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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. As above - is it the MKII or MKIII Golf Eibach strut brace that fits the Corrado VR6?
  2. Always one isn't there? (This was going to be mine) Nice. C'mon spill the beans... :D Tempting fate there Dave? What about the bits you dream of getting your hands on? Nice bits you've had in the past and wished you'd never sold?
  3. Just sitting here bored on a Sunday afternoon and stumbled across a thread on Vortex regarding rare Corrado bits people have stashed away and wondered what choice bits anyone on here may have squirrelled away?
  4. A £20k Corrado and a 997 convertible??? Jesus - any jobs going at your place? :D In all seriousness relationship break ups will mess your head up like nothing else. It's a cliche but time really is a great healer so my advice would be to not do anything rash and give yourself a bit of time to get yourself together before you do anything you may regret eg break your Corrado. Good luck mate it will sort itself out, always does ;)
  5. I like the banner that says thanks for your donation - nice touch :)
  6. No bids? I take it this was removed from eBay before the end of the auction?
  7. Mines just got a small piece of black insulation tape over the light. MOT man never mentioned it so it must have done the trick. It does look very factory though :lol:
  8. It's a semi gloss/satin finish, quite factory looking.
  9. Or white spirit if you don't have access to a steam cleaner. G101 is great for general cleaning duties, rinse it off with a watering can and dry it off with old microfibres. Give the whole bay a liberal coating of Aerospace 303 and run the engine for 10 mins or so to dry it.
  10. A girl who's interested in detailing products rather than just moaning about them - I think I'm in love! :lol: I keep meaning to have a go at some Tardis/Iron X type products but I must admit I quite like claying, its quite therapeutic. Fay if you're having trouble with water spots have you thought about using Optimum No Rinse? It takes a while to get your head around the thought of using it and put everything you've ever learnt about cleaning your car to one side, but it is an amazing product and pretty much all I use now :)
  11. I dunno about this - its like knowing someone who's had a beard for ten years then suddenly shaves it off :D
  12. Thanks Fay. I meant to say yours and Portents are in great shape and agree with you the wheels really suit his car. Mines actually had a cheap and nasty blow over from a previous owner, looks ok from a distance but its not really all that up close. Never noticed you cutting out - funny how cars have a habit of doing that when there's a crowd. Found my gear selector problem - when I was messing about tidying my engine bay a few weeks back I cut all the cable ties from my amp cable and never got round to replacing them (got bored cleaning the bay very quickly) and the fuse holder had fallen onto the top of the gearbox and jammed the mech!
  13. Had a really good night. I didn't know there was such a thing as Vanilla Cherry Coke! Saw you pull in Fay and saw yours and Portents cars parked up and saw Portent leave but neither of you were there when I passed by and I didn't want to just hang around your cars to say hello - bad stalker behaviour that! I swear I must walk round with my eyes closed cos I must have walked round the place 20 times and never saw that dark one til I was driving out! Thought the general level of dickhead driving was pretty low to be fair. Only downside for me was losing 4th, then 2nd and finally reverse on the way home, then logging on here and finding it closed! :lol: Fingers crossed its just a linkage problem...
  14. Brilliant mate so jealous :) I'm hoping to go on my way to/from Wörthersee next year. Can't wait...
  15. Oh no :( Well I'll also be there at some point so should be at least two Corrados reprezentin :D
  16. Thanks Ray really appreciate you taking the time to do this. It looks great :)
  17. Well you know - one has to keep up standards :D
  18. Jesus - I painted my silver one red a few weeks back, saw this thread and was expecting it to be about a fiver and have a feeling of how much time I'd wasted! Result for you though Chris eh? :)
  19. Yeah go on - I love a decent MKII :)
  20. Yep I'd be interested in more detail - that looks great :)
  21. Nooooo!!! What's with everyone jacking in the Corrados? Would it not be financially viable to sell the choicest bits and maybe take like a standard interior in px and sell it as a car rather than break it? Seems like far too nice a car to see it broken up completely.
  22. I'll only be in my Corrado if its not raining (fair weather owner here) :D Yep Ladymead Fay* *hope you don't mind me calling you Fay :)
  23. Short notice but any of you heading over to this tomorrow evening?
  24. I'm just glad you've sold it and not broken it - seems to be far too many being broken up at the moment :(
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