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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Haven't actually had it on the road to find out yet Krishen but should do by the end of this month hopefully. Actually sits a lot nicer now Henny - that pic was just a quickie cos I was so excited finally having it in after all the shennanigans I had with the breakers etc. Yeah I really like it against the red. Cheers for all your advice as well mate - it seemed a bit daunting but I couldn't believe how straightforward it turned out to be. Wish I'd done it ages ago :lol:
  2. Cheers DJ. Yeah I must say I think it looks pretty good and you wouldn't believe how happy I am to finally have it sorted :) I'm 99.9% certain it would fit
  3. Excellent. All the best Matt.
  4. VW Heritage can get them - 2-3 week lead time £175
  5. Yeah you're right - it would be a lot easier but I wanted something more oem looking. Really not keen on the SWG/Spoonfed style ones.
  6. Ok had a free half hour to go and mess about with this and my conclusion is - its not going to happen! :( Unless you want to re-locate your ECU (which I don't for the sake of fitting a scuttle tray) or are a bit handy with fibreglassing, I wouldn't bother - you will need to modify the rain channel to go round the ECU as it just sticks out way too far. Also the nearside front and rear leading edges are a slightly different shape which isn't so much of a drama but is still more messing about than I can be arsed with.
  7. Ha! Don't hold your breath for pics of mine Geoff - the Corrados dropped down the pecking order of things I need to get sorted at the moment :(
  8. I got mine next day from Tameside Radiators on eBay. Hella one as well and was only £139 delivered. If your car has air con you'll need to make brackets up for the condensor though
  9. Cheers Kip. It's the ECU that is in my way - the trays the right shape and would just slot in but the ECU is just on the end of the channel so it's stopping it sitting correctly... Gonna have another look at the weekend hopefully so will let you know how I get on Pete
  10. Better than ever Geoff :) Btw thanks for all your advice everyone especially Henny was really appreciated :)
  11. Yeah apparently so http://www.the-corrado.net/showthread.php?34028-Calling-all-those-with-SWG-scuttle-cover&p=966459&viewfull=1#post966459 Looks pretty good to me as well just can't get mine on...
  12. That looks an absolute stunner mate
  13. Picked up a Golf scuttle tray today but for the life of me can't see how it's going to fit as the ECU is in the way. Do you have to relocate the ECU or modify the scuttle tray? Or am I just not fitting it correctly?
  14. :D :D :D :D :D :D Needs a wee bit of adjustment but it's in and works a treat. MKIII Golf GTi mechanism with B4 Passat estate glass :)
  15. Yeah I'm pretty sure the MKIII mech fits just the glass has more of a curve to it. The place I bought it from is giving me a 50% refund so I have the B4 estate glass which fits perfectly and a 100% working motor (plus a knackered mech :) ) and I've found a MKIII mech locally, so fingers crossed I'll be able to build a working sunroof out of the three broken ones. Stay tuned :lol: Really appreciate your help on this you blokes :) ---------- Post added at 1:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:45 PM ---------- Ok I'll have a crack at stripping and cleaning it at the weekend cheers Henny. Kev I could've sworn I read someone on here had fitted a MKIII into theirs and it was just the glass which fitted but was the wrong shape?
  16. Right got the old one out in 30 minutes which included cutting out the rear trim piece that had been Sikkaflex'd in. Bolted the new one up and plugged in to test aaaaaaaannnnndddddd... IT DOESN'T BLOODY WORK!!!! Tilts but doesn't slide and the mechanism is as tight as anything - wont even turn on the Allen key. Now the thing is B4 Passat estates aren't exactly a common site in scrappies these days so I don't know whether to just keep it for the glass and get a MK3 Golf mechanism or just send it back, get a refund and have the car off the road until I manage to find one :(
  17. Plenty of Plus Gas on the nut and a pair of mole grips or a pipe wrench on the strut underneath.
  18. Well according to the place I'm getting it from its from a 94 estate but they have been messing me about for the past two days now so may have to start looking elsewhere. It's gone from yep it's all here and ready to go, to the motors here but the sunroof is in our other depot but it will go out today (yesterday), to sorry it didnt go out yesterday but will definitely go out today, to one of the drains is damaged but easily repaired or you can use one of your own drains, to there's a problem with your card but if you can give us another card it will go out today. Then heard the cheeky twat saying to someone else while I was on the phone "it's been not authorised - that means he's got no money" which really, really ****ed me off even more so since I spoke to the credit card company and was told there's no reason why it should not have been authorised, which I already knew! Not happy at all now *rant over*
  19. Anyone know the difference between 8N2 955 408D and 8N2 955 408A arms? There's a scrappy that has the 8N2 955 408A but I just want to make sure they fit... *edit* 8N2 955 408A is non aero wiper
  20. Here you go Pete :) Think I'm just going to try and get a new MKII one and give the SWG one a miss tbh. Thanks for the eBay tip DG :)
  21. Really like the look of the MKII tray. Don't suppose they're still available are they? I know Heritage have done them in the past but they're showing as unavailable on their site...
  22. Good tip on the B Pillars cheers mate :) Yep will have the seats out anyway as will probably combine running the cables for my stereo while it's all apart. Just got one more question for you Henny then I swear I'll leave you alone* - if I need to swap the inner sliding cover for mine due to a difference in colour, can you and is it straightforward? *until I break something and need to know how to fix it :lol:
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