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olly elworthy

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Everything posted by olly elworthy

  1. Can we tempt you then olly ? :wink:[/quote:27fe3] just put my big valve head cam etc on,, this could be the icing on the cake,, I`ll check my bank balance :lol: :wink: been e mailing john about these so yeah i am tempted,,
  2. think your injectors must be going static to get that rich,,
  3. use the 1k to fix all the little thgings that WILL need doing on it first,,,
  4. log files,, hey stevo,, download winzip and zip them,, up then add it here and we can download them,,
  5. i like the compactness of the aquamist pump,, musch easier to find a mounting place,,
  6. so did anyone get any performance gains etc etc from fitting theyre water injection?!?!
  7. just another little quirk that gives the corrado its character,,
  8. they look like an add on,, see mine up im my sig at the nurburgring,, much cleaner lines with it down,, although i do like the idea of it,,
  9. i think they look loads better with the spoiler down,,,
  10. keep us posted and get some pics up asap
  11. the later G60`s with the larger fuel tank (25 gall) are the same fitment as teh Vr6, ones,, bosch part number as kev was saying is,, F000 TE0 111
  12. hey where did you get that cool oil catch tank from?
  13. that cat looks hideous,, doesent look original as kev says
  14. the screw will back out over time if the o ring on it has become old and hard not sealing properly and allowing the screw to come outwards, all by itself,, new o ring required,, find one aftermarket as vw only sell it complete with the screw,, mind you the screw is less than a fiver so not too bad!!
  15. lets get back on thread here aposegil,, :roll: the thread was about converting to electronic injection from a MK3 over K jet and i said there is no point as you can fuel a 200bhp engine with K jet and you can!!! ians and grahams cars are examples of this!!! 8) the rest of it has been trying to justify your quizzing about these motors,,, they do produce that power, i have told you what they are made up from case closed!!! :roll:
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol: this comment is completley stupid, :oops: ,, a VR motor is totally different,, we are talking about 2 litre valvers here... as i say I only talk of my experiences,,
  17. excellent thankyou,, may just buy one and then heat insulate it myself,, as then i know it will be A1
  18. sounds like you have an excellent engine ther david and you too have proved that you can get good power out of these engines on a relatively low budget :D
  19. I am currently building another engine with a 9A bottom end, shricks etc same spec as grahams and ians,, so in a few months we shall see if we have another 185 - 190 - 200 bhp valver or not,,, watch this space,, we have talked about our experiences and you of yours,,,, cant say fairer than that :roll:
  20. Tsr sell the flywheels seperateley, they do not balance them to the crank like some companies do,, they seem to machine them back to the centre of the factory balancing marks to overcome this,, i am unsure as to wether or not this is a good idea :roll: having said this i have had no problems running one or heard of problems with them,, Out of chioce i would have the crank and the flywheel balanced together,,
  21. on a K jet you change the crystal in the ECU to raise the rev limit,, all cars are using TSR spec lightened flywheels which to be honest are not lightened that much they take about 7mm maybe 8mm neve meausred but its not allot,, off of the weight behind the starter ring gear that is all,,
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