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Everything posted by James.

  1. C’est magnifique. And Porsche wing mirrors as well. What are the other jobs ? (doesn’t seem much from this angle). Tres bon.
  2. Cheers. I can just about order a weisse beer in German, so copied the text into google translate. Standard seats was the outcome. No trouble. I’ll take the old one out and see what I can do from there (sure I patched it up years ago). It’s not hard making a new foam up though. Just a faff ordering the foam and the time shaping, when I have loads of other jobs on. I’ll update the thread as and when it happens.
  3. What’s the word on lower Recaro bolster foams ? Before I start making my own, anyone found a suitable replacement and/or solution for those saggy sides ?
  4. I tend to agree, never seen one of those before (neither the VR or 8v has one either). Bracket for aftermarket cone filter? Certainly worth holding onto, should the need arise. Regarding paint. Did you use any particular paint,undercoat,primer ? I’ve had issues with paint chipping real easy. Always curious what the home sprayer uses ?
  5. I see. Shame you can’t shorten the mounts to reduce the overall height of the block.
  6. Stock’s the way to go. Will you have to modify the bonnet ?
  7. Looks great. And certainly not out of the realms of the home enthusiast. Tried this myself a few years back, with mixed results (chunky stuff great, delicate items not so much). Arm and hammer soda crystals and an old battery charger was what I used if I remember. Love the use of a wheelie bin though. You told the council yet ?
  8. Being the proactive bunch, the residents are. I would imagine the answer is yes. But has anyone measured a set to see if this can happen ? I fancy a new set of front seats, but would prefer to travel down the OE route. The frames I can manage. But if their too wide/tall etc then it’s a dead duck to begin with.
  9. So what’s the deal with Ford Recaros not fitting ? Too wide/high/american ?
  10. Completely forgot about updating the thread. Which is a shame as a lot has happened since last time. Spent mornings, days and evenings, tidying up, painting, cleaning, wire brushing all the bits that need to back on. And then fitted em'.
  11. Not seen one for a very long time. In fact the last one I saw (in any form) was the one featured on the cover of Autocar. It came up for sale about 2008. Was in Blackpool and was in really rough shape. I had my eye on it, but as much as I wanted a press car to add to the family, it was just too far gone. In fact, If I remember the advert correctly, his wife bought it for him as a project off ebay. Once he saw the state of the cills/arches he fell out with the idea (It certainly put me off). It was also a time when early 16vs (without an MOT) were changing hands for £300+. And ones in good order £1000+ So not much interest in putting the effort in. Running a check of their regs in the MOT checker looks like they've all been SORN (broken for parts ?) for at least 6 years.
  12. Maybe an established VW specialist in your area ? (Being local helps if there's any come backs). Stealth Racing are recommended by many on here for their knowledge of the VR6 engine, if you can get it there (CV47 2PT).
  13. Hi and welcome along. Looks nice from here. Where in the north west are you ? (I'm near Wigan)
  14. This. Still love my car(s), either running or not. But hells teeth, I’d give second thoughts to starting again. And I think that’s where a lot of the value is. Simply keeping one running is hard enough, finding parts and restoring one = serious hours searching for parts. Spending nearly a year trying to obtain a straight drivers scraper seal in fair condition, plus four months for head bolts and a brake compensator kind of knocks the shine off it a little. Hopefully it sells for strong money and makes the Corrado more visual to other petrol heads / collectors. That way we all benefit and with it more reason for manufacturers to provide greater part support.
  15. Don’t mind at all Hasan. Calipers and carriers were £250 all in and delivered back. The service and end product was simply outstanding. The team there kept me updated all the way through the process and returned them back to me exactly as promised. What really made the difference was that two weeks after I received them back, one morning without my head on, I went to clean the threads out of the rear carriers. Used the wrong pitch tap and ripped the thread out. After Chris Ferry hooked me up with a set of carriers. I got in touch with Biggred, posted the carriers on. After a couple of weeks (and £30 ) they sent me the carriers back, to exactly the same standard as previous I had a go at restoring the brakes myself at first but wasn’t happy with the finish. Wish I’d just sent them there in the first place. Ho hum, you live and learn I suppoose.
  16. Since the last update we've been quite busy. Re-itted the fuel tank. Installed the refurbished brakes ( Silver plated and re-built c/o the wonderful team at Biggred - Superb service and couldn't recommend them enough ). Had another go at plating (this time with Nickel). Jet washed and de-greased the gearbox (drenching and filling my wellies in the process). Wire brushed and cleaned the engine. Treated and painted the block satin black. Then sent the engine off to be re-built with new internals. Got the car back on 4 wheels and moving around the garage (I soon after made some dollys).
  17. It’s a shame. We’ve made good progress recently and I’d like to share what we’ve done. Hopefully it’s resolved soon.
  18. Hi All Can't seem to upload any images to my build thread. I've tried reducing pixel/file size and exporting as other formats to no avail. Anyone have similar issues ?
  19. Welcome to the madness and joy that is Corrado ownership. Window motors are awkward but not impossible. Central locking is pneumatic so check it’s all plugged in first. OE wipers are poor but can be replaced with Lupo/TT items. Power steering noise can usually be resolved by using genuine fluid and generous amounts of steering end to end(worth changing if you have no history of it being done). My advice, buy a Corrado Bentley repair manual and enjoy the ride. Oh and don’t forget some pictures for us all.
  20. Welcome along. Check the throttle cable is moving freely in it’s housing would be my first port of call. They can get kinked and foul the housing if someones been heavy handed. Even better, give it a drop of oil. As for an airbox, if no one on here chirps up, reach out to Chris Ferry on Facebook. He has most Corrado shaped objects.
  21. Yes, thanks. Did that first (hopped over to VWvortex as well). Ibiza/Toledo by the looks of it. And judging by the lack of results, equally as rare these days. Not to worry, it doesn’t stop the car from running (should I have said that?)) so I’ll sit it out and keep re-visiting the issue. I’ve found a mucky old spare in the garage, so if anyone has one to sell we’re back in business. Failing that, I’ll add it to the project list I keep on a simmer. Many thanks all.
  22. Struggling to find any for sale with the Seat part number. I'll cobble something together and update the thread. Thanks all the same.
  23. Bought some MK3 ones and they're too short. What's everyone using these days?
  24. 226x10mm C/O: http://www.oemepc.com/vw/parts_lst/markt/RDW/modell/COR/year/1992/hg/6/catalog/vw/drive_standart/76/lang/e
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