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New Wheels

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Well I can't say its been a smooth ride, and its lucky i have Mr Visa le Spania to help me out. But i've finally got a set of usuable rims i thought i could never afford!


I won't go into the boring details but I just hope the previous owner of these wheels gets mauled to death by a thousand rabbid badgers and chokes on his frankfarter. :2gunfire:


Anyway, hopefully some picks of them on the car tommorrow and the main point of the post other than showing off is to say a MASSIVE thanks to Dave-Grade A for being a star, especially at a tricky time when he did'nt need to be listenning to me. And Steve-Supercharged for going out of his way to help me out. Cheers guys :wink:


and good tip on the rubber Kev, loving the tyres!

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Erm... is this the end of the story with these wheels, Nick - aren't you missing out a bit? :lol: :(


Edit: Actually - you posted that at a god-forsaken time this morning, so I guess it is the end of the story and err well done! :D

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Well done Nick!


Loving the Kumho KU15s, they've got a well sexy tread pattern ;-)


They are actually a track optimised tyre I was recently told, but road legal! Phenomenal dry grip, it really is good.... not bad in the wet either, but no F1 though.

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Wow, they look like they're taking up most of your kitchen mate, get them on the car ASAP! :)

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oooooooohhhhhhh...... shiney!!!!


they look lush.... and hopefully they will be well worth the hassle youve had this week....


cant wait to see em on the car!!! :)

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Blimmey! I didnt expect anyone to read this! Thanks for all the nice comments. They still ar'nt perfect but from a few feet away i reckon they will still look good.


Got home late tonight so new shoes will be on first thing tommorrow morning!!


Dave, nice one bud but let me know how much, im not letting you pay for the caps if thats what your trying to do!! Not your fault ebay guy was a nonce and youve been a star mate.

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Got home late tonight so new shoes will be on first thing tommorrow morning!!


its 11.50 ! what the hells going on ? where's the pics ? they will look the dogs mate :-)


they are RH ZW1 split rims arent they ? lash em with some polish before you put them on nick , during the salty weather it might pay to coat them with wd40 :wink:

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He phoned me about 1pm and was about to fit them...


ban him i say :-)


nick are they 8.5x17 ? did you go for the same all round or wider at the back ?

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