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Posts posted by Andi

  1. Thanks guys.

    Didn't think anything dodgy was going on, just difficult sometimes to link a donation from a name and email address that doesn't match up to a cryptic username and often different email address!


    I'd love to say I know all 25,000 of you individually, but, err, I don't lol. 😁

  2. Slightly confused, Nigel...


    Do the donations come from you, or from them?

    If it's from them - then they can't put a message, they just do a Donation, so I won't know if it's for you or just out of the kindness of their heart!

    Equally, it's people's real names and sometimes it's even an email address which differs from the one on the forum - so harder said than done!


    If it's from you - not sure I've received money directly from you in quite a while..? Is it your BTConnect email or your gmail on your Paypal?


    Might be best to take this offline. I'll drop you an email!

  3. Nope. Wasn't aimed at you, at all.

    I'm sorry you feel it was.


    The "issues" with running a For Sale area have plagued us since the forum was created. No setup pleases everyone.

    But equally, I get a lot of negative threads in here and very little positive feedback, despite 100s of items been listed and sold in the new system already.


    I'm sorry you're having problems registering. I've asked for some details to try and help, but you're misreading the rest of the post instead.

  4. If it's working for some there's not a lot I can suggest.

    If you're still having trouble registering, can you please take a screenshot of the error and post it on here? Or at least the steps you're taking to get there..

    I'll get Panjo to look into it - it's out of my control too, if its an issue with their systems.


    To those still complaining about the 'For Sale' system... it's impossible to please everybody.

    We had open forums - people complained about threads getting out of control.

    We had closed forums - people complained they couldn't comment about items.

    We have a fully integrated, visually improved, ESCROW compatible, safer system... and people lose the ability to enter their email addresses into a box to register.


    I wouldn't have to ship out parts of the forum to 3rd parties if we have more people willing to offer their time to support the forum as Global Moderators, rather than being a Global Troll.

    But, as I say, you can't please everybody - including me ;)

  5. Nice pic, and nice Corrado storage base! :lol:


    How big is that file though? I'm on a 100mb fibre connection at work and that still took a while to come through!


    It's 3.5mb, so I suspect your 100mbit fibre is a bit pants ;)


    Aqvila, since you're on Android, you could use Tapatalk to post and upload pics from your phone. Or if on a PC, just attach the pics to the post like normal if you have the OneDrive application installed - the browser will just grab the pic from the file system..


    Anyhow - each to their own!

  6. Right, since it seems it's only those browsing from phones having issues, I've just finished the mobile version of the site.

    Your phone browser should be automatically detected and it will show the mobile style instead of the desktop one.


    If you get stuck on the wrong one, or need the Desktop one, or for some reason want the browse the mobile one on your PC, you can use the drop-down menu in the far bottom left of the page to manually change the style.


    Feedback welcome!

  7. Yes, that's the reason we don't delete users. And they always come back!


    The member listing is disabled as it produces hundreds of MySQL calls for every page that is listed and I am trying to keep server load down to keep the site up.

    And yes, it contains 25,000 users... Are you really going to browse every one? :-)

  8. Error 502 is a Bad Gateway error.

    This is mostly caused by a server between yourself and the forum, so something out of our control.


    As Jim said, give a browser cache clear a go, or even try a different one if you can.

    It may be caching something which has now changed on your ISP's network and causing the error.

  9. Sorry to interrupt your little bro love sesh, but looks as if the server was running out of memory and dropping to swap, slowing the site down.

    Some tweaks and she's OK now. We'll keep an eye on it.


    Since I fixed the SQL timeouts a few weeks ago, the site is getting busier again since it can handle more traffic before throwing a wobbly.


    As you were...

  10. I'll chirp in and say that it was John who looked after my VR too (back when I actually owed a Corrado and started this site!) and he knows his stuff.

    Very passionate about all things Dub, but certainly has time for all Corrado models!


    (Admin approval, how's that?!)

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