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Posts posted by Andi

  1. When the system works, it's zero admin time - so neither bothers me ;)

    Whichever suits you is fine - I appreciate every donation I receive!


    The time that your Donation status will last would be more economical for you to do a Yearly or 2-Yearly one, however.. :)

  2. I have set no fee for transactions, so the only fee is from PayPal which Panjo are reiterating. When placing the advert, you can choose to pass this cost on to the buyer if you wish, so it inflates the amount they have to pay slightly.


    The system is very good, actually. Impressed.

  3. Good evening, well, morning, all.


    Just a little update on what I've been up to with the site over the past couple of days.


    We've just moved DNS servers back to CloudFlare, who offer significant caching services and protection from nasty people.. This should be pretty transparent for you, but is a lot nicer and safer in the background. Hopefully it will reduce a little bit of strain on the server too.


    Secondly - you'll notice a big Classifieds button at the top of the site.

    This is the new 'panjo' Classifieds system which ties in with the forum but offers a lot more visual selling platform and the best bit - an ESCROW system if you choose to sell your item via Paypal (so the money is held until the item is delivered).

    It should be a lot easier for you to add your items and a lot nicer to browse what's there.

    Also, your items are mirrored onto the panjo website, so in theory, you may get more viewers...


    If you have an item currently for sale in the old system, please feel free to re-submit it in the new one. Should help populate it.

    After a few weeks, I will be purging all the old adverts out of the system, so be warned ;)


    As ever, value your feedback.

  4. Classifieds continue to be a thorn in the side of the forum. We want to host them because it's a vital part of the forum, but it's been a source of friction ever since day one purely because we can't FORCE people to behave in a certain way when it comes to making a sale - be it on the payment side of things, posting things, etc.


    Andi has been reviewing how the classifieds work and we will always try to improve things, and intervene when people try and ruin it for everyone else - and of course we'd always suggest using PayPal, shipping things recorded / special delivery - or at very worst just deal with forum members you know.


    I think generally the classifieds on here work pretty well, and everyone looks out for each other.


    As Jim mentioned, I am working on a new Classifieds section. The biggest difference is that is will include an ESCROW service if items are purchased through Paypal.

    It'll also be more pictorial, and allow easier editing than the 'hacked' system we have at the moment.

    Watch this space!


    Will hopefully make everyone's lives a lot easier.

  5. Hi guys,


    Sorry for the incredibly slow reply. I did see this post come up and thought "Oh, I'll reply to that in a moment".

    I guess 6 days passed in that moment!!! :oops:


    You know - I'd love to... Trouble is, my CSS & HTML isn't what it used to be to make minimal edits to get a banner in the header without changing too much code.

    If I make a complete custom header, it become a massive ball ache to do any vBulletin updates.


    Are there any CSS/HTML/PHP pros who could lend a hand?

    Ideally, I'd like to keep the header exactly as it is - then feed in random 'banners' to the http://the-corrado.net/images/metro/blue/misc/vbulletin4_logo.png image.


    Anyone got any ideas?

    Nice rotating script that will also get around caching too? (May also be an issue..)


    My mad h4x0r skillz ain't what they used to be, and Dom used to be my HTML guru, and he's busy in Canada telling girls he's from England to get them to sleep with him.

  6. Thanks for the updates, guys, but please tell us which error number you're seeing (500, 502, etc) which will help!

    We are aware of an issue at the moment that seems to hit when the site gets busy - but we're not sure how to fix it.....

    We'll keep trying tweaks and see if the server can handle it!

  7. Well, this all seemed to escalate rather quickly... Perhaps not the best reception, VR6?

    Jim/Tom - you can manually bump anyone to full access by changing their Primary User Group from "New User" to "Registered User" in the Admin panel.


    The post limit is actually only 6 posts - once you've achieved this, you have full access to the forums. Or you can PM/Email me and I will enable it early.

    The reason? It's quite simple - we've found that when a 'spambot' successfully manages to become registered on the forum, they post about 3/4/5 posts to 'test' the water. This way, they don't get access to the Classifieds (which are heavily indexed by Google) or the Blogs.


    I will update the wording on the 'rules' to include the post limit info to avoid further confusion in the future.

  8. Pretty sure the free one has that limitation listed in the app details - so stop being a tight arse!

    And the Tapatalk-hosted image upload works perfectly and is very quick, so use that.


    Remember, Tapatalk isn't just for this forum - most forums online probably support it - I read about 8 forums in my Tapatalk - easier than visiting all the sites individually.

    Spend the couple of quid!

  9. Thanks for that.

    When giving details - can you include the error number. Although they all feature the 'fuzzy arse' - the Error number is different and helps trace what part of the system threw up the error.


    It's funny when you say Page 5 of this thread - in my profile settings I have it set to 40 posts per page, so we're only on page 2 at the moment ;)

    (Maybe try tweaking that if you want to read more per page)

    It's under Thread Options half way down this page: http://the-corrado.net/profile.php?do=editoptions

  10. Guys - appreciate the notes but if it's a continued downtime - we do know about it.

    We have systems which monitor the site and email myself and Toby when it goes down.


    So no need to tell me about 'continued arse' - however, if you get random ones, or there's a certain feature / page that produces an error - that's more useful stuff! :)


    Hope that helps.


    P.S. Apologies for the blurry arse last night - Toby was doing some unfortunately timed server backups before making some changes and the server was overloaded doing too many things at once. He has been told off accordingly :)

  11. I like the banner that says thanks for your donation - nice touch :)


    Glad you spotted it. The banners are a lot more in your face in comparison to the light yellow in the previous design.


    I've been having problems with the forum not loading on Tapatalk. I guess its something my end as I've not seen anyone else reporting the issue?


    Looks exactly the same on tapatalk :)


    Dan, you assume correct. I'm replying using Tapatalk now ;-)

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