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OUCH!!!!!!anyone off here????????

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Friend of mine was following it, the bloke climb out of the back window, its a nasty bend he lost it on

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Jesus! How far away from the road is that! :shock:


RIP another VR.. but on the up side...Good to hear they walked away though

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Nah, just looks like the sort of mess he likes to make of his cars!


Hope whoever owns it is OK :shock:

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You gotta hope so, at least the roof has remained largely intact, the A pillars hardly seem to have moved. Guess it's still got to hurt a bit though.

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If that was most any other 14Yr old car, dont think he would have walked away :pale:

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dibs on the passenger side repeater...

Bother, I spotted that and wanted it. Too slow..... :wink:


Really hope everyone was OK and am sorry to see another raddo go


edit - nope it's OK, I'll have the driver side please...... :)

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Yikes! :shock: Using all my experience in the insurance industry I'd say that was a write off.


And shame on you vultures! :lol:


Toad I have some locking wheel nuts I don't want.... :wink: Had some spare normal nuts so swapped em off the G60 before I sold it. :D

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I survived a similar accident (similar in that I rolled and ended up wrong way up in a field 57 yards from the road) in an MG Metro in 1984. If my accident was any guide that car has rolled at least three or four times before coming to a rest.


All I can say is the driver (like me) has been very lucky indeed to even survive it, let alone walk away (as I also did). At the risk of tempting criticism the car had little to do with it - he was just bloody lucky that the manner in which it rolled meant he didn't get crushed.



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Does look to have been a nasty enough experience and I'm sure the driver is clearly grateful for his survival... agree with John though - it's more likely the way it rolled that saved his life rather than the C being an amazingly strong car!


My guess is he won't be going round that corner with any speed for a good few months!

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Well you're absolutely right Phil. If you look at the wheels which have clearly dug into the ground as it's been going over and just filled up with mud etc - now transplant that and imagine the A/B pillars taking that kind of impact side on instead of the wheels. Lucky almost isn't the word for it.


The roof of the car is structurally quite strong provided you land on top of the roof structure. They're nowhere near as strong when soft verge digs into it and applies a massive force from a perpendicular direction. The more I look at those pictures the more I shudder thinking about it to be honest.



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From the marks in the field it looks like someone was doing donuts - maybe it was nicked and someone was joyriding.

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Anyone seen dinkus recently?


Oi, cheeky. I might not be posting much at the mo, but I do lurk :)

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