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Posts posted by Andi

  1. It is original owner (an adult) so i think he is in the good there.


    Yeah, don't you just hate it when you turn up to view a car and a 9 year old owned it before you...... ;)


    If your friend does buy it, ask if its ever been off-road. That looks more like a Jeep than a Sports Coupé!

  2. P.S. I'd rather have a calendar though....


    *Title spell-checked... :p*


    I was already looking into this..

    But I can see it becoming interesting when the competition starts hotting up for being in it ;)


    Maybe have a 'Notes' page with small pics of all the entrants who didn't make it into a month?

  3. Suppose I should stick a fiver of fuel in a jerry can and just keep driving till it runs out one day.


    Took me 2 cans before mine would start!! I was on a hill though.


    Where I work we had a van run out of diesel when going up the steep hill. They did a 3 pointer, and drove up the hill in reverse - then along the flat for 500 metres to the petrol station - it worked :)

  4. Sorry, but just in one of those moods.


    Something you don't use and/or care about, and you have the choice to spend an afternoon pulling your door apart to fix and no-one would care, or you could just stick a rubber gromit over it, increase the security on your car, and save yourself an afternoon - spend it with the missus instead! She'll like me for saying that... hehe.


    Hey, you might even get the comment later "hey, you de-pinned your door, that's cool..."

  5. I had the same on 2 Golfs, Mk I and Mk 2 GTi s; it turned out to be the fuel pump relay on both.


    Best wishes




    I had the fuel pump relay die on mine, and rev counter did not drop, as engine was still turning and trying to spark - just no fuel - so I don't think that is the same as this incident.

  6. CliffNet Pro will only extend the lock-pulse to 3 seconds, not the 20-odd I need for both windows roll up.


    So, either there's a newer version than 1.2 I have acquired will can extend this, or I have something up with the wiring to the closure system.


    There is an accessory time delay - which was set at 20 seconds - but this seems to be ignored, so the windows are only working off the lock pulse.


    Hopefully the fitters can squeeze me in this arvo for a butchers.

  7. It does start the full closure though - only goes for 2 seconds then stops though - so hopefully its just the pulse that needs altering.


    I'll try different timings to make sure I don't burn it out.


    And yes, it was Sounds Alarming.


    Jay swears he didn't touch any alarm stuff, so I'll find out when I get CNPro..

  8. I've spoken to him on the phone, and he's willing to fix it - its just finding the time when I'm off and he's not busy - being one of the most reputable alarm companies in the South East, he is a very busy chap! He's happy for me to tinkle with it.


    Just wanted to do it myself really! Gotta do something on my days off ;)


    h100vw, do you mean to me, or for me to ring my fitters?

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