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Ron's Blackberry VR6 - A11 VRX - Getting her back on the road

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It's come up well, good job as the rest of the day hasn't been the best. I always knew my car had some less that ideal wiring. When I bought it, I had little tidy up but now, with the dash out I've been having a proper investigation. Peeling miles and miles of crumbling insulation tape has revealed some pearlers!


Check these wires just twisted together out!






Also check out the pile of redundant wire and other electrical chaff I've found and removed...a tracker...old alarm wiring....the remains of a massive ice set up that was all just tucked under the carpet and not connected.




But this is the best one, 30A ingnition cable, spliced into a speaker cable ad then down to a tiny bit of cable...FFS!



I knew the NVQ in electronics would be worth having one day :)

Edited by Hofmiester

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When I got my current shed, it had the amp in the boot removed and the positive feed was left loose in the boot about 2 inches from the earth and some bare metal! Nice one! It was fused but still!


Shame that something like this could potentially destroy a car likes yours!

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It's crazy, it is all alarm related so basically the guy that fitted it back in 2004 was a real Cowboy :( ah well, it hasn't gone up in flames yet and I'll be able to sort this easy enough.... Just more work!

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This morning I've been examining the heater box to see why the heater controls in my car were broken (usual, directional control)

When the Bowden cables are disconnected, they all move freely so they are not the issue as is normally the case.


Moving the arms on the heater box showed that they were really stiff so I took a look inside....


The foam that coats the flaps inside has all crumbled away and jammed up the mechanism, which must have put strain the the control unit and eventually broken it.





Edited by Hofmiester

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Mine was the same inside the heaterbox mate, I had problems with the directional control before I stripped the heaterbox noticed a build up inside the cogs cleaned out oiled them and works a treat.

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I've stripped all the crumbling g foam now, cleaned the mech with compressed air. Like you say, bits in the cogs too. Going to recover the flaps in neoprene and grease mech with silicone spray.


Then I'm ready to put this all back together!


Btw bought a butane soldering iron for the wiring repairs....awesome bit of kit!

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Got my flaps out tonight :p


Cleaned them up and lined them with 4mm neoprene adhesive backed foam, way better than the crappy foam originally fitted.


Flaps in a tidied up box :)


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Been renewing all the foam gaskets in the air system, all ready now. Just waiting to have a decent run of time to start putting it all back together.

This has been a bitch of a job due to all the extra things that are worth doing while the dash is out. Probably racked up 16 hours or more and it's still in bits :)





Got to the bottom of the wiring bodges too. Looks like the car has had an attempted theft at some point. Explains why the passenger window wasn't tinted like the others. I'm guessing this happened when Robbo, Craig or Mookie owned it as I've seen pictures from before that time and the windows are all tinted in them.


Basically the autowatch alarm has 2 immobilised circuits, but 4 wires for each (8 black wires in total) so that would be thieves, are confused. Someone had cut one of the circuits and tried to hotwire, but the other one is in tact. Attack thwarted!


Nobody bothered to wire it back up properly and so just left it with a load of wires hanging out all over the place.

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It's been 2 months since I decided to remove the whole interior to address a number of issues and to hopefully get it all back in squeak free :)


So far I've done:


Heater matrix

Re-wire of alarm

Re-wire of dash board electrical bodges

Fitted heated seat looms

Renewed cable padding, insulation etc

Stripped and rebuilt heater box

Fitted new bolster to driver seat

Remove all door cards, made repairs to glue and clips etc

Cavity waxed all panels, sills

Resprayed spare wheel

Cleaned all dash components

Fitted Dave16v short shifter

Changed expansion tank


And loads of other stuff, but two months of evenings and weekends has been too much, pretty sick of it now :(


Dash is coming back together, spent ages organising all the wiring looms behind the dash, they are all separate now and labeled to ease future work....I am bloody OCD with that stuff.




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That looks really impressive - I bet your fuseboard now just clips in comfortably! When i install my OBD2 I'll certainly try to do the same.

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Yep, fuse box fits properly now and all the random fuses in the alarm system that were just connected with spade connectors and electrical tape, are now running to proper mini fuse boxes (there is one in the pic for the central locking and indicator blinking)


It has taken bloody ages though and in some ways I hope it was worth it as nobody will ever see all this work :)

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Well done on the wiring, I need to get on top of mine really, it is a bit tight to clip in! I've got a few hours tomorrow, maybe you've just given me inspiration to fill those hours!

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