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gotvach last won the day on May 20 2016

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10 Good

About gotvach

  • Rank
    ⋆⋆ CF Member ⋆⋆
  • Birthday 10/04/1973


  • Location
    Essex, UK


  • Interests
    Custom cars, IT, languages, Sci Fi, Films


  • Occupation
    Systems Engineer


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  1. Hi Dave, Absolute long shot 10 yrs down the road (!) - are these still available? I'm interested in a pair and also the top L brackets kit, if you're still doing those? Cheers, Grant
  2. I shall have to fix that! Looking at it again with fresh eyes I can see now that the curves suggest it should be either side of the hole. Thanks for letting me know. Went through an MOT like that too.
  3. Thanks for this. They say this will increase to $350 after release (approx 1st November). Nice to support a company willing to step up and fill a gap.
  4. Received mine today! Only had a moment to peek at it but it looks impressive and very professional. Awesome job. Please pass on my thanks to Kurzy and, of course, cheers for organising this@g0ldf1ng3r [emoji868] Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
  5. Yes, I'm happy to pay in either way. Whatever is easiest or preferred for you guys. Cheers. Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
  6. I wouldn't get ZEF298 if you have a coil pack. According to Beru's data the distributor leads are shorter so it's not just ZEF1260 with an extra coil-to-cap lead. Apparently mine (dizzy) were quite tight to fit but I believe this was the plug end rather than length issues. Original source: https://www.beruparts.eu/content/dam/marketing/emea/beru/catalogue/ignition-leads-connectors.pdf Interestingly the same document doesn't mention ZEF1260 for Corrado at all ; only 2.8 motors from 01.94 on 🤷‍♂️
  7. Forgot to post a rare sighting (for me) in early September whilst I was up in Maldon, Essex. Quite a solid looking 16v.
  8. At the end of the day I'd prefer functionality and quality over aesthetics. Well, honestly, partly a goal is to take the load away from the headlight switch 😉 - in that it will succeed. Anyway, your feedback on kurzy's loom is valuable and adds confidence (even a little excitement!) and I would much rather buy from an enthusiast/member. I am still interested 👍
  9. Please put me down for one if it doesn't require any drilling to mount. Also +1 on OE connectors, if an option. When available I presume these would be up to the task at the headlight end: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Brand-New-OE-Quality-Corrado-E-Code-Headlight-Plug-Connector-Wiring-Terminals-/322012821152 (at a cost that might only make it feasible for DIY right now)
  10. Yes, the 3 foamed and black loom are cable tied to both sides of the column. There is an alarm so someone has already been in there in the past and I couldn't really trust what I saw. At least knowing it's normally tight in there on both sides helps a lot. I was contemplating removing it all to make more sense of it but I think that will lead to frustration. Thanks guys. 👍
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