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Posts posted by Andi

  1. The Archive site was decommissioned 3+ years ago.

    All posts were migrated to the new forum, so the old site only served for Google references - but since it's been gone for 3+ years, this should no longer be the case.

    The search on vB is very limited.

    You're best searching for what you need using Google via this link, leaving the "site" part in the search box.

  2. Hi guys,


    Looks like Panjo have tweaked their payment options, so I've set it to Default to UK £ (it was set to US$) and have removed the enforced Paypal checkout - I think the issue has been you have been trying to skip that so it does a Paypal-credit card transaction instead.


    Lemme know how it goes!

  3. The iPhone is not great at managing the website with regard to picture uploads.

    Check in the iTunes Store for Tapatalk and connect to The Corrado Forum through that - it'll make uploading pictures a LOT easier from your phone.

  4. I'm a moderator, not donator if that makes a difference?


    You've donated in the past, though.

    Just wondering if the site changes when you become a level above Registered User are making a difference..


    There is a banner message which shows when you're a Donator. I've now turned that off - so curious if it was just that..?


    Is anyone affected & technically minded to be able to use the browser debug to tell me what the shaded image is in the top right? In the background? The URL of the image might help me track it down to see where it's come from...

  5. I don't get it either using Firefox at home or work but I do using Chrome via my Android Phone.




    Doesn't that show you the mobile version, though? Rather than the full site?


    Hi Andi,

    It still happens when I use the link you provided, I'm using my iPhone 5 with latest software update done, tried on safari and Google chrome, at work I'm using wifi from BT and at home I'm on SKY. Exact same on iPad. I'm afraid I don't know how to clear my internet cache on this?

    Oh, and I wont download any anti advert software:)


    So every browser, in multiple locations?!



    All those affected... have you all Donated at some point, and therefore you account status changed?

  6. Guys, firstly, please don't use software to circumnavigate the adverts.

    Doing so will reduce the revenue I get from the adverts, and ultimately threaten keeping the forum's servers as beefy as they are. If I can't afford to spend the monthly outgoings on the server, I'll have to cut costs, affecting the site heavily.

    As much as I do appreciate the donations I receive, it's no where near enough to cover dedicated servers and support to run the site.


    I'd rather we worked together to figure out why it affects so few of you, but in all browsers!?

    I still fail to reproduce this with all the browsers I have, logged in, logged out, logged in as test users...


    Which ISP are those who are having problems with?

    Do you have the same problem if you visit the site via http://direct.the-corrado.net/forum.php ?

    Can you try clearing your internet caches, too, just in case?



  7. Scrap that - it's been 'marked as Spam' already and is being blocked...


    Looking for another solution!


    Gmail users should be ok - but it's Hotmail/Outlook.com users who are blocking the mails - someone/some people in Hotmail have been marking it as Spam!


    *shakes fist*

  8. Ah crap.


    I've reached out to Panjo tech support - as it's out of my hands now.

    Hopefully they'll have a look today when they're up (US time).


    Sorry about this!

    Add a security fix to the site and it makes it SO SECURE that no-one can use the Classifieds... Nice!

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