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Everything posted by moneypit23

  1. Show off! Where from? Ebay a couple of years ago. Don't even know why i bought them, i guess i'm just a vag-magpie :)
  2. Forgot to mention this earlier.. Baby blue one with blue wheels in Stapleford this morning on Toton Lane.
  3. So today was that dreaded time of year when i usually receive a financial spanking however it only failed on both rear brake pipes corroded and they were advisories from last year so i was expecting that. The front brake pipes were mentioned as an advisory as was the slightly deteriorated exhaust (its still got the original) so all the brake pipes are being replaced next week. Also had a full service and the guy remarked on it being such a nice car :clap: which kind of made my day!
  4. I bought one of these, as recommended by someone on the forum - Fits a treat http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Seat-Arosa-Ibiza- ... 5d24cd3c56 Ian :D Also just ordered one of these. Even if it doesn't fit properly its got to be better than the one which is clinging on now.
  5. Are the badges really 'uber rare' ? If so, i have some unused ones which may be winging their way onto the bay :D
  6. Looks like my weekend is sorted. I'll check the relays soon as i can, might even have the spares.
  7. It wouldn't start immediately but did after a minute or so. There have been no issues with dodgy revs or anything just this one incident. I knew things were going too well.
  8. No it was more of a spark type noise. A bit like the stiff switch on my hair straighteners (not that its any help) so could be a loose wire.
  9. No. There was also a slight electrical type of noise coming from that side of the dash now i think about it.. hmmmm... i thought it might be the original swith dying a death but maybe its related?
  10. Barely noticed as one passed me today, it was blue i think :shrug: and was in Keyworth at about half five.
  11. I was wondering whether anyone can shed some light on this... I was driving back from work doing about 50 on a dual carriage way and i was just about to overtake a lorry when the enging seemingly died. There was no power so i had to quickly hit the hazards and pull over at the side of the road. The rev counter was showing nothing but the enging was still running so i switched it off and tried to re-start it. It wouldn't start at first so i took out the key, locked it and unlocked it with the remote. It started this time and seemed perfectly normal and was normal all the way home in heavy traffic. Previous to this i have noticed the occasional slight surge in power when driving along at about 50-60 but other than that the car has been running perfectly. Does anyone have any idea what might have caused this and whether it is likely to do it again. The MOT is on wednesday but i'd rather sort anything i need to myself first. The car is a 95 VR6. Thanks in advance. Kate
  12. Dark K reg with aftermarket lights going into Nottingham uni or QMC yeasterday morning about 0815. Sure i've seen you before but i'm never really awake when i'm sat in that traffic :sleeping:
  13. Quality motor Tom! Don't go getting attached to it, the corrados will get jealous :D
  14. I've been on a council list for 9 years! :shock:
  15. Yep, looked on gumtree. Any more details about it? Reddish is right round the corner from me! My kinda price range too... Its behind the shops on Anson Rd off Thornley Lane. There was a sign up and there was 2 free when i gave my keys back. If you need the number let me know. Kate
  16. I don't know where abouts in manchester you are but i used to pay £10 a week for a cosy garage in Reddish. Have you looked on gumtree?
  17. Not bad looking but i agree with the bland comments, its just a bit too generic looking. If you took the badge off it would be anyones guess.
  18. Get as much sorted as possible whilst you are still at home so you have fewer problems moving with you. Then spend all the time you would have normally spent in the pub etc.. maintaining it since you won't be able to do anything else. When i had my own place this is what i did and even though i ended up moving back home i never got rid of the car :clap:
  19. There was a lot more snow when i got to work so school was shut and we got sent home :D Consequently i now see my car again.
  20. So i've had the VR for a year and two days now and i can't believe how quick time has flown. In this time i have covered about 10k miles and it has required or had the following: 1. New battery the same day i picked it up. 2. Timing chains/rebuild (not strictly needed but it was done anyway after some piston/compression problems) 3. New radiator (home bodge see pics above) 4. New power steering pump (creaking and whining was doing my head in) 5. Proper wipers added (i can see in the rain!) 6. Oil leak sorted 7. Some blingy chrome bits added to the interior 8. New speakers (components half fitted) 9. Door handle repaired Compared to the last corrado i had this has been much cheaper and much less troublesome (touch wood). As for the coming year i want to improve the brakes. They're not that bad but i've nearly stacked it a couple of times and i'd like to give the cat a chance to save itself from me :) I'm also looking at ways of increasing the stability probably through ARBs but i'm not sure yet since i don't really want to mess with the suspension and i'd like to keep it looking as standard as possible.
  21. Is there not some kind of confidentiality issue here with displaying personal contact details on a forum? I certainly wouldn't want my details displayed in such a manner. I have spoken to Tom and he is having a bad time at the moment and harsh as it may sound, sorting a set of centre caps is not top of his priority list. Don't be too quick to judge. Lack of contact should be indicative of a problem and not a reason to get all :hitler: Everybody deserves their say.
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