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Posts posted by OSV

  1. OK we hear a lot about peoples favourite styling and performance mods. In my experience though it not always a straight forward or positive move. What difficulties have you had, which mods have you regretted and why. We can all learn from experience!


    A small example I regretted buying brand new OE Passat rear door handles they didn't have the threaded striker adjustment of the original product and are therefore hard to fit through the door handle recess and to push the lock correctly.

  2. Sorry to be a pest, I need to get this bottomed. The brakes are on and fine (thanks for sorting the bolts Dinkus 8) ) I have already got braided hoses on the rear from when I upgraded to MKIV callipers. I now need the braided hoses for the front with banjo fitting and the hoses over axle rears. I spoke to Stealth who seemed to think it was a MK3 Golf kit I needed and C&R were unsure. I thought someone had developed a specific kit, does anyone know as the Mk3 with 288 discs uses the same calliper will it be OKand are the axle hoses the same?

  3. A strong price doesn't guarantee a good car that is obvious. The point I was trying to make is that apparent bargain prices often can get you rough cars which need a fortune spending to get up to scratch, there are very few genuine bargains in life. I meant that a genine mint car can command a strong price. I have a mate who bought a C for £200 recently but as a G plate valver with worn seats some rot knackered paint, damaged locks, broken sunroof etc it is beyond economical sense to be anything but a banger.

  4. I think they will fit OK, as Corrado and Scirocco seats are often fitted to MK1 and MK2 Golfs so it should work both ways. The scirocco frame just sits lower which is more suited to a Corrado when fitting non VW specific seats. I can put my hands on a pair in great nick both height adjustable and in good nick. They are a mates think he wants £20.

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