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<insert car here> Vs Corrado VR6

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The new Scirocco is soon to be on our roads and lots of people who I work with are keen to know if I'm getting one (am test driving on next month) and this has sparked a debate in the bar about why I'm even still driving my beloved C.


My fellow colleagues state that its a waste of time putting the effort into cleaning/caring for my car in the manner I do as, "its shit and old" etc etc. :camp: Now, I'm not too bothered about this, but it did get me thinking...


Recently we've had a whole bunch of N

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I think you'll struggle a bit. All of the car designs are getting on for 10 years newer :(


There's gonna be a big difference down to the drivers though.

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Do any of them have as much soul as a Corrado?

Do they make you feel the same when you look at it and drive it?

Will any of them be massively respected and loved like Corrados are in 15 years???


Doubt it :clap:

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Yep your not going to do very well against them.


I do love my Corrado but i dont know anybody who respects it or says it has soul etc all i get is go and spend the money you have on that and buy a proper mint new car :scratch: to me that doesnt add up though

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All of those cars save the RX-8 are big engined versions of normal cars whereas yours was only ever designed as a sports car. That should count for quite a lot. :clap: Plus the C was designed 20 years ago!

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Besides any speed or power differences, a car of any power is only as good on a track as the driver in it!


If anything i would be flattered that people with such powerfull modern cars need to make the comparrison to an "old" VW, regardless if they even like them or have ever owned one, most people accept VW`s are good cars, top speed isnt everything, the fact you never see "old" versions of a lot of cars speaks volumes for the quality and cult following of the dub scene


and when you consider G60`s VR6`s will do 150mph and they came from the early 90`s and ar estill around to prove it, they arent exactly slow are they :wink:

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Yep, don't kid yourself. The Corrado VR6 is far from the fastest car on the road these days.


But that's not the point. People here go on about "soul".. personally I think it's just because the Corrado is

a) different enough you don't bump into one every day, and

b) it's not SO different that it's impossible to maintain and get bits for..


And it happens to be pretty decent in the performance and handling stakes, even by modern standards.


And of course, you can buy one outright for the depreciation cost in the first year of ANY of the cars you mention as alternatives.. ;)

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Rados are still fairly decent in terms of handling etc when compared to a lot of modern stuff, especially if you have renewed all the bits of rubber & the suspension etc and consider the added weight of newer models.


However, it is nearly a 25 year old design and the real difference on more modern stuff is the amount of horses you can squeeze from a similar capacity engine, 200bhp used to be very unusual, now its the minimum for most hot hatches and coupled with fully independent rear suspension makes for a big difference.


Independant rear suspension would really make a massive difference to the C and would be enough to make them very competitive when fitted with a modern 1.8T for example - we know the chassis is capable of handling figures of 400 bhp reliably too.

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Have to say I was shocked how much better the RX8 drove than my VR.


The steering feel was absolutley sublime and the ride was incredibly forgiving for such a sporty car.


You know what I would have bought one as well, well I would have if the engine note hadnt sounded like a milk cart! :dorky:


You need the whole package and the C has it pretty much. Its the noise, power delivery, shape and the size (compared to modern cars) of the VR that keeps me hooked.

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My old mans A4 TDI would have my VR for dinner in most circumstances, but as nice as it is I still wouldnt swap it. Pace and speed is not everything...... :scratch: I think !!!

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Thanks for the responces dudes, I have to admit I'm a bit surprised, however I'm probably biased towards my Corrado obviously. I would have thought it would have been close, not a complete spanking. I guess I was fooling myself as my car looked pretty small when parked next to the aforementioned vehicles. :)

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interesting reading - for me, its not about the performance but the 'exclusivity', the noise, the head turning it does, the shape, the fact that its a 20yr old design and still it doesnt look out of place, the character and soul.... Yeah lots of faster modern cars out there but it doesnt interest me. I've wanted a Corrado since I first saw one when I was a kid. I've had lots of people in my car who had never heard of one and not one person doesnt like it...infact I get asked to come round with the car, so they can see it and have a drive! That means more to me than something that'll scream off the line, etc etc...


only my 2 cents... :wink:

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Agree that all aspects of car dynamics have come a long way since the Corrado was penned, and all of the cars on your 'Nurburgring list' are pretty capable steers, but the old Corrado still has the ability to 'mix it' IMO. I've been out on trackdays with all of the cars mentioned, and absolutely ate some of them for breakfast in my VR6 (not the ITR though...). You'd be surprised at how the car will hold its own against more modern machinery.


It'd be interesting to find out how each would go 'back to back' with the same driver. I remember EVOs recent 'best FWD cars of all time' test, where the Corrado didn't exactly do very well against the ITR, Clio etc. I had a circuit drive in a Focus RS when they were new and was astonished at how well-balanced the car was, with sharp, communicative steering, an adjustable chassis and the ability to deploy all of its power out of slow corners through the Quaife LSD. It was on another level from the Corrado IMO, and that was in a car which was 'new' 6 years ago.


TBH I'd chop my VR6 in for a DC2 ITR if I was guaranteed a 'good' one, but that's also a 12 year-old car... :)

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ofcourse VR6 would be slower than modern cars, but it beats them all in terms of looks and style imo 8) 8) 8)

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You have to remember that even the newest Corrado is 13 years old and I bet the even the lowest mileage and well maintained examples have worn out parts. I think the only way you could provide a truely fair comparision would be if you were to pit a brand spanking new Corrado against one of the more modern rivals and then see what the outcome is :D

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I dont think the corrado would get a 'spanking' by all of the mentioned cars. Ok with the likes of the ITR and VX220 but the corrado with all suspension parts etc renewed still handles very well. I have driven modern cars and yes they feel great but you cant exactly go miles faster round a corner than you could in the C. I can keep with my mate in his 350Z albeit with a few hairy moment :lol: and i reckon i wouldnt be miles away from my old mans audi a4 quattro 2.5 tdi

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Yeah, I've been on the track with Civic Type Rs and sure they're a little faster in a straight line when they get spooled up (though the VR eats them for lunch when they're off-cam), and the suspension is a lot tighter and they have SLIGHTLY more grip, but it's not exactly night and day.


There's a LOT of sloppy Corrados out there. Mine was one of them, and there's lots of people around here complaining of imperfect steering feel and sloppiness.. They certainly won't compete with that "new car" feel. And TBH even when you renew ALL the suspension components you wind up with a tidy handling car with great steering feel, but the chassis is still nowhere near as rigid as a modern "fast car" - that's where modern cars get their excellent ride and road holding from.

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Now I realise that the replies I'm going to get are going to be mainly speculation


Exactly. You won't know how well you fair against them until you're all driving at 10/10ths together round the same track. The track is the only constant in a myriad of variables.


Who cares what your mates think anyway, sounds like the kind of pub discussion I'd walk away from personally :D


Enjoy your Corrado for what it is 8)


If you want to race against the mentioned cars, don't c0ck about, just get an Aerial Atom and smash them all into the weeds. Fair's fair, right? They're suggesting a decrepit old VW isn't worth bothering with and no match for the modern cars, well, and they are no match to an Atom :wink:


That's what I love about pub discussions, there's nothing like comparing apples with apples :lol:

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i hate it when poeple refer to my VR as old and ****. One lass even said 'whats this sqauare old thing' i told her to walk if she didnt like it. But was is it with people today, unless its brand spanking new and EVERYONE has one, they dont like it. Ok the ST maybe fast, but ive seen more of them on the road then i have Corrados and the Corrado has a 15 year head start. I hate all this band wagon business, everyone seems to like the same things cars, ipods, music.


Its good to be different! Dont care if its not that fastest on the road, as Dr_matt said, you dont bump into alot of them.


Sorry rant over. :lol:

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