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Posts posted by Andi

  1. I've been rather quiet on the forum recently - I'm actually quite busy for once but I am about!


    So I thought I'd fill you lot in on the goings-on on my very own C...


    Firstly, a month ago, went to start the car... nothing. Late Monday evening and I just wanted to go home, so rang RAC, and they send some guy from a recovery company - not an actual RAC bloke, who diagnoses faulty starter. Knowing full-well about the ignition switch problem, I made him double check this... he swore it was fine but kept checking his watch, so I told him "Thanks and bye".

    So arranged the day off work and got the car booked in at a nearly-local garage north of Derby (I wasn't at home!) and he said the starter was fine (how bizarre..) and the ignition switch had gone - so wired me up a bypass, onto which I have now made a push-button start.


    Second problem. Coming back from No-Rice a couple of weeks ago, nearly home, then CLANG. Then every preceeding dip in the road *clang clang* from the front-right. Pop into ATS Euromaster the next day and up on the ramp its obvious: the anti-roll bar linkage had sheared.

    They should be replaced in pairs. ATS wanted £27ea, VW £40+ea, ECP £20ea and GSF £12.50ea. So, ordered the VW ones.... no, only joking! GSF ones turned up a couple of days later, and ATS fitted them and redid the tracking (spot on I might add!) when I finally got round there!


    Then there's today.

    Car was absolutely fine this morning - obliterated all sorts as I darted around Derby. Went to goto the cinema this evening, "click, vrrooom, bang!, splutter, splutter, stall". D'oh. RAC man came this time (yay!) and the Vacuum Accumulator had exploded (or imploded?) causing a rather severe vacuum leak. So he dispensed half-a-roll of tape round it and the car is now back to being alive!


    So the gf and I went to the slightly later showing instead ;) Finding Nemo is quite a nice film...


    I'll be off to CMS in Derby to see if they can supply, as ECP and GSF have drawn a-blank and I bet VW will be a joke.


    Happy days!!

    Let's just hope that's it for now!

    (Except I need 4 new tyres... but that doesn't really count).

  2. stevemac: I doubt you'd see them! Remember the background would be black at night and on a dark road you'd have no light to make even a white needle visible.


    willmason: the Corrado needles are not designed to be lit from behind, therefore the prism does not extend to the centre hole. The centres are just black plastic. Nice idea, but I don't think it would work.

  3. Nitrox is used by divers for deeping diving, and contains a higher ratio of oxygen to nitrogen (to reduce the effects of the benz).


    Nitrox is a binary mix of Nitrogen (N2) and Oxygen (O2) - so no other gases. The ratio however depends on its rating. EAN 25 would be 25% oxygen, 75% Nitrogen, for example...


    Nitrous Oxide is N2O. By weight it is 36% oxygen (whereas normal air is 23.6%). So a Nitrox mix above EAN 36, should in theory, be better.... The nitrogen in Nitrous Oxide is used as a cooling agent (thus increasing the density of the air) and helping the oxidising agent to burn the fuel more aggresively.


    However, whether a normal Nitrox mix would have the same effect, I don't know.


    Did you know that Nitrous Oxide is actually an irratant of the mucus membrane plus contributes to smog and acid rain? Sunlight actually breaks down NO2 and creates ground-level Ozone.... not good! Irrelevant to car use though, 'cos you should be using the oxygen up... The nitrogen isn't good for the CAT, though, iirc.


    *puts A-level Chemistry notes away*

  4. I wouldn't bother.

    Mine was replaced less than 2 years ago and has gone again already.


    Install a push-button start. Cost £1.49 plus some wires.


    Assuming you can still get ignition, but can't get to 'Start' on the barrell...

  5. I hope you get it sorted, Corvr6!

    Not all VR6 engines are doomed. I'm on 191,000 miles and top up from min. to max. about every 1500 miles.

    That's running Syntha-Silver-alike oil, which Ant (BananaMan) gets for me cheap at £7.00/5litres at oil-changes, then topping up with Halfords Semi-Syn - which seems to suit my engine fine.

    I've heard mixed reports on the Halfords stuff. Obvious claims like "Oh, it's not as good as such-and-such at £21/4litres..." but for the price it is, it does me fine. I've run it in 5 cars, and they're all running nicely still!

  6. TBH, I have the Bentley manual, but don't actually think I've used it yet. Thanks to Ant (aka Banana man) I now do (some of) my own servicing: oil, brake pads-n-discs, easy suspension stuff, etc.


    And funnily enough, the garage I trust with the car is the ATS Euromaster in Coulsdon. Very local to me, I've been using them for years (since my first car), I source the parts from ECP or GSF, give 'em some cash, and they do a nice job every time (VAT free!). I can walk home if needed, and they love the car (better than the usual boring stuff they get in!). Plus, no lead times - normally just turn up and its on the ramps within 10 mins.

    It'll be going there next week to have my front Anti-roll bar links replaced - my drivers side has sheared off and is currently banging about :shock:


    I'm not saying all ATS's are good - I bet most of them are crap - but you can sometimes be lucky with local normal garages....


    Oh, and they have one of those twin-V jack thingies, that jack the car up by all 4 jacking points - since I can't get on normal ramps without the front spoiler bending like Beckham! (on a non-lowered C! :shock:)

  7. Cheers guys for your support!! First off yes hopefully I will be going to no rice I will just bum a lift with someone else who is going


    There will be no bumming of the driver (me!), thank you very much!

  8. Got my VR when I was 21.

    6 points for speeding (2 SP30s) and only 2yrs NCB (at the time).

    Went under the same insurance as my previous car (MX5! lol) and then at renewal, with 3yrs NCD, still 6 points and turned 22, was £1111 fully comp with Adrian Flux.


    Just renewed for £950 Fully Comp.

    So yeah, course it's possible!


    And I live in South London, in a not too fantastic area, car is mod'd, and it's parked on the street all the time.

  9. Can you just pop out the wing mirror glass and plastic holder, then disconnect the heater wiring?


    Don't really wanna pull too hard and break something - though I'm sure I've done it before...


    I have a spare complete mirror unit - and the one on the car is smashed at the mo - until I can be bothered to get the spare sprayed then fitted, I'd like to have the mirror bit back ;)

  10. I will go for a set... but I would whant to see the final result before I pay ... cool?




    Because this would be a one-off run for the Corrado-Forum.net members only, money is required up-front in order to pay the manufacturers to make the dials.


    If the order does go ahead - I will be sent designs and proofs for us to confirm the order, however, this would be as a group decision, not on individuals. So its all for one, and one for all - or no dials at all ;)

  11. if you get upto over 160km/h then they stat to lift btw, it rained here a tiny bit today. so i thought i'd test the aero-blades out.


    100mph? Well, you shouldn't really do over 100mph in the rain!


    *cough* I didn't experience any lift at 120mph the other night *cough* ;)

  12. The drilling on discs was originally done to remove the gas created by the brake pads under braking away from the surface.

    Brake pads nowadays do not give off gases, so they, apart from being pretty, bare little benefit.


    As for removing heat away from the discs - this is what the grooves are supposed to do - yes, the drilled holes may do this, but that isn't their original design.


    Talk to any dealer.

    The ones I have spoken to have all seen cracked drilled discs. John Munyard, who should be somewhere lurking on here, suffered from it only a couple of months ago.


    Porsche discs are created like that from a mould - not drilled from solid discs - so are a lot stronger.


    I use ATE Powerdiscs, which are grooved, available cheaply from Eurocarparts.


    Just my 2p.

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