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Loss of faith

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It it just me, or does anyone else lose faith from time to time in their C?


I'm on a right downer with mine at the min!


Needs a few things doing (engine, supercharger and paint) and it's MOT time next month :cry:


Just thought I'd ask if anyone thinks of selling there's every now and again?



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Yup... went through that stage last weekend when looked at mine.... in everyone elses eyes they see a lovely car....


I see:


paintwork that needs stonechips sorted

wheels that need refurb

cylinder head that needs new valve guides and timing gear

suspension that needs updating..


It gets me down alot sometimes as I dont always have the money / time to get it done... but I drive it and it puts a smile on face...


Thankfully I am slowly getting the jobs done now!


keep at it mate... and do a bit at a time. Even if its only a small job... its one less thing to do.

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i went through that last week....and yesterday.....and.....oh yes...just now! but i keep on buying stuff for it and too be honest now i have done my belt and tensioner the engine id so much more quiet!!! but i cant believe that was the only this responsible for all that noise before.... i give it a week before my rattley engine starts again :roll:


Also booked in for new exhaust and some body mods and now looking at buying new alloys :roll:


depends how much you like driving at the end of the day. but in the words of long haired pop legend jon bon von ron ton jovi.....you gotta keep the faith :lol:

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Ah the belt tensioner.. yeah.. working on that one myself!

I'm waiting for Vince to come up with the goods with his suppliers who may be able to make up pulleys..

Meanwhile, anyone want any VAG pads/disks for a VR6? I'm off to get some with parts club discount tomorrow... :D

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I'm waiting for Vince to come up with the goods with his suppliers who may be able to make up pulleys..


why??? its a bit fiddley but very cheap to just get the bits and do it yourself

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The old pulley isn't very strong, he's working on getting new ones made up, so you don't have risk breaking the old one by cutting the bearing out and pressing the new one in.

I'm hoping he gets somewhere, fast...

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I went on a downer with my 16v and sold it... and look where that got me!


I've tried to be a bit more patient with this car, and its helped that its been really well behaved so far.. but I could list about 15 things on it that I want to get sorted in the immediate future but my finances will only stretch to about 2 of those every 6 months.


TAX due at the end of this month for me!

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The old pulley isn't very strong, he's working on getting new ones made up, so you don't have risk breaking the old one by cutting the bearing out and pressing the new one in.


true...i thought mine was gonna split when i pushed the old bearing out....but you just have to cut enough of the lip away and then get the old one out pretty quickly and its ok..

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Precisely, and walking to VW and having to order a new one ain't high on my list of "things to do on a saturday"!! :|


My C constantly gets me down, when new things rattle, or there's a new expensive sounding noise, or the ABS light comes on (again), or I have to spend £53 on a tank of fuel, or.... ... !!


But then I drop it a cog, give it a handful and there you have it.. the raison d'etre of the Corrado VR6.


Now, just to get a new steering rack, ABS pump and all new front brakes fitted, and it might be mechanically finished!! :)


Knowing my luck as soon as that's done, something else will fail or it'll get stolen... :(

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yeah, I keep going on a downer with mine... she's not running properly again at the moment... :roll: :(


It's a year on Thursday since she blew up and out of that time I've only been able to drive her properly for about 3 weeks.. the rest of the 3 or 4 months driving has been bedding in and teething problems...


I'm hoping that these new boost hoses will sort the problems out and all will be fine, as mechanically she's spot on, but the paint work keeps niggling at me as she really does need a respray... :(


Problem is that I still love her to bits most of the time! :roll: :lol:

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Same here, I have to admit that my Rado keeps me busy more than the 2 Roccos I have combined. Everytime I get a problem sorted, another is bound to pop up almost immediately after or during the sorting of the first problem :roll: Oh well, who said Rado ownership was cheap and easy? :lol:



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It doesn't help I can't really do things to it myself. I've got a garage, but it's not at my house, we haven't got a drive, so it's always "Kirb-side Motors" if I work on anything my self.


I've got a Golf IC and pipe work, a Sachs clutch and stacks of other bits on my bedroom floor!

Plus, A set of Froged pistons down at Pitstop/Gwerks.


Also need the Charger doing, but I'm gonna wait till I get back off holiday for that.


It's just a pain when I want to do something and the street is packed, or it starts raining.


Plus it could do with a once over of paint, (atleast white is a cheap paint though :lol: )


My mate does nearly all the work on the car due to him being a head technician at a VW Stealers, and doesn't really charge me much.


I do love it to death, but she doesn't half push me to the edge!!


Oh well, I'll just get on with it and chuck another couple of grand at it :lol:


Thanks for the support!


P.S. It's like a support group, "Hello my name is John, and I'm losing faith in my Corrado G60" :lol: :lol:

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I don't know any Corrado owner that hasn't felt this way about their cars!!


It's a no win situation. You don't want to sell it because of the huge losses you'll suffer and you can't to sell it anyway because you like it so much.


Which then leads onto the: "I'll just replace this bit and then it'll be so much better afterwards", which you repeat 876 times until you're financially and emotionally crippled.


I've been to my CA (Corrados Anonymous) meetings and have pulled through it a changed man. No longer do I get depressed about it and no longer do I replace the odd bit here and there on a whim. I now replace 20 bits here and there on a whim :lol:


My advice is this: If there is any doubt, there is no doubt. So if you're thinking of selling up, do so ASAP before you get even further into the Quagmire.


If you like the car, put up and shut up.. then enjoy it :lol:

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With ya there Kev... The whole CA meetings thing has meant that I've given up on trying to have a normal life, spend most of my waking hours either here or in/working on the Corrado or asleep wondering what's gonna break next... I think I may hold the record for overkill so far though... a single £1.50 bolt resulted in over £11,000 of work! :oops: :lol:


It really was a case of "well, while I'm doing that, I may as well do this too....oh and then this, and.........." :roll:


I still love the car though, just wish she wasn't so fecking expensive for silly small bits... :|

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Said the bodyshop guy to the missus, "I didn't have him down as married"


Said the missus to the bodyshop guy, "if he wasn't married to me, he'd be married to that car"


:lol: :lol:


Does that make me a bigamist? :mrgreen:


Just don't ask me which one's had the most money spent on it :oops:



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Mine brings me right down - haven't had it working properly this year... every time it's come back to me it's worked badly for a couple of days then had to go back again!!! We've just about re-built the engine now and I'm having a new crank fitted this week (along with new clutch while the gearbox is off) I've spent over £2K this year on garage bills due to the extent of the damage to my engine - which we suspect was caused by a previous garage (but can't proove it) If I hadn't gone so far with it and could get back what it's cost me then I'd get rid of it in a second... on a more positive note the paints in great condition and it looks the nuts. I'm sure that once it's back and running properly I'll not think twice about getting rid of it.

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It it just me, or does anyone else lose faith from time to time in their C?


I'm on a right downer with mine at the min!


Needs a few things doing (engine, supercharger and paint) and it's MOT time next month :cry:


Just thought I'd ask if anyone thinks of selling there's every now and again?




yup, i've done that, when people kept driving into him, and I was working out cost to repair and get things ship shape :(

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I've felt this many times, especially when i hear a different sound or somethin does not feel right :( . Think bad Paronoia has kicked in. CA has not helped me stop spending money on it either.


Since gettin my car done at Stealth that has helped me realise my car's true potencial and in return has given me new hope and love for it.


My mate's had his C over six months now and still has not had one prob,

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I'm getting a bit unhappy about the money haemorraghing but it's mostly my own fault for introducing it to a tree. And replacing a rear shock has turned into an entirely new rear set of suspension and bushes. The steering is also pretty sloppy, so there's gonna be a fair bit of front suspension replacement going on... oh and the serpentine belt and tensioner pulley need fixing and new plugs and tyres and the sunroof needs fixing too.


But even though I know all that, I drove it to the bodyshop yesterday and cackled all the way :D

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I have been on a downer with mine since gti international when I didn't have it ready in time and have had this fault with the distributor but alls good now and I'm firing back on all four cylinders you just have tio be patient with these cars and all will come good iin the end :D I cant wait to give mine a damn good spanking in the next couple iof weeks you wont see me for dust 8)

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About a year ago had that feeling, but test driving / looking at new cars soon put paid to that, theyr'e cr#p!. Was doing a few bits to car tonight and neighbour said 'more problems eh?' , at which I jsut said no, more of a hobby really. Then he reeled off a long list of £700 worth of trouble he's just had with his white Vauxhall. .... many cars get you down, but at the end of the day, it's a Corrado, youv'e gotta love it, it's the law! :)


P.S Didn't feel too good last night though changing wheel in the pi##ing rain because a sharp stone totalled one of my new £90 Conti's! Felt so w#nk driving back home, damp clothes,dirty hands, water running down my back, pootling along at 50mph with a spindly space saver wheel on and the spoiler up! :roll:

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