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Everything posted by poll250

  1. They failed me for it last year. I just put the height setting to the position with least movement and then removed the height adjuster, so they couldnt check the others! Passed ok with that bodge. Try tightening the bolts mentioned above, as it removed all the side to side play on my wheel, leaving just a bit of up and down!
  2. Quick update - did the 13mm bolt up at the bottom near the pedals, and the wobbling is a lot better now :) There's no side-to-side wobble anymore, just some up-and-down. That is definitely in the top UJ, does anyone know of any way to tighten the top UJ up?
  3. hahah yeap nice velcros indeed! Ill have a little tinker after work and see what I can see! Thanks for the pics Jon! Andy
  4. Woah that was quick! Mine has a lot more free play in the middle wheel position then the top one, at mot last year I just stuck it in the highest setting and removed the adjuster leaver so they couldnt fail it! Should really try and sort it this year though!
  5. What do you need to 'nip the bolt up on the UJ? I remember having mine apart last year and there didn't seem to be anything to do up? edit: Just found this pic from a topic I made last year! Anyone point out which bit I should be able to tighten?
  6. Hey Paul, You need the Mk3 hoses from the later golf vr6, 97> I think. GSF part no. 65803B. These don't come with banjo bolts however, so you'll have to sort your own from somewhere with the correct thread pitch. I found that Mk4 hoses were about 10cm longer than corrado hoses, and after what happened to Karl I didn't want to risk it! Andy
  7. poll250

    fk's or no fk's

    There's a guide to tinting in the knowledge base wiki, found at the top of the forum. The other option is getting film overlays from empire graphics in the states. I've had both and really prefer the film overlay.
  8. I thinkI used the screwdriver on a Swiss Army knife to do this laster year! Took a while but worked pretty well, but did wish I had a socket attachment at the time.
  9. Try this tread buddy! viewtopic.php?f=3&t=64076&start=15 All the answers you might need. Andy
  10. Hey Jon, I asked Dave at VW kidlington about taking parts back I hadn't used and he said he was fine with it as long as you had the receipt? Andy
  11. Reeetttt! Ive managed to get one side undone and the new hoses connected, but the nut on the hardline on the passenger side is just not playing! If I cut it just above the nut, and remove the hardline from the abs pump, is there a way of stopping ALL my fluid escaping from the ABS pump? Ive got an eazibleed connected at the moment, should I just disconnect that when I cut the hardline so it doesnt keep pumping fresh fluid in?!
  12. Cheers Anto, Managed to source some from VW! Not cheap at £12 each though! Won't be making that mistake again in a hurry! Andy
  13. Just bought one of these badboys. Checked my ECU out yesterday and I've got a soldered in chip, so will need to get a socket fitted. Looking on ebay I found this: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/PCB-Circuit-Board ... dZViewItem Is this the right type of socket to get? Andy
  14. Mines sep '94 coilpack with old style MAF too.
  15. Hey man, Thanks for the offer but i think its only on 288 and 312 calipers. It' the part of the carrier that the caliper slides on and has a 7mm allen head in one end. Anyone got one spare anywhere! I'm carless till this is fixed arghhh!
  16. It was all going so well! Just tightening up the sliders during my 312mm caliper conversion outside and snapppppp! tightened it too much. Does anyone around Oxford have a spare caliper slider lying about!? Best go see if I can get the sheared bit out of the carrier.... Knew I should of bought a torque wrench lol!
  17. Maybe some kind mod could move this to classifieds for us :) To be fair it didn't start as a sales query lol
  18. Hey buddy, I just checked and I can get our couriers from work to pick it up tomorrow for me (If thatd be ok with you?) I just need an address to pick it up from and all that. Do you still have the fitting instructions? Paypal ok for you? PM me the details! Thanks, Andy
  19. I'll take it pending shipping etc !
  20. Man that looks like a sweet course! Why oh why did I do a Geography Degree! Maybe the 6 hours a week lectures had something to do with it, but in hindsight...... DANG!
  21. Yeah spoken to them earlier. Does anywhere sell just the rear eibach bars?
  22. Has anyone got one of these? Seems to be one of the only ones available separately and Weitecs Coilies have a good reputation ( I have some Hicon GTs and can't fault them). I just wondered if anyone had the Rear ARB and could shed any light on whether its as good as say the Eibach or Neuspeed items? Andy
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