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Everything posted by Musicman

  1. Of course, there's always the old standby :)
  2. ISTR I found several applications of Zymol Cleaner Wax (the cheap one from Halfords) followed by some Autoglym Polish sorted out some nasty bird crap damage to the bonnet of my Scirocco.
  3. Hadrian do Mk 1 Scirocco rear arches ('77 onward) but not any for the Mk 2 nor the Corrado. :( (the only Mk 2 body panel they do is the bonnet)
  4. I suppose they are used to making cars with bigger wheels and a little more clearance than some of their modern designs... :)
  5. Might as well have the full set while we're at it :)
  6. I may have to do similar if I'm ever playing a gig at The Old Drum again :)
  7. Being rather perfectionist about it... If I had to choose one, I'd go with the first option out of that lot for the Corrado. Perhaps the second. The skew angle of the flag doesn't quite match the one of the 'Corrado' badge, which is a problem having the two of them in close proximity IMHO. On the Bora - the rear boot lid behind the 'Bora' letters.
  8. I must admit to being particularly excited by the suggestion this thing is an Orgone Accumulator. William Reich was an incredibly fascinating individual and died in jail while defending the theory from the US Government. Do let me know if you're subject to uncontrollable erections while driving your car with the new power plant - unless others can inform me that is the a perfectly normal reaction to owing a Corrado. :)
  9. On the A40 between Gloucester and Ross, there's a village with a wonderful name. :) Edit: I see it's already been commented on. Here's the photographic evidence :D
  10. Over £1 per litre last time I filled up with Optimax on Sunday. Make that $7.15 per US gallon... :?
  11. Kenneth Kendall gives me the horn.
  12. As featured in the video for Tears For Fears' Everybody Wants To Rule The World :) I love 'em. Possibly my favourite British sports car ever. They sold well in the USA, IIRC.
  13. Those are 'or' statements, not 'and' statements. Fail any one of them, and you're out of line. If they've taken the advice of typographers, they used that wording to distinguish between proper Italic script, Oblique typefaces and others which are also not vertical. Italic: slopes bottom left to top right. The letters are designed to the correct proportions at an angle. Technically, the use of the word 'script' also means that it's a cursive form. Oblique: the letters slope consistently either bottom left to top right (forward) or bottom right to top left (backward). Oblique characters are often automatically derived from upright characters and aren't specifically designed to be rendered in a sloping manner. Random slope (extreme example below)
  14. The 2001 Statutory Instrument is the document to which they should have referred you, as it defines what constitutes 'substantially different' http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2001/20010561.htm#15 The digits on my 1990 Scirocco aren't in the current mandatory font, but they're legal in those terms for a vehicle registered before 2001, unless and until I fit some new plates. @ corozin: my point is that there's some ambiguity in the current legislation over the interpretation of 'other qualities' in the alternate specifications (see my post on page 5). It begs the question why that part of the legislation exists at all. @ stan: Fixed Penalty Notices neatly avoid the messy business of a CPS decision to prosecute and time and money in court. For the public, it's a way of avoiding a criminal conviction, I believe FPNs are technically civil instruments much like ASBOs.
  15. It's Spanish for 'race' (and also a very lovely kind of marble, but I doubt that's where Porsche got it from)
  16. See previous thread on this topic and my comments on page 5 http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... man+plates The DVLA have apparently clammed up to Dubmeister and it's in legal limbo. Needs lawyers to sort it out really.
  17. My gf's quite keen on 'em too. :) FWIW, there's a dealer on London Road in Mitcham that always seems to have several in stock whenever I go past, if you're looking to try a couple out.
  18. What do you get if you cross a Corrado driver with a Meerkat?
  19. Musicman

    Leather colours

    Tan would get my vote.
  20. Hay on Wye has an entertaining history in these matters... :-P
  21. Just doing a random search after seeing that... Must admit I was rather surprised to see this too http://www.carinabox.com/index.cfm?fuse ... t_ID=10850 Hello! :D Now is that another Mk 1? :?
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