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Posts posted by Andi

  1. That was the 'dream' car list - definately no Corrado.


    I'm even more gutted about it now after taking the Mercedes McLaren SLR out for a blast last night and realising they had got spoilers (or in this case the SLR's air brake) working - so the Corrado would probably have had an active spoiler as well. Darnit :(


    To quote another thread currently doing the rounds:




    Oh well, there's always GT5. :)


    Or Forza Motorsport on the Xbox ;)

    (Pffffff, pappy PS2s... hehe)

  2. The CCGB took circa. £15,000 in subs last year, and didn't do anything...

    Why do they need another £7,500?


    Everyone who received nothing last year should receive the club they paid for last year, this year, for free....


    I suspect all these issues will be skirted around as per usual at the AGM.

    Pity I'm washing my hair.


    And (donning flame suit) - I am / was a fully paid up member. I will not be parting with £7.50 this year though.

  3. The speedo is electrionic - so it'll be a bad wire somewhere.


    Plus, this is a forum, not an email group. Please leave discussions online so everyone can benefit rather than asking for people to email you personally.

  4. The problem with Lexus lights is that every car model I can think of, I've seen a chav with bad alloys, tatty bodywork, and lexus lights on its rear at some point over the past year.


    Oh hang on - don't think I've seen them on a Morris Minor yet... ;)


    Obviously I have 3rd party lights on mine - but I think they suit the C a lot more than the Lexus ones would.

    Plus, my MX5 sports Lexus lights - but it suits them very well :)

  5. would this also mean loss of ABS?.........cos when the light is on the car's braking is very errattic :shock: :shock: :shock:


    When the light is on, the ABS system is completely disabled - as if its not there - so its more likely your braking which isn't used to a non-ABS car ;)


    Hehe 8)


    Unless you've warped a front hub or something which is flagging up the error and causing your braking to go mental....... sorry - worst case scenario there!


    I bent both my front hubs - £900 repair at VW!!

    (Done under warranty though - so was free to me ;))

  6. It's purely based on what care has been taken over the car in its life.


    I'd much rather have a 203,000 mile car which had had oil changes every 5k than a 60k'er which has never seen an oil change in its life!


    VW engines, if looked after, are good for 250-300k no probs :)

  7. But aren't Skoda's still suffering from the worse depreciation rate in the 2nd hand car market?


    Might be a great car, but not worth it if 2 years later its only worth £3k....


    I know they've come a long way from the rear-window-heater-to-warm-your-hands-when-pushing days, but they still, no matter how hard they try, carry a stigma which ruins the car's resale value.


    You currently own a car which isn't depreciating anymore - remember that - there's not many of those about!! :)


    P.S. All the Skoda's I ever see are parked on the taxi-rank outside my local train station at work.. ;)

  8. I second that, Steve.

    Anything should be an improvement!


    We all know that mods like this aren't to everyone's like.

    We also know that new mods like this are generally snubbed when first announced, then 6 months later its the thing to have!


    So, for now can we all keep the chav-bashing to yourselves on let those who want these lights read the updates from stevemac as he gets them.

  9. FurkiG60, agreed, black VR badge will probably go there instead :)


    Do the FK grills have the notches to put the badges in?

    Plus how much are they roughly - the grills - on ebay BuyItNow for £35-odd.


    GIXXERUK, pfff, yeah, I know. Couldn't be bothered :) It's in my Gallery pics too, so no biggy.


    Sorry, drifting :offtopic1:

    Bad Admin ;)

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