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Everything posted by James.

  1. James.

    VR6 Newbie

    Thanks, but really looking for a known working one. It looks like the trouble starts when they’re left off the car for any length of time, and they start to fur up inside. I haven’t. It’s been apart before and as the casings damaged I didn’t want to mess about installing it, only to want to change it further down the line. For something that important, I really would like a refurbed unit. I’ve not forgot about your bits though. I’ll call round soon, if that’s okay ?
  2. James.

    VR6 Newbie

    Having a real issue with the ABS on the Campaign (6 months worth). Would love a recon unit (or even a known working one) so reached out to a couple of companies (with zero success). BBA never returned my request. Then saw this: https://www.thegazette.co.uk/notice/3424940 What’s this article in the sprinter then ? Worth the entrance fee ? If I wasn’t so busy with work, I may have had more time to look into it.
  3. This.Our VR is suffering the same fate. Got bored with a reliable 8v. So took that apart as well. Is it wrong to want another ? Is it running ?
  4. Superb work on reactivating the Wiki. Can’t help but think that this would be best as a subscriber only section ? Creates a reason for paid subscriptions/redirects from social media etc ???
  5. That and the lack of a handbrake sleeve!
  6. I’ve seen this before (can’t remember where). But the chrome GB badges are a give away. 200k Storm. Interested to see where it goes.
  7. Thanks Hasan. Sorry, crossed wires. It’s the bolt head that stops short of screwing all the way into the upper chain cover. Not the plunger end. I didn’t realise that there’s two types of chain tensioner bolt. And judging by it, neither do Heritage. I have their chain “kit” with the later one (although it’s advertised as fitting all Corrados). Whereas my engine is early. I’ve got an original part on the way, so we’ll see if that makes a difference when it turns up.
  8. That’s a good idea as the weight of the door can make removing a bolt/inserting a washer awkward. I tried the washer and it did help lift the door. Sadly I couldn’t test whether it helped stop the leak, as I’d had the windscreen removed the same week. I don’t plan on installing the carpets till I’m certain though.
  9. Yes. Lower tensioner replaced as well. Along with guides and chains.
  10. Really confused. Dizzy VR6. Bought the upgrade (Febi) Mk4 chain/tensioner kit from Heritage. Engine is timed and all the slack is on the tensioner side Can't screw the upper tensioner bolt all the way. Once tightened, it stops about 4mm short. Sods law, the only part I can't find in the garage is the bolt I removed (to compare against). Looking at images on the web, the threads do appear different on the bolts. I've read that some have had to either remove threads from the tensioner bolt (about 4/5mm worth). Or, have removed the "stop" at the thread ends inside the upper chain cover. My head is hurting from all the conflicting info, the internet has to offer. Anyone experienced or have a hot take on this ?
  11. Thought I heard my name mentioned ! In addition to the above sound advice, is there any movement (up/down) in the door ? ( open the door and lift from the lower edge). From what I’ve found, is that the lower hinge wears. Causing the door to drop. Most owners adjust the door pin and think that’s okay. Problem is that over time (and a couple of adjustments) it creates enough of a gap near the a pillar for water to run down the inner seal and well up at the bottom. The seal has a change in moulding shape and this seems to be where water gets in. And over time rots the car from the inside out.
  12. James.

    Door hinge.

    Cheers, There’s a bevel on the lower edge so thought as much. I’ll give that a whirl and see how it goes.
  13. James.

    Door hinge.

    The lower drivers door hinge is baggier than a clowns pocket. Anyone know how to remove/replace the securing pin (couldn’t see anything in Bentley). Would rather replace than going the washer route.
  14. Am I the only one to think that prices are anything but consistent ? Given the amount of hype Storms get, I’ve seen them sit on the “private listing” shelf at sub £10k. Yet auctions seem to be commanding premium results. Three months ago, you could sell any old dog for double money (Furlough/boredom money). This month there’s a dirth of cars hitting the market (paranoia/back down to earth money). Yet the auctions are still pinging off top line results. I’m not complaining, as I’m neither entering or exiting the market. But more like trying to get a handle on values. Discuss...
  15. Nice one Keyo. I’m going to try that (at some point).
  16. Vintage rubber got back in touch with a prompt yet vague reply. I’ve seen the Beetle mod, but not up close. Certainly worth a shot for the 8v at least. Is it a particular model/year ?
  17. Vintage rubber (based in the US) have them listed on their site as "coming soon". I'll shoot them an email and see what they say.
  18. Continuing from the other thread regarding FB re-direct: Where is the site up to regarding the WIKI ? Also. when googling technical questions, the thread titles appear on the google front page, but the links can't be reached ? For me, the USP of the site is the technical database, previous threads of fixes/solutions/remedies/pi55 taking. Without that there's nothing to differentiate if from FB. I don't mind pushing the site, but I'm pi55ing into the wind if there's nothing to push.
  19. So what’s the magic number ? Anyone fancy a game (for fun of course) ?
  20. I found getting all the parts in one place a pain, so I bought this: https://www.heritagepartscentre.com/uk/021109503d-timing-chain-kit-for-vr6-engines.html There’s an additional duplex upper chain needed. It’s got the upgraded MK4 tensioner. And also the later tensioner bolt. I’m all for OE only when it comes to engine internals. But it’s Febi, and I’m alright with that.
  21. Yep that’s the one (obviously not the exact one). A few years (and a pay rise or two) later I passed up another lefty. This time a 964 in amethyst red with matching interior. A friend was moving up to a 964 turbo so duly took it out for a test. And oh yes a heavy right foot and letting off in a tight corner caused a squeaky bum and the obligatory “pendulum effect”. Safe to say I scared myself out of that purchase. Shame really, as It still to this day astonishes me how a car can sit at 60 in a 30 and feel completely normal. Probably best I left it alone (for the licence sake). But in terms of automotive regret, It still pains me as the car I should have bought.
  22. When I bought my first Corrado 16v, it was either that or a blue Rallye (being sold by a neighbour) for the same money (£5k). The Rallye was stock as a rock, handled awful through the local roads and didn’t even feel “quick”. Nearly breaking my left hand knuckles when going for gear changes sealed the decision. The Corrado was a revelation in comparison. Fast forward twenty five years and yes the smart decision would have been to get the Rallye. But it was just so cumbersome (and all the neighbours just thought it was a standard golf with a bad body kit. Anyone remember Dimma ?), I would imagine it would have been chopped in many years ago anyway.
  23. Back at work in two weeks is a problem though, and the 8v is NOT going to be ready (being told (okay leant on) we had to go to Scotland on holiday, coming back, being ill and fitting a downstairs toilet has really had an impact on spare time). So will have to find another car. Need the lowdown on Sciroccos though. Seriously they’re like busses. All three were parked up, but the real kicker was the other Sherry 8v. The one day we go to the beach and use the Mrs’ car, there’s another Sherry sat in the car park. I only didn’t drive so I could have a pint as well. I’d usually say “that won’t happen again”, but I’d be lying. The G60, I was walking back to a pub in town after dropping the 8v off for all the welding.
  24. Looking into buying one (2008-2012 age range). Anyone on here have first hand experience of them (specifically with the 2.0 TFSI engine). What to look for etc (Is there an owners forum buyers guide ?). Any guidance appreciated.
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