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Everything posted by VR6

  1. File or photo size may be too big. Can you re-size/scale it down? Failing that I could give you my email address and you can send the picture to me.
  2. Let me Ebay that for you ... :) http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Corrado-Late-Beige-Heated-Leather-Interior-/150941106755?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item2324ca8243&nma=true&si=nPn58%2Fp80rMMcHd3Xly0hbkUV3I%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Sounds similar and didn't sell for £650. To be honest I was going to suggest £600 and it should sell if it's in good condition. End of the day it's up to you! If I offer you £50 you're not going to accept it so there comes a point at which you're happy to sell. That's why people hate 'what's it worth' threads so much. It's worth what you're willing to accept and what someone is prepared to pay. Simple.
  3. If you want my opinion, save your money ... and time! At least until you've heard it running. You should be able to tell right away from the engine noise whether the chains/tensioner needs doing. Yes they will probably need doing at some point during the engine's life but it's not the norm just to do them as a preventative measure. I've been on here a decade and I don't remember reading a thread about a snapped chain/ruined engine.
  4. It's a good offer to be honest but that's mainly based on the fact it's a 1990 1.8 16v. If it's immaculate it's potentially worth more, especially with the full respray. A separate thread with some pictures would help a lot :)
  5. £10 postage as well. Guy is a first class tool.
  6. Ringo? Welcome to the CF :salute:
  7. Buy a cheapish amp or run without one i.e. directly off the head unit ... ? Ah you're one step ahead of me! ;) So what's the question? :scratch:
  8. Welcome to the CF. What makes you think it definitely needs chains and tensioners doing, when you haven't had it running?
  9. Is it actually heavily modified but you have made it look like a standard Polo? :scratch:
  10. Thanks for posting up ... We'll await further reports but I would be surprised if it was a forum issue.
  11. Moving. Negative response? I think the response was virtually all positive. You will appreciate the exasperation at seeing 'feeler' and 'what's it worth' threads. A lot of the time used by people to post somewhere other than the classifieds to draw more attention to whatever it is they are selling. Or hoping some idiot will offer way over the odds.
  12. What a complete douche.
  13. ^^ Reason number two I really dislike 'feeler' and 'what's it worth' threads.
  14. Do you have a program that will resize it for you? Something like 100px high by whatever wide tends to work. Some versions of windows have an image re-sizer either built in or available as an add-on.
  15. Maybe this is stating the obvious but 'what's it worth' threads do wind me up a little bit ... so I apologise if this comes across rather short, it's not meant to be. If you advertise it for £50, someone will probably buy it ... but you will no doubt be unhappy at under-pricing it. If you advertise it for £800, it's probably unlikely to sell. Why not just advertise it for £400 and drop the price until someone either buys it or makes an offer?? Who cares if you're being unrealistic, you can ask what you want, it's your engine! :)
  16. Ok I think that's enough of an idea. Time for a proper advert.
  17. As above, very little clearance between the bonnet and the highest part of the manifold. When you fit a Schrick manifold you need to remove a section of the inner bonnet structure to stop it fouling.
  18. Advertise it ... it has two chances of selling! :) There's no point theorising about how much it might sell for.
  19. VR6

    Office Forfeits

    Yeah, either over here or in our Southampton office. I don't know much about it tbh though, I just know they were talking about someone to look after all the servers, network, exchange etc. I could try and dig out job spec if the geography didn't put you off? Feel free to drop me a PM or email matey.
  20. VR6

    Office Forfeits

    It's all the boss's fault. We have a weekly quiz in two teams and the winning team picks a forfeit for the losing team. Yesterday's quiz included a 3-point bonus round for the team that performed the best Haka! We're actually looking for someone in our tech/IT team at the moment! :)
  21. VR6

    Starting issues

    Ignition switch should be very high up your list of possible culprits.
  22. VR6

    Office Forfeits

    Thanks for the suggestions :) Some ideas of stuff we have done already: Pyjama Friday Bin bag fashion show Animal face painting
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