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Corrado G60 Vs MKIII Golf GTi....

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Well, after hitting a MKIII Golf GTI in my Corrado last Thursday night on the way to Liverpool airport, I can safely say that the Corrado wins in a head on fight! :?


Driving down a nice long (3mile straight ex-roman) road on the way to Runcorn from Northwich (A533) when we came up behind a lorry and a car doing 40... looked and went for it when a Golf came out of a junction in front of me without looking... :shock:


3 options:


1) pull back in - to the side of the lorry... sod that!

2) Hit the golf head on (or as near as damn it as she'd stopped not quite head on to me once she saw me) - that's REALLY gonna hurt

3) Try and get the Corrado down the passenger side of the golf on the grass verge and if needed into some poor sods front garden... the soft option!


Well, I went for option 3... and damn near pulled it off... I managed to get the car onto the grass verge and down the opposite side of the golf so that my passenger side hit her passenger side without actually touching the wall or entering the garden, eventually coming to rest across the junction... :?


J-DUB's got a rather bent and battered front passenger wing, damaged front suspension and mild paint damage on the passenger side, oh, and one of my Borbet's is well bent... :( (Glad I've got 6 of the buggers! ;) )


You should see the state of the other car though... MKIII Golf GTi's aren't built very well... Both passenger wings, doors and the sill on it just plain crumpled into a mangled mess...


I've not had the photos developed yet, but I'll post 'em up here once I get 'em...


All parties involved are OK and unhurt, and we managed to get off to the Dam in the morning instead so still ended up having a nice weekend away... 8)


J-DUB's looking a bit sad and sorry for herself though... and I'm back in ANOTHER fecking Punto :evil: But she WILL be back on the road, and will be better than before! I'm just waiting for the insurance to sort it all out and then I'll lob in a little more cash and get a full respray while she's getting fixed... :wink: ;) :D

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:( sorry to hear that mate bad luck, glad the rado came out on top though. :roll: Good luck with getting it sorted.


I 2nd that..

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probably something to do with 'crumple zones' to absorb the impact of an accident...maybe! i could just be talking out of my ar$e!

bad luck though mate, thankfully it wasnt any worse and you had your wits about you!

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she'd been back on the road for 11 days since the engine re-rebuild... :|


I actually think we were VERY lucky... the Brembos did their job VERY well and scrubbed off the 60mph down to sub 20mph before we hit the Golf, there was nothing else on the junction to hit so going down the nearside of the Golf was a viable option to take and somehow (I still have no idea how) I managed to keep my wits about me and aim the car down the nearside of the Golf and avoid a head on collision or side swiping the lorry's trailer wheels all in the space of about 200 yards and 10 seconds or so... :|


The only thing that's really p!ssed me off is that no fecker stopped... 2 cars behind me, the car I'd just overtaken, or the lorry I was alongside all just buggered off and didn't even check to see if anyone was injured... :evil:


Engine and gearbox are still sweet as and have no damage... none of the lights got damaged either! :|

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one of those oh bugger!! moments :cry: but i'm sure she'll be back better than ever henny 8) i bet the ideas are brewing already :wink:

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It's a seriously crappy moment climbing out of your C to survey the damage.


Trust me though, you'll be very happy when J-DUB rolls back out of the bodyshop with a nice new spray job 8)

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Always my fear of overtaking is that some other junction obscured by the vehicle you are overtaking (and the other car cannot see you for the same reason) pulls out and something like this happens.


Really sorry to hear it but can't wait to see J DUB back.. again.. but wearing a new coat of paint :)

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Jesus Henny- I have to say you seem to have such a positive attitude to these things 8), especially given the fact that your car is (or was :( )nigh on perfect now.


Hope it gets sorted soon though :|

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sorry to hear about it mate, but at least it wasnt a total loss and she'll be back on the road soon,........unlike mine :cry:

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Always my fear of overtaking is that some other junction obscured by the vehicle you are overtaking (and the other car cannot see you for the same reason) pulls out and something like this happens.


Oh, no, Jim, she had a perfect clear view, she just didn't look... she was coming out of a junction on the right of the road (as viewed from where I was driving) she looked right, saw it was clear,(hence why I was overtaking! :roll: ) pulled out and THEN looked to the left (where she was going) to be confronted by me sliding towards her in a cloud of tyre smoke! :roll: (rears had locked due to being almost off the ground 'cos the brembos had bitten so hard! :lol: )


I've got a positive attitude to this purely because it could have been SOOOOO much worse so easily... There's no point in being negative when, at the end of the day, the only thing that happened was a few bits of metal got bent... 8)

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Nice one Henny, good attitude to take 8)


What a shame.... you've certainly had more than your fair share of bad luck. You car is jinxed I reckon!

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Sorry to hear your tale of woe, henny, but like said it could have been a lot worse and at the end of the day its only a car with a bit of bent metal..


I think if my car ever gets crashed/stolen i couldent handle/afford another C and would have to make a change.

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Overtaking on a junction is likely to result in the insurance company going 50/50 though, unfortunately for your no claims.. :(

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Sorry to hear that Henny, is she admitting fault?
Nope, she's claiming I shouldn't have been overtaking there... even though the copper who came to the scene said I wasn't in the wrong... :roll:


dr_mat, I've protected full no-claims anyway, so it'll just bump up my premium next year a bit, so I'm not that arsed to be honest... ;) The insurance people are saying it'll be a split fault claim with it 80% in my favour, so only 20% my fault... :roll:


coolrado, nope, it was on the single carriageway A533, just after you get out of Withington...


Cheers to everyone else who has commented... 8)

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sorry to hear this Henny :( .....one thing after another with poor old J-DUB and you of course the main thing tho as you said is that you're still here to tell the tale with just some bent metal and a few quid out of pocket to show for it as you say it could have been a hell of a lot worse :shock:

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