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Everything posted by moneypit23

  1. I was afraid that might be the answer :?
  2. I noticed a noise today, drove to Manchester and parked up where i noticed that this bit of plastic had come loose and was dragging along underneath the car. It is next to the front wheel on the drivers side. It happened on the 16v as well but that had access to the top where i managed to secure it. This doesn't look possible on a VR. Does anyone know how i can fix it? I really need to use it tomorrow for a 70 mile round trip and i'd rather not be dragging it all that way. Apologies for the poor picture. Thanks
  3. Tagged along with a dark green VR with aftermarket lights (looked nice because they fitted properly) this morning on the M60 between Denton and Stockport. Reg was N**CKY and it turned out to be the highlight of my day.
  4. If it wasn't for the dents in the doors.. nevermind :(
  5. Its like Pet Rescue with cars... :salute: Good work mister!
  6. Smoked/red gets my vote, you won't see the green mould that forms in the corners... or is that just mine? :D
  7. I rememeber back in the day when mine had Venoms...
  8. I'm in the middle of sustainability based piece of work for uni and boy do i feel smug when i hear about these scrappage schemes. How often do these green eco-warrior types try to make you feel guilty when they realise you drive an older performance car? Well just refer them to some golden rules of sustainability, the 3 R's: Reduce - you have an older car which only gets used when necessary, reducing the chance of things going wrong but we'll pretend its cos we're green :) Re-use - you've bought an old car therefore you are reducing the need (and the associated pollution as mentioned above) for another. [big tick] Recycle - I think the Corrado owner is in their element here, how much of a Corrado goes to waste when they do die? So there we have it - You're a Corrado owner and YOU ARE GREEN!! Well done :clap:
  9. Thanks for the review, it was between one of these and a Vibe cbr but these are smaller so i think i'll start looking for one. Kate
  10. Don't know about the value but my insurance wouldn't let me insure one. You might have to consider this.
  11. Two for me and would have another if i had the space.
  12. Don't pay for a professional valet - do it yourself spend all day and feel the love :luvlove: Force yourself to fix something tiny even if it is just a stonechip and you'll start feeling a sense of achievement then gradually build up to bigger jobs. Lastly stick a sign in the window saying 'NOT FOR SALE' in case you get tempted. Kate
  13. I have two with problems now.. the 16v didn't miss a beat on the run down to the garage where it is being stored despite running like a bag of bizz previously. But when it was good it was very good thats why i'm keeping it.
  14. Had it nearly 7 months now and its good cheap fun :D Here's the nearly-beast..
  15. Changed the temp sensor, wasn't that :( Its at PSI right now so i guess they have vag.com.
  16. One day it just wouldn't start first time. Took more and more turns to start when cold (fine when warm) until saturday when it took ageees. Did start eventually. I have a video of it but Jon has my camera in his car. Runs perfectly fine when it does start though.
  17. :( I can't understand why i have such bad luck with cars. My other Corrado needed a rebuild after about 6 weeks of ownership and was never out of the garage after that but i did 50k miles in it and still enjoyed most of them. I bought this VR in the hope of a relatively easy life but now this one is pushing me to the edge and i'm losing the will to live almost. Somebody drove into the door on friday and dented it and the (what i thought was minor) starting issue has now escalated into rings, chains, tensioners etc... I apologise if i sound like i'm feeling sorry for myself but this is the absolute last thing i need right now. Kate :(
  18. I hope the cake tasted as good as it looked.. mmmmmm! I don't know what wheels they are but they suit it. Lovely car, good luck :)
  19. It's usually easier if you take the glove box and the seedo surround out so you can get at both sides to feed the cables through while pushing the unit back in. Having said that.....the glove box is a right :censored: to get in and out as well. I'll have to remember this, i really don't know how they fit all those wires in there.
  20. Having to maintain a Corrado leaves me with no money to spare for drugs! :grin: So it spares me that problem.. No really, i can't think of anything as striking and scarce for the money.
  21. Nice work! When you fitting mine? :D
  22. Tell them i own one :grin:
  23. moneypit23


    Do your hazards work? I had a faulty fusebox and when i wiggled the relay around the lights (hazards, indicator) would come on and you could feel the clicking of the relay. Can't remeber which one is was... was in top right position somewhere though.
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