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Nugget almost done! Well top bit anyway :)

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Well i've never had so many phone calls in a day! :shock: so far my insurers have pulled out all the stops and i'm getting a coutesey car tomorrow too which is good as the daily aint running perfect at the moment but getting better. And i cant see why i should use my car if she's stupid enough to not be concentrating then let her insurance co pay for it.


I'll be adding up how much juice i put in the car too as i normally cycle to work but as i'm so stiff and fear even worse health if i do cycle i'm almost being forced to drive through feeling crap and having to pay to bloody get there too :mad2:


Just want the assesor out now! Fingers crossed chaps! I really want to fix it up it's just too damn good to loose.


Had to pay for doctors inspection too! or rather her insurance did! Lol!

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Well i've never had so many phone calls in a day! :shock: so far my insurers have pulled out all the stops and i'm getting a coutesey car tomorrow too which is good as the daily aint running perfect at the moment but getting better. And i cant see why i should use my car if she's stupid enough to not be concentrating then let her insurance co pay for it.


I'll be adding up how much juice i put in the car too as i normally cycle to work but as i'm so stiff and fear even worse health if i do cycle i'm almost being forced to drive through feeling crap and having to pay to bloody get there too :mad2:


Just want the assesor out now! Fingers crossed chaps! I really want to fix it up it's just too damn good to loose.


Had to pay for doctors inspection too! or rather her insurance did! Lol!


That's encouraging news to hear Paul. If your insurers do an excellent job I hope you will recommend them for good service. All sounds good so far, let's hope that the comment I posted earlier is proved wrong.

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Sorry to hear the bad news chap :(


The same thing happened to a mates mk2 rocco on the day he bought it. The car was immaculate for its age. His car sustained very similar damage to yours. Because of the cars condition and nature of the shunt he managed to get the other drivers insurance to pay for his to be fixed and not written off. The body shop did a top job leaving only a tiny crease in the boot floor near the suspension. Hope the same will happen for the nugget.



I very nearly had a rear end shunt myself just yesterday. I was on an open A road in Herefordshire with a tractor turning right into a field ahead. All of the traffic ahead of me had stopped. Now, i always look in my rear mirror when stationary for any reason as i am aware of the damage a rear end shut that you have no control of can do. What did i see in my mirror, a people carrier whith a woman using her phone coming at me and not slowing! I put on the hazards got on and off the brake pedal and also got on the horn. All i could do was watch her panic, hit the brakes and luckily come to a stop with the abs doing its stuff big time. If i hadnt been looking and acted im sure it would of been a very bad smash.


And that is not the 1st time such a thing had happened to me. Sometimes i think it would be a good idea to fit a loud horn to the rear end of the car and some police style flashing stobe lights to the rear shelf to wake these numpties up!



Good luck getting it all sorted out.

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Just noticed this, gutted for you mate. All I can say is "the dosey Sl@g, it's bright yellow FFS, how can you miss it"

Hope everything is resolved promptly, and make sure you get a good claim in for whip lash.

I hate claim culture but I would now soften the blow with as big a payout as possible as I ended up with whiplash after a go-karting incident, if I'd have know what it would be like following the incident, I swear I would have kicked the guy who shunted me round the back of the head so he knew what it felt like! Still recurs years on, so make sure its well assessed and treated.

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Sorry to hear about this kip :( Real bad luck mate! such a smart nugget too, Hopefully the insurance will repair it, Luckily your not hurt too bad but watch your neck mate as my mrs had a simillar accident last year in her merc and she had to have a week off with neck pain and she had pins and needles down her arm and fingers! Get some x rays if you already haven`t , Good luck with it all mate :(

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Sorry to hear this Kip!


As a fellow nugget owner I feel your pain.....there aren't many left, especially ones in as an original condition as yours!


I fear though, that it will be written off :( Those rear quarters look very bad indeed,they are not cheap either,! I hope though I'm wrong and if its agreed value they should fix it and as the accident was not your fault I'm sure you can demand to be put in the same situation as you were prior to the accident, i alway hear this bandied around but when I put it to my insurers once they didmissed it, but my claim was 70/30 in my favour, you are 100% not a fault....


As others have said, How the Bleedin' Nora did she not see a bright yellow car......it would've taken all my mental power to not have killed the woman if she'd done it to mine, unfortunatley some people just don't see cars as classic, they are just lumps of metallic transport :censored:


I really hope you get it sorted Mate, can't have another endangered nugget removed from the road completely!

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I very nearly had a rear end shunt myself just yesterday.


Shocking story and so glad to hear you managed to get her attention.

Having been in a very bad rear end shut myself I am always VERY aware of what's going on behind me. Driving back home last might there was the usual 6 / 7 cars nose to tail in the outside lane going the same speed (OK maybe 1 mile an hour faster!) as the 1 car in the same space on the inside lane. I always move over to the inside in those situation as I would rather my journey take 2 mins longer with a lot less stress than sit in the outside lane.


Anyway, courtesy car arrived this morning. Black Mitsubishi Lancer, diesel. I bet Kips gonna find it strange driving a modern car for a while.

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What did i see in my mirror, a people carrier whith a woman using her phone coming at me and not slowing!




I bet if cars were fitted with cameras, driving standards would miracously improve.


Given how cheap cameras and storage are these days, and their tiny size, it wouldn't cost much to fit forward, rearward, side facing cameras and 1 hidden internal camera, plus a day's worth of storage.


It would change insurance claims, car thefts and road rage over night.

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only just seen this thread, feel for you mate! been there as well, i had someone write off my VR last year :(




a new rear panel and rear wing from vw is expensive, i paid £1300 or something all in to have it fitted, thats without having it painted, and didnt include new rear bumper, lights etc...


i got it repaired and my mate has since brought it off me and had it resprayed, but i would say its a write off that :(

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oh, but i did claim whip lash and had a few physio sessions, got a pay out of £1700 for that which helped make up for what i lost, claim for what you can i say

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Only just seen this. Sorry to hear about the accident. Glad though that you have already been to the Doctors.


As Eric has said, please do keep records of all your out of pocket expenses and also a report of your injuries, medications etc.

And - he is right, about even envelopes !


Please see a Physiotherapist, even if it is privately - as they will also give excercises to assist your neck injury.

It is also wise to record things that you cannot do - due to injury. All these are required to assist a Compensation claim.


Obvioulsy you are disraught at the car damage, but, but, your health is far more important.

Although obvioulsy, I hope you do get the desired result from your insurers on the car.


Good Luck on all counts



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If you're going for an injury claim they'll ask for a breakdown of everything,


Record any pain you still have on a day by day progression, any medication taken, painkillers etc.


If you need any help getting dressed or if you have to ask the mrs to help with the washing up keep note.


Anything that's affected what you would do day to day or has caused an inconvenience to yourself is what you can claim for.


From my accident, I had about 12 pages of statements.

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He's stiffening up nicely now :wink:


Though a few beers Saturday night at his 40th party will no doubt loosen him up a bit. Sunday could be very messy though :gag:

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Just to echo what I said on FB mate, Im gutted for you :(


If your need any help getting it sorted or any parts you need give us a call

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If you're going for an injury claim they'll ask for a breakdown of everything,


Record any pain you still have on a day by day progression, any medication taken, painkillers etc.


If you need any help getting dressed or if you have to ask the mrs to help with the washing up keep note.


Anything that's affected what you would do day to day or has caused an inconvenience to yourself is what you can claim for.


From my accident, I had about 12 pages of statements.


Is that all - 12 pages - mine was 5 x A4 Lever Arch files !!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

But then it was rather a large claim - which took 6 years to settlement.

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My rear end shunt was 17 / 18 years ago and I thought I had a good payout at £1500 whiplash compensation.

There was no doctors charging for being seen then and I certainly didn't know anything about keeping records of what additional expenses I incurred.


I guess thats why insurance is getting so expensive as people are able to claim for everything. But if someone causes you pain, discomfort and lots of additional expense due to their actions I think it's only right that you should not be out of pocket and compensated for the pain you experiance.


If someone walked up to you in the street and whacked you in the back with a plank of wood you wouldn't just shrug and walk away. Using a car as such due to not paying attention while driving is not so very different.

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If you're going for an injury claim they'll ask for a breakdown of everything,


Record any pain you still have on a day by day progression, any medication taken, painkillers etc.


If you need any help getting dressed or if you have to ask the mrs to help with the washing up keep note.


Anything that's affected what you would do day to day or has caused an inconvenience to yourself is what you can claim for.


From my accident, I had about 12 pages of statements.


Is that all - 12 pages - mine was 5 x A4 Lever Arch files !!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

But then it was rather a large claim - which took 6 years to settlement.


6 Years! What did you do? Crash a yacht! Mine was 12 pages of my day by day progression of injury :p


Chiropractors report was... interesting. It almost seems to imply I'm lucky to be walking... He did like the corrado though ;)

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Wendy didn't do anything. I believe she was an innocent passenger in a car that had a Big accident.

Anyway, I'll leave it to her to elaborate if she wants to.

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