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Everything posted by robrado974

  1. Love the dbp , yes its the best !. I have always used photobucket , i use a mac , so a bit different to pc .
  2. Looking very nice , looks a lovely car .
  3. What are you system are you using to put the pics up clumpy ?
  4. Looks lovely , a big improvement . You must be chuffed with that .
  5. The reflectors sit in the back of the unit , as far as I know they don't come out , I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong . Apparently you can refurb them , I'm sure I've seen someone's members thread , saying they had done it . What I do know is they are very delicate .
  6. Hi Stella , when you say the lamps , do you mean the reflectors ? As they do go due to the age of our cars . Put out a wanted post , as there are a few breakers ATM . Sorry to hear about the scratch .
  7. As above , I always look at the cover . Hoping one day they will feature the corrado
  8. Maybe people did have a choice then ? I'm going with what I said before I change my mind lol .
  9. Self employed unfortunately mate , going on holiday in two months , I need all the dough I can get . Never mind I will have to see what comes up later on show wise
  10. I'm working on these days , I really must get to some of these shows , this one only being two hours away as well .would be nice to meet up with other forum members
  11. Thanks for getting back to me , I'm painting the red one ATM , that I got cheap on eBay . I suppose there might have been an option from the showroom ? If you wanted coded roundel or not ? . If my red one is a good finish then I think I will go with that . Thanks Rob
  12. As some of you know I'm going back to oem . I have a 93 brochure that shows the Vr badge in red , colour coded script and chrome Vw , so with mine being a92 would this be how mine was or did the chrome Vr badge come first and then the red vr start in the 93 period? . Thanks . Rob
  13. Yes its possible to make the roundles in chrome , one of the companys i am speaking to only specialise in car badges . What i would say though is , when you are making the scripts or vr badges you are not really treading on vw's toes . Go to make a vw badge and they might have something to say !
  14. Thanks for the feed back , if i can get them at a good price and have enough interest i will do a run of scripts . Then i will sort out the red vr grill badge which will have the fixings .The only snag is i will require the loan of one and this will difficult. When i get the badge from matt i will be able to send pics of the rear badge showing the pegs . Rob
  15. Welcome along , pics of car please .
  16. Thanks Fay, i would only have them made at a sensible price and only if they are exactly as the original . I have had one price back .....holy crap its a hell of an outlay ! ,having said that it would be great for people to have a nice new sparkly badge .
  17. Thanks for reply Jim . Yes I see your point about the pegs . Think it would be a long process to gather all the scripts from everyone that wants one and either they send to me or they send to the company to be done . I'm speaking to Matt later as he has an oem badge , so if it comes to production they have an exact copy to use . The other option I was thinking is reproducing the vr6 grill badge in the red and black form . Rob
  18. Hi all . Just wanting some feed back to this please . If i can get these made to match oem , how much interest is there going to be ?. The outlay for these is quite expensive because of the mould and chroming .But having said that i think i can get them for a reasonable price if the order was big enough . What do you think about the self adhiesive route compared to having the pegs to attach it to the car . This is still in the early stages atm and i am waiting for the prices to be sent to me .Would appreciate what you all think . Rob
  19. Looking very nice , may bump into you sometime (well not literally !)when me and rob are out for a drive in ours . Will hopefully get mine back on Wednesday, so I hope to be out for a drive at the weekend Rob
  20. Strange ! You would have thought someone would have looked before sticking it on?
  21. Thanks for posting this ,have just sent it to the body shop , so it will be in the right place . Rob
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