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<insert car here> Vs Corrado VR6

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Driving a VR round the ring is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.


Sure you want to enjoy the curves & go like hell but what you should do is ease her in & get things hotted up a bit.


After a short while you will get to know one another & begin to test the boundaries.


Then should you start to hear all the right noises & begin flinging the old girl around with great delight.


Always bare in mind that that another man was here before you & some paid dearly for it after making a mess.


As stated above you should pay attention to the right kind of lubricant & try not to burn it out......


Finally when you reach the end its time for a fag or you could even go again, but dont stay too long as she may cost you your pride & your wallet!!


I think i need to get out more :ubergeek: :ubergeek: :ubergeek:

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Driving a VR round the ring is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.


Sure you want to enjoy the curves & go like hell but what you should do is ease her in & get things hotted up a bit.


After a short while you will get to know one another & begin to test the boundaries.


Then should you start to hear all the right noises & begin flinging the old girl around with great delight.


Always bare in mind that that another man was here before you & some paid dearly for it after making a mess.


As stated above you should pay attention to the right kind of lubricant & try not to burn it out......


Finally when you reach the end its time for a fag or you could even go again, but dont stay too long as she may cost you your pride & your wallet!!


I think i need to get out more :ubergeek: :ubergeek: :ubergeek:


:rofl: :notworthy:

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Driving a VR round the ring is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.


Sure you want to enjoy the curves & go like hell but what you should do is ease her in & get things hotted up a bit.


After a short while you will get to know one another & begin to test the boundaries.


Then should you start to hear all the right noises & begin flinging the old girl around with great delight.


Always bare in mind that that another man was here before you & some paid dearly for it after making a mess.


As stated above you should pay attention to the right kind of lubricant & try not to burn it out......


Finally when you reach the end its time for a fag or you could even go again, but dont stay too long as she may cost you your pride & your wallet!!


I think i need to get out more :ubergeek: :ubergeek: :ubergeek:


:rofl: :notworthy:



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Driving a VR round the ring is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.


Sure you want to enjoy the curves & go like hell but what you should do is ease her in & get things hotted up a bit.


After a short while you will get to know one another & begin to test the boundaries.


Then should you start to hear all the right noises & begin flinging the old girl around with great delight.


Always bare in mind that that another man was here before you & some paid dearly for it after making a mess.


As stated above you should pay attention to the right kind of lubricant & try not to burn it out......


Finally when you reach the end its time for a fag or you could even go again, but dont stay too long as she may cost you your pride & your wallet!!


I think i need to get out more :ubergeek: :ubergeek: :ubergeek:


Fantastic! Are you Swiss Tony?

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i hate it when poeple refer to my VR as old and ****. One lass even said 'whats this sqauare old thing' i told her to walk if she didnt like it. But was is it with people today, unless its brand spanking new and EVERYONE has one, they dont like it. Ok the ST maybe fast, but ive seen more of them on the road then i have Corrados and the Corrado has a 15 year head start. I hate all this band wagon business, everyone seems to like the same things cars, ipods, music.


Its good to be different! Dont care if its not that fastest on the road, as Dr_matt said, you dont bump into alot of them.


Sorry rant over. :lol:


:notworthy: 100% with you mate! It boils my blood when people say its sh!t just because its old and when i ask what they do like, its all the same mass produced crap that are all the same but with different badges basically! But at the same time i still get a lot of compliments because it is different and people also realise its a one of design by vw intended as a sports coupe rather than just a golf with slightly wider arches, without mentioning any new vw sports coupes coming out soon :wink: (*waits for pedantic replies saying how i am wrong and the corrado is based on a golf etc :lol:)


Lately i have been having a corrado downer (just ask Kev, he's been on the end of my depressed emails :lol: sorry mate!!) as i have recently moved house and the roads are terrible, really bumpy with pot holes everywhere :bad-words: and its really made me think about selling up and getting a modern car that absorbs bumps and doesnt yank the steering out of your hand over every pot hole. But then i look around at these modern cars and yeah they drive nicely and wouldnt feel as bumpy but they are all dull and lifeless (with a few exceptions obviously but not within my price range!). But i know that with a bit of time and money i can get it driving as good as possible and then whack a turbo on it and wipe the floor with all the above mentioned cars :clap:


Alright Rob, I was wondering if you have fitted the track rod end sleeves and lower ball joint extenders to your car? you'd be surprised how much bump steer they can eliminate on dropped rides, and can restore the suspension geometry quite effectively :salute:


harshness of pot holes may still happen though :salute:[/quote:gbke33z8]


Swear I pm'd you that Herisites :scratch: Sorry for the Off-Topic!

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Driving a VR round the ring is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.


Sure you want to enjoy the curves & go like hell but what you should do is ease her in & get things hotted up a bit.


After a short while you will get to know one another & begin to test the boundaries.


Then should you start to hear all the right noises & begin flinging the old girl around with great delight.


Always bare in mind that that another man was here before you & some paid dearly for it after making a mess.


As stated above you should pay attention to the right kind of lubricant & try not to burn it out......


Finally when you reach the end its time for a fag or you could even go again, but dont stay too long as she may cost you your pride & your wallet!!


I think i need to get out more :ubergeek: :ubergeek: :ubergeek:


Classic :lol: You should send this directly to VB-H - it might just do the trick :norty: Failing that I'll make sure its read out at your wake :) I might not be there but my boys will.

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2 hours from the Ring Monkey, what you waiting for? (after the oil cooler of course!)




Shit. I keep forgetting about getting an oil cooler! I'll have to get in touch with the dealership and get a quote for fitting it.

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i take back all the defending of the corrado i did. After being stuck in Leeds City centre for 2 hours, due to a brake issue, waiting for the RAC and a recovery truck to arrive. I am not too happy with the rado at the moment :mad2:

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Driving a VR round the ring is a lot like making love to a beautiful woman.


Sure you want to enjoy the curves & go like hell but what you should do is ease her in & get things hotted up a bit.


After a short while you will get to know one another & begin to test the boundaries.


Then should you start to hear all the right noises & begin flinging the old girl around with great delight.


Always bare in mind that that another man was here before you & some paid dearly for it after making a mess.


As stated above you should pay attention to the right kind of lubricant & try not to burn it out......


Finally when you reach the end its time for a fag or you could even go again, but dont stay too long as she may cost you your pride & your wallet!!


I think i need to get out more :ubergeek: :ubergeek: :ubergeek:


Best composed, wittiest and funniest post on here in ages, and it's in good company! Made my day. :D

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bogged a bit on 3rd but too high for 2nd - this is where the modern day turbo'd stuff just pulled lengths on me and i had to reel them in again.


That's the VR6's standard gearing. It's sh1te. The drop in revs from 2nd to 3rd is horrendous. If you'd had the Gemini 3rd to 6th kit on your car, you'd be on the tail of M3s all round the track except the longest straights.

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The jump from 2nd to 3rd takes you from about 6k rpm in 2nd at ~62 mph to 4k rpm in 3rd. That's right back in the power band, and it's even easier if you have a schrick/VSR because you have a full 3k rpm of power band instead of the standard 2k to play with.


Sure, if you happen to find yourself in a corner doing between 50 and 70 you're going to be constantly swapping cogs (unless you have a VSR), but hey, the VR wasn't designed as a track car, and it was released at a time when 6-speed boxes were unheard of, and therefore they had to fit 5 gears in between trickling about town and 150mph on the autobahn.

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Im not complaining about the gearing, ive got 195/45's on 15's on mine so if anything the gearing is a bit shorter than stock so it kind of overcomes the hurdle from 2nd to 3rd,

Its more the power delivery of the VR, its quite a lazy lump and you really need 4k for it to pull with conviction,third in the karousel was really the only option, 2nd gear and it would have been sat nigh on the limiter, 3rd was just under 4k.

It just took its time to get into its stride again.

We all know why VW didnt want to fit the VSR to the Corrado, dollar!!!! onto what was an already fairly expensive car.

that and a 6spd box would have made it something else!.

Only cars of its day with 6spd were the 3.8 M5 and the Audi S2, ive owned both :lol:

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The VR6 is a great car, but I wouldn't have thought it would be at it's best on a track. Cars like the Integra and Civic should be a lot stiffer and the brakes much more effective. The whole "off-cam" thing isn't really an issue on track either. I would have liked to have had my VR on track at some point but would always have been worried about something breaking :(


Actually, the Nurbugring should be about the best possible track for the Corrado, lots of long straights and sweeping bends, not too much of the really twisty stuff where the more modern cars will leave it behind. Anyone got any in-car videos from the 'ring?

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I wouldnt say the 'Ring is any more suited to a VR than any other track!,

Id also hardly say there are any really long straights at all!.

Even the straights have bends,kinks and crests!.

I dont think the Corrado gives away much to the never stuff in that environment or at least mine didnt but it has been played with,chassis felt like it could take at least another 100 horses

Flugplatz/SZ was the fastest point on the circuit for my VR, i just nudged 140 and thats about the quickest straight on the circuit but not very long

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There's a few guys at work who take the mickey out of my FRP to get on my nerves, I used to bite to it but I don't now as I know it'd beat anything in our works car park around a track/b road.


Never bought it to impress anyone else but myself :D

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