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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Dan I'll withdraw my interest on the hoses and wipers thanks mate
  2. Hoping to take mine to Wörthersee next year :) That's interesting - almost the exact opposite of my experience. My MKII was mint, in a very rare colour and had some very rare and sought after bits and no-one really looked twice whereas whenever I stop for petrol, nip down the shops etc I get people stopping for a chat...
  3. I do think they are getting thin on the ground now. You will get bizarre occurances like Borarobs above (I saw two different Corrados in the same petrol station on two consecutive days last year) but I do a lot of miles as a lorry driver all over the country and I've probably seen at the most ten in the last year. Also you only have to look at the number you see at shows to see they just don't seem to be out there anymore. I have to say though I prefer it like that as people who know what they are seem genuinely pleased to see you driving one. My MKII never got anywhere near the same level of attention as my Corrado does. I even had a very tidy looking lady in a white A4 convertible give me a wave on the M25 the other day, which was nice :D
  4. Yeah I know it was a long shot but I missed out on a set the other day so I thought if I put a wanted ad up it might get noticed by someone who was about to sell a set and luckily, fingers crossed, it looks like it may have worked :) Thanks for your advice, much appreciated
  5. Jamie

    Lost Keys

    Haha yep too clever for her own good this one :lol:
  6. Jamie

    Lost Keys

    FOUND! In the boot of her car in the shed :D
  7. Jamie

    Lost Keys

    House , been , upside , down , as , has , garden :( Don't mean smashing a window Clumps, you'd be surprised how easy it is to get into a 90s car...
  8. Jamie

    Lost Keys

    For some God unknown reason my girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to let my one year old daughter play with the keys to my Corrado and now they are nowhere to be seen. I can break in easily enough but when I do is there a key code anywhere on any of the locks or ignition barrel or anything else I can use to get a new key cut?
  9. I'll go seconds on the hoses if VR6Dave doesn't have them please mate (subject to pics) :) And maybe the wipers...
  10. So, so gutted I had to miss this but hopefully now you've all got a taste for it someone can organise something similar :D
  11. As above. Was going to place an order with Classic Parts but just thought I'd see if anyone has one they would be willing to part with before I do? :) Ideally a collectible distance from London/Farnborough, Hants cheers
  12. Hahaha you sound like my mrs - that's always her excuse :D (she's from Dundee) Yeah I'm hoping to mate but its my daughters 18th so it depends what she decides she's doing during the day, but fingers crossed I'll be there :)
  13. That's not a split pin Clumpy mate - it's a roll pin :)
  14. Going to be a while til the proper door builds are done mate. Next job to be done install-wise is to get the boot finished...:)
  15. Seems like it would be a shame to have such a nice rare piece of kit on a VR engine if you have to use it without the most desirable bit. Hopefully someone will work out a way of making it work. Good luck with the sale looks like someone will be landing a bargain :)
  16. I will be adding an MDF baffle that will be bolted to the door and the pods will bolt to that until I get round to retrimming the interior and sorting it properly
  17. Have been a bit lax with my updates on this due to a few other issues that needed attention, but just finished sealing the doors And getting them deadened More to come soon hopefully... :)
  18. Right, please don't take this the wrong way (I'm new to forced induction VRs) but are you saying this item is sought after for the 2 speed gearbox, but you are unable to use the gearbox in a Corrado?
  19. Any idea what other bits would be needed to fit this on a VR6 and what sort of additional outlay would be needed ballpark?
  20. Speakers are a very personal thing but I'm pretty sure someone on here had some 5 1/4 DLS speakers and they are top quality brand. Don't think you'd go far wrong with them
  21. Nice one cheers Tempest :) Do I just say on here I'm in and I'm er... in? Do I need to be a CCGB member to attend?
  22. I know - I'm only messing Pete ;) It looks stunning. Well in Dave :)
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