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Everything posted by vr6monkey

  1. I am learning so much since I started using this forum - and not just about Corrado's ;-) Just Google'd 'fraped'
  2. Thanks - hopefully going to have a look this weekend, if its not already sold.
  3. Hi, As a relative Newbie, can someone please explain the overlap between the CCGB and this Forum? I joined the CCGB years ago (when I last had a Corrado), but never had time to go to events, just used to read the Sprinter magazines. Work / family permitting, I'm hoping to find time to get out to some events and meet like-minded Corrado fans, and guess CCGB membership is a good way to do this? Regards, James
  4. Hi, I have a K Reg with old style cloth interior, but thinking of swapping to leather and I've seen a new style interior. Apart from the front door cards, is anything else different? Can you adapt new style door card and switches etc to fit - or is that a mission? I don't have a new style door card to compare in advance - so any advice would be appreciated.
  5. D, I could do with one good one as a spare - would you split? £5? Regards, James
  6. £220 - seems much more reasonable... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-CORRADO-ROOF-MOLDINGS-TRIMS-GUTTERS-/272777010198?hash=item3f82c6dc16:g:zZUAAOSw3ZNZd34C
  7. Really?? £650 for roof strips... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Corrado-g60-16v-vr6-OEM-Roof-Gutter-Trims-New-Unused-/192257251651?hash=item2cc36cd943:g:vkQAAOSw4-VZdmwh Seems a lot of money to me. I wonder how much a bodyshop would charge to fill and paint roof gutters? Not original, but probably look good IMO. EDIT - just re-read title of thread - Hilarious prices for broken USED PARTS - but even so, still a lot of money.
  8. Graham, I've just read your post, great news regarding your engine rebuild. Your comment made me laugh - 'enthusiastic and semi skilled which is a recipe for disaster!' - that's me... Last time I had a Corrado it was my main car and I paid garages to do nearly everything, including some rather expensive bills from Stealth. This time I have a sufficiently big garage to take the car apart and plan to do as much as I can myself - I'm definitely encouraged by some of the comments on here with regards to what is achievable. Enjoy the rebuilt engine and 37mpg !!!
  9. Just noticed these pop up on eBay - are they what you are looking for? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Corrado-VR6-rear-bench-rear-seats-/142455584089?hash=item212b03b559:g:DH0AAOSwvjlZdjnG
  10. Decisions decisions - gauges, cassette storage, Big Mac storage - I do not remember Corrado ownership being this complicated ;-)
  11. WARNING - this might seriously bore you. So, I've often seen VOTEX on VW stuff I've bought over the years, but was not sure what VOTEX actually was - so just Google'd it: Since 1984 - VOTEX (Volume Trade & Export Gesellschaft) GmbH has been granted approval to market some of its accessories range as Volkswagen Genuine Accessories. http://www.volkswagen-accessories.com/en/company/about-us/history.html Am I the only one who did not know this fascinating fact? Taxi...
  12. Surprised these are still available? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/863VAG1418BJ-GENUINE-VOLKSWAGEN-CORRADO-ACCESSORY-CARPET-MATS/182674946790?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m2749.l2649 They are OEM, but are slightly different to the ones that originally came with car (these ones have Corrado stitched in). Still look good IMO. Anyhow, £54 + P&P (seemingly from main dealer) for a new set of carpet mats seems reasonable? 3 sets left - hope that helps someone.
  13. Dogma, can I join the queue, and get 1st refusal after those ahead of me in thread.
  14. Hi, I'd buy a pair of snug-fitting headlight protectors - do you have a rough price in mind if you get the green light? I'd also be interested in buying a pair of fog/indicator protectors if they became available? Based on the availability and cost of replacement lights - well worth the investment to keep my lights crack-free :-)
  15. Maybe someone read your post - carpet & boot carpet - £12 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Corrado-carpet-plus-boot-carpet-/263103617705?hash=item3d42329aa9:g:cFgAAOSw~XpZQDqn
  16. So, I've not been using the forum that long - but here's the difference and why I'm liking it... I needed a part for my recent purchase, offered a forum member £XXX, he said that's too much, it's only worth £XXX (I'm learning) and didn't want to rip me off. I paid him a fair price, part arrived - everyone is happy. eBay - £200 for some tatty carpet - really.... I get it, eBay sellers are out to make money - but some of the prices on eBay are just insane!! EDIT - oh yes, I'm loving the £30k Corrado in Canada - what is the seller smoking??
  17. Jim, good shout ref using an old top mount - thanks. Jon_vr6, when you say in front of that - what do you mean? Do you mean just inside the pinch weld? I assume you don't mean in front as in outside edge - surely that risks slipping off? What I was thinking was using something akin to JoeBloggs suggestion, a rubber puck that sits either side of the pinch weld - see photo What I'd really like to avoid is a disaster like the other photo!!!
  18. Thank you for photo - helpful. I was looking at the rubber pucks with grooves, but read reviews that some just snap after a couple of uses, which is why I was thinking of sticking with solid wood. I'll have a look for one with the right size groove and good reviews. If anyone else has any top tips - I'd be very grateful.
  19. Having looked through the forum, I found this old thread, but the photos no longer work. So, can someone either signpost me to another thread (with photos) or confirm the following (ideally with photos): 1. Not wanting to damage the seam, where is the best place to lift with a trolley jack, front and rear? Is the subframe as per the photo the best option for front? 2. Where are safest places for axle stands? Various suggestions, including putting them under the subframe at the rear wishbone bolt - again is that the best place? 3. Any suggestions on what works best on trolley jack head - solid rubber or wood? For obvious reasons, I'd like to remove guesswork. Thank you.
  20. Cressa, if you can let me know, I would be very grateful to hear your opinion. I am keen to keep my headlights crack free!!
  21. So it looks like Rob Plastic is selling these on eBay £25 + P&P and I'm tempted to buy a pair. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-Corrado-Headlight-Covers-Perspex-Acrylic/263088642197?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Having read through this old thread, people seemed generally happy, with one person struggling to fit them. Does anyone have any further feedback to help me decide? EDIT - I've asked Rob about fog/indicator covers as well, he's going to look into it.
  22. Now they are smart! They might well be on my Christmas list?
  23. Your eyesight is obviously better than mine - I was looking for a price and .... FOUND IT ;-) EUROPA - 50€ envío incluído (4-5 dias laborables) Once I have contact details, I'll let you know.
  24. Delfinis, I've sent Renewart a message, but in fairness its Friday pm so don't expect to hear back until next week. If they are a sensible price (shipped from Spain), I'm going to order a set and can let you what I think of them.
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