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  yacobwood said:
When I click 'My Account' then 'View All Posts', it shows me everything I've ever wrote. Can we not bring back the tab, 'My Posts' so we can see if threads we have commented on have had another post in it?


Also, are we having some of the old smiles back? You cant beat an icecream eating its own head :)


And don't forget the elephant man!


I would love a return of the "My posts" button, was nicer than the Subscription stuff to quickly recap on things you've already commented on. Also, I keep getting emails to subscribed topics that i have asked not to recieve emails from. My email in box is slowly filling up :(

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I too would like the return of the My Posts Section - much easier than trying to recall which section and which thread you replied to.





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  yacobwood said:
It seems these buttons are greyed out too


Can you post an image that isn't minute and therefore impossible to work out what you're talking about..? ;)

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You can ask for the "My Posts" bit as much as you like, but I'm afraid the software doesn't do that.

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  Andi said:
Can you post an image that isn't minute and therefore impossible to work out what you're talking about..? ;)


It limited me last time. Said i couldn't upload anything bigger =/

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  yacobwood said:
It limited me last time. Said i couldn't upload anything bigger =/


Give Andi lots of money each month and I reckon you could upload more. Even just a £1 a month means extras on the forum. Everyone should help out for all the hard work thats been put into getting this working.

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  Riley said:
I'm having log in troubles.


When i log in at the top, it goes to the redirect page, but then the log in form is still there at the top. If i then click any section though, I then appear to be logged in.


But also when i come back to the forum, i haven't stayed logged in.


Apologies if this has already been mentioned, just popped on quickly. I'm using google chrome btw.




Any thoughts?

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I sent you a PM Andi, to see if it works as i got an email telling me i couldn't recieve a PM from C5 OEM as i needed to empty out my messages , which i did. I'm guessing the message was lost as it never showed up. I have since PM'd him back but neither that message or the one i sent you have appeared in the Sent folder.

The PM was also to ask if i could go back to Donator status?........not too worried about it saying it, just like the idea of having more storage space :)..........oh and after much looking i cant find the wiki(knowledge base)............the info is here http://fastpurple.com/wiki/ but isnt very easy for people like me to work out whats what lol.

None of this is critisism btw, i appreciate all the hard work you and the team put in ...........salute smiley



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  Supercharged said:
Chrome's not keeping me logged in either Riley - looking into it now...

Good stuff, keep up the good work lads.

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  Andi said:

You can ask for the "My Posts" bit as much as you like, but I'm afraid the software doesn't do that.


Well that's just bums... :(


Oh well! just give me back my elephant smilie and all shall be forgiven :D

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Appreciate all the effort that's gone/going into this Forum update and i'm slowly learning the new ways.


However I am having one issue with PM's, despite clearing my inbox down to 50 messages I still can't send or receive due to being over my personal private message quota (apparently).


Am I doing something wrong...?

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Looking good, is going to take a little while to get used to it but upwards and onwards!


oh and thanks for sorting my log in problems andi :)

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Is anyone else having the situation of pm's being mixed up between inbox and sent? Its looks very odd and is confusing.


Another vote for increased and smarter smilies.

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  StueyB said:
Appreciate all the effort that's gone/going into this Forum update and i'm slowly learning the new ways.


However I am having one issue with PM's, despite clearing my inbox down to 50 messages I still can't send or receive due to being over my personal private message quota (apparently).


Am I doing something wrong...?


Have you cleared your Sent Items?


  C488ADO said:
cant upload any more than 4 pics at a time???


pain in the arse for when adding a monster post..


Will sort that now.

Edit: All seems to be ok. Can you test again?

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  8vMatt said:
Is anyone else having the situation of pm's being mixed up between inbox and sent? Its looks very odd and is confusing.


Well I managed to send a PM to myself, so yeah I think I got confused! Haha.

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  BILLCOR said:
Can I change the colour of the Icons, the blue and grey are quite hard to tell apart with my old eyes


Last go for this Q!!!



Looking at my PM box, I have deleted them all as I was way over the 500 allowance which I thought a bit strange.

I had a look through and quite a large amount of the same PM appeared in the inbox and sent items, no problem as they are all gone now, just thought I'd mention it

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  Andi said:


  • The ranks from the old software are back! Newbie / Regular / Enthusiast, etc!
  • Subscribers now automatically receive a special ⋆⋆ CF Donator ⋆⋆ status, as well as a 5,000 item PM box, plus the ability to upload 1,000 high res pictures in the Albums (instead of 100 medium res for normal users). Just a little way to say thanks - but more goodies to come. Suggestions?
  • Back using CloudFlare again for DNS caching. Hopefully the slowness issues are now resolved, and should make the site more responsive, as well as reducing load on the server and bandwidth.


New site looks great, very refreshing. Only issue i have is with broken links... but this has been mentioned before.


i noticed my profile is showing "regular" ... i've been donating regularly for nearly 4 years now (damn time has flown by!)... granted it is not a lot, but i guess it all adds up right?


cheers for the hard work and maintaining this forum Andi. Id love to know a stat which showed how many hours of my life i had spent reading these forums!



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Andi, is it possible with the new software, to make the CF title in the banner link us straight to a list of new posts as it used to?

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  mattnorgrove said:
Andi, is it possible with the new software, to make the CF title in the banner link us straight to a list of new posts as it used to?


I'm not finding it THAT much of a chore to just click the "What's New?" link instead to be honest! And I *always* used to use the old banner / search for new posts link..

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  BILLCOR said:
Can I change the colour of the Icons, the blue and grey are quite hard to tell apart with my old eyes


I asked this question a few days ago (page 9) a simple yes, no or F-OFF would suffice.

As a CF subscriber for the last few years, I dont think its a big ask

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  Jim said:
I'm not finding it THAT much of a chore to just click the "What's New?" link instead to be honest! And I *always* used to use the old banner / search for new posts link..


It could do with fixing though - much easier for peeps with iPads to click on the larger button... I'm pestering Andi about this!

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