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Posts posted by OSV

  1. Think its an amazing reflection of the way my mind is going that even brand new parts have to be stripped and rebuilt.

    Sorry couldn't resist, but you are crazy and are rewriting the book on building a Corrado show car in the process, keep it coming!

  2. I'm glad this discussion is developing and although the poll suggests the vote being strongly in favour of a combined Forum/Club a quick look at the numbers once again shows apathy. Very few forum members have actually voted or are regularly active. I try to take a positive view of CCGB and don't just take the view what do I get frim IT. The idea is that the more who contribute and get involved the more can be done, only with resources and enthusiastic help can the Club be strong, at least we aren'y suffering from multi brand or model rivalry. There is only ONE Corrado Forum and ONE CCGB.

  3. I think very many people would like to see a unified Corrado owners Club/Forum. Whilst I can't speak for the stake holders in both organisations I am happy to be part of both.Perhaps a vote poll would at least gauge interest and perhaps seek to dispell the suggestion that there is a reluctance to adopt a more joined up approach.

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