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Everything posted by cardboard

  1. as above really they look great as summer wheels but as soon as salt gets on the roads and the wheels get slightly damaged they will run away! they finish will go very quickly but if taken care of they will look fantastic, i like them :D
  2. likely to be top mounts, it is worth changing them if they have never been done. they are cheap from GSF.
  3. 3 WOOOOP 2.0 16V - Aqua blue 1.8 16V - black VR6 - midnight blue mmmmmmm my fav! :D
  4. prefer the RC's in my opinion! no help i know lol sorry!
  5. cardboard

    lucky boy!!

    IM SOOO JEALOUS! id get a good plan sorted cos if your gonna be changing the bodywork, rolling/pulling arches, dropping engines in and out then you wanna do everything b4 the spray. afterthoughts always cost loads of money!! id get a really good idea of how you want the car to look etc and then go from there
  6. you want to do this to a C cos you love it :D and having any other car at 400ps just wouldnt satisfy you! so if your keeping the engine in the same place then its only really 4WD or FWD in my opinion. Personally if you have the time and money and knowledge id go 4WD to get maximum use of all the power off the mark and in the early gears, even with the C at 190ps when u boot it off the mark you will spin the front wheels and chirp into second in the dry so imagine doubling that power. however im currently thinking about doing a VRT and mine will be FWD but i wish i could do 4WD, at the end of the day once you have had enough practise and know when the power is coming etc you will be able to apply the power very well in a FWD and only first gear will suffer i belive - just watch out for that boost kicking in when your cornering :wave:!! when i was younger i put a metro turbo engine in a mini and that was 118ps in a 600kg car! insane torque steer and i had a sketchy boost moment through a long corner!! not for winners but luckily all was good! go with your initial thoughts anyway bro it will always be insane cos its wat you wanted
  7. agreed the weight distribution of the car must be all wrong and it cant handle well unless going in a straight line and even then i bet it is very sketchy! like those big engined minis they are rapid but so light at the front end - you HAVE to have a full tank of fuel to keep the wheels on the ground lol! im with the rear wheel drive guys! when you boot it the car will sink rearwards as the centre of mass moves towards the rear of the car - this applies more weight over the rear wheels and reduces weight over the front wheels and this directly affects traction therefore speed off the mark etc. a rear wheel drive car will have better acceleration of the mark. stick in some 4WD running gear!! then your a winner!
  8. thanks sorry for not searching effiecntly before. ill have a crack with the isv this weekend
  9. the peugeot is renonund as the farmers car that can handle anything and just keeps going. i know its gonna hurt so much going at a snails pace again but sometimes its just got to be done!
  10. looking for a small cheap (sub 2k, but the cheaper the better), reliable 2nd hand diesel to commute to and from work etc can anyone recomend anything?
  11. as i arrive at junctions and lights etc and put the clutch in the car decides to to just die. it also does it when starting i have to hold it at 1500rpm when i turn the key otherwise it just starts and then dies? it doesnt do it all the time tho but a least a few times every journey? i presume its a sensor on the way out? anyone solve this for me? thanks
  12. http://www.edition38.com/forums/index.p ... 53617&st=0 anyone got any pics of these on a rado or can they be shopped on? thanks
  13. yeah i had the car elevated with a trolley jack under the wish bone. let that get as low as possible then i undid the bolts s holding the suspension to the hub and just pulled the suspension down and out
  14. thats a great guide. need a free weekend cos i want a go at this. im so impressed with the finish you have managed to achieve
  15. really impressed with these :notworthy: . any chance of revealing your secret to its completion? you got any pics of the underneath or your process? :)
  16. love those seast! im currently planning a VRT project and i think something along those lines mite be featuring in my rado!!
  17. got a buzzer from maplins for £1.69 or summat and wired it in with the lights and the door sensor for the interior light. pretty easy and all is good :D :D . never any danger now
  18. also hows progress? not heard from u in a while
  19. hi mate i dont think its that as i have put a different head unit in which doesnt recieve any signal. :( have recently changed all the oils etc, standard overhall, she is running great, no problems yet!!! :D have big plans though over the next year. im rebuilding another VR lump currently which is going to be turboed :luvlove: and droped in, so the car will be off the road for the shortest amount of time possible. its all systems go. she will be at ed38 as is, maybe with some anthracite rims if you wanna say hello!!
  20. my god you would be PISSED if that happened and it wasnt even your fault or anythin. id be devestated
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