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Posts posted by Andi

  1. Just getting your attention as the other thread went un-noticed ;)


    Only because the subject was poorly written so I didn't think it was necessary to read.. ;)


    ---------- Post added at 12:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:38 PM ----------


    Unfortunately, you will never see me using Google Chrome ;)


    TBH, I don't think IE10 is actually that bad.. So I'll let you off ;)

  2. Yes, people often claim the Americans know how to deliver good customer service and we don't.

    I know from experience that they can flip and become extremely obnoxious.


    Andi - for word "racist" I think you meant to say "racism"?


    Thank you, Grammar Fairy - mis-typed letter corrected!

    (In my defence, y'honour, I wasn't 100% awake yet)


    ---------- Post added at 1:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 1:21 PM ----------


    And in the interest of this not getting out of hand, I think this should be closed now.

    Abdul - please keep us in the loop if you have any troubles with your refund. (Not that we can really do much, but would be good to know it's resolved)

  3. Ron,


    If you insist on using the term "manager" in your job title within the CCGB, I would hope this means that you are qualified in your people skills to conduct your role efficiently.

    Being a manager comes with the responsibility of 'managing'.


    The fact that you:

    1. have not contacted the Moderator Team or myself to check about conducting sales that profits another club
    2. have not contributed to the platform you are using to advertise your wares

    suggests there is some learning to do.


    We do not have an issue with the CCGB continually using the CF to post about their events and opportunities for other Corrado owners. I do wish to receive a little courtesy, however, if the CCGB tried to profit from the members of this site.


    I'll let this one slide, but I would suggest in future, you get in touch with at least one of the Moderators (two of them are in the CCGB committee!!) to check your treading on anyone's toes.


    Lastly, in order for you to stop haemorrhaging CCGB money to eBay with your multiple listings, can I suggest:



    Oh, and in case you missed it, the forum donate button is at the top of the site, bottom of the site and in my signature... ;)


    I'll leave you with this:

    The reputation of the whole company is in the hands of each individual.

  4. Running costs plus licenses, etc it works out roughly £100/month - and that's excluding my time, Mods time, Toby (the server admin)'s time - that's all 'free'!

    There's probably about 300-400 active members? That's a guestimate... If you all gave 25p/month, it would break even perfectly!

    Doesn't happen like that though.. Subs & one-off donation wise, I occasionally break even but it's normally around the £50-60/month mark.

    I do make some money from advertising though, so I'm not out of pocket.


    I am starting to do more sponsorship deals with companies - you'll start to see sponsored areas of the site/forums soon - when this takes off, there will be far less a need for user donations.


    But I have been running the site for 10 years, and its only really been in the last 18-24 months that I think it's broken even... Not that I'm complaining or fishing for more donations, though. If I was in financial trouble, I'd be asking for subs far more, don't worry! :)

  5. I've recently got a new landline number and get the odd call for the person who's number it used to be.

    It's funny how people don't believe you...


    Them: "But this is the number I have for him? I've spoken to him on this number!"

    Me: "Well, I've had this number for 4 months and it sits in limbo for 6 months before being recycled, so you haven't spoken to him in at least 10 months.."

    Them: "Yeah, but this is the number I have for him."

    Me: "It's not his number any more, so you have the wrong number."


    *hang up*

    *10 seconds later*

    *Ring ring*

    Me: "You still have the wrong number."

    Them: "Oh, ok"


    *hang up*

    *30 seconds later*

    *Ring ring*

    Me: "You still have the wrong number. Again."

    Them: "But this is the number I have for him!"

    Me: "It's not his number any more! Bye!"



    And then I get automated computer-voice calls from a debt collection agency. Asking for the same bloke.

    Clearly he couldn't pay his bills!


    It's only the parents and in-laws that ring the landline really. They all have mobiles - why can't they ring our mobile number!? :)

  6. Your status will automatically change to 'Donator' if you completed the whole setup.

    Most common thing I've noticed is that people don't complete the Paypal part, so the transaction doesn't complete...

    Nothing I can do this end - just apply again :)

    It's all completely automatic now - I don't have to validate donations any more.

  7. I'm getting a frequent 502 'Bum' page when using Google Chrome trying to view an actual parts for sale thread.


    Can reach the parts for sale listing page but nothing after that will load correctly.


    I've solved this my using Safari which doesn't seem to have this issue but it's most annoying as my first choice of browser is usually Chrome.


    Can't reproduce this - using Chrome and Firefox and both behaving and no 'bums'.

    Could you clear your cache, etc in Chrome? Maybe it's trying to be too clever...

  8. I'm hoping they've pulled their socks up a bit too - last couple of series have been a bit 'meh'... we shall see.


    I do enjoy Top Gear US - but even they've started to feel a little scripted. There was an episode just before Christmas where they had 3 tractors and had to do challenges, drive it through a town... sound familiar? Was almost identical to the UK version from a couple of years ago.


    I'd love a cross-over episode where the UK & US boys meet, though.. THAT would be good..


    Fifth Gear (currently on Discovery) have stepped up a bit. It's now a lot better at their reviews, if albeit a little predictable (Tiff does power slide, Plato moans, Jonny sent to some random bloke in a shed, TBH squeals and seems to get worse at driving each episode).


    I reckon give my mate Rebecca Jackson a go.. She'd perk the team back up!




    She's a racer too: http://www.rebeccaracer.com/



    Just my 2p!

  9. Was it the radiator fan(s)?

    The radiator fan can run post engine shut-off if the engine & radiator is still hot.

    This isn't linked to whether you have the parking lights on or not - that's purely a coincidence.

    They can fail to switch off however - I believe there's a temperature-controlled switch that's at fault then.


    Or was it more of a 'whirr' and not the radiator fans?

    As you'd just switched off the engine, it could be central locking pump struggling, or perhaps your fuel pump is still running (faulty relay).


    You need to listen to the source of the noise then let us know :)

  10. We've tweaked some settings on the server that should stop the error occurring now - apologies!


    And yes, there are more than just the 404 error - but the same arse!

    If you can state the error number when reporting an issue, it does help track it down!

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