it'll be staying off... but it's alright for now :) I just wanna see pix of the grill in all its glory :D
  14. There's something about a 9j Borbet A dish that does something to me from that angle :nuts:
  15. Damn straight. And don't even think of seeing your girlfriend until its done. :lol: :lol:
  16. Looks nice dan, interesting mod with the grill too! Any pics of it on the car without the eyebrow spoiler?
  17. Don't take the pith! Sorry! I could see(d) that coming :lol:
  18. :fondle: Ok, they're 6 spoked!
  19. :confused4: Care to elaborate Nope! :lol:
  20. They're from a scooby, but from my research all their numbers seem to be around the 50-55 mark. Must've been a mistype!! Thanks mate :salute:
  21. Thanks mate. Yeh I know, PCD is 5 x 100, but the person's emailed me saying it says et98 on the rim!! I've asked for photographic evidence and to double check coz that seems a little mental! :lol:
  22. Right, Im not too clued up on how the offset works on rims - I think the et figure is basically mm? from where the wheel would bolt to the hub, if et0 is in the middle of the rim, is that correct? Excuse my awkward way of trying to explain myself lol! So et43 (which I think is what VR6 Speedlines are?) is 43mm towards the outside of the rim? If I were to buy some wheels, with an et98, does this mean the rims would be sitting inside the arch 55mm more than the Speedlines, and need a 55mm spacer to compensate, or be sitting outwards than the Speedlines by 55mm? :confused4:
  23. Thread sizes are determined by thread diameter, thread pitch, and thread length mate. If u measure the diameter of the thread (outside of the threads), you'll get the 'M' number (ie M6 is just under 6mm dia). To measure the pitch, u'd need a thread pitch guage, something like this. This will then determine what the pitch of the threads are (so you'll get a final figure, say M6 x 1.25) with 1.25 being the thread pitch. This is the bolt size, then obviously u also need the length of the threads, measure this from the bottom end of the bolt UPTO the head of the bolt, NOT the whole bolt! You'll then be left with M6x1.25x20mm (based on wanting 20mm of thread) Try using these, they have a pretty good range of bolt sizes, with a good sample of head choices too! Never had any problems with them and they arrive quickly :D Bolt heads are in no way a method of determining size bud! Hope this helps :)
  24. I didn't watch any of the last series :ignore:
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