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Posts posted by OSV

  1. In basic terms replacing the standard head set up on which the inlet manifold and exhaust manifold are on the same side of the head with one where they are on opposite sides. hence cross flow. the 16v head is a cross flow design.

  2. I want to remove the seat back from the drivers seat to facillitate a small repair at the trimmers. I'm already familiar with how to disconnect and remove the seat back itself, but the seat is heated and i'm in the dark about the wiring loom.

    Is there a connector to disconnect the wiring to allow removal of just the seat back?

    Where is it located ?

    What type of connector is it? how do you 'split' it ?

    :?: Thanks

  3. With even the newest car approaching 9 years old decent well maintained (with history, few owners) cars will become few and far between. The best time to buy is when you find a genuinely good one not just a cheap one. Cars depreciate anyway so nothing is certain but the rule of thumb is you get what you pay for.

  4. Do it right and do it once, if you can't afford the full hit wait till you can.Even if you fit them yourself you're into wheel alignment twice over and you might very well not get the ride quality you hope for with uprated springs and part worn standard dampers.

  5. I think its unfortunate that the organisers see fit to limit the Club Displays rather than trying a bit harder with the layout to accomodate everyone. I think on balance the Club scene has more relevance to the VW scene as with increasingly ageing vehicles there are really fewer and fewer cars of genuine Concours or show standard. The show should be about displaying your car and meeting like minded individuals.

    Whilst this new idea is clearly flawed a boycott is no use. Use it or lose it is too true, just look at the organising costs involved. Its the clubs and the people that make the european shows work so we need to do the same here only by going to the shows and creating the atmosphere will things gain momentum.

    In respect of this years GTI International can I suggest 2 things

    1 The VW clubs and forums all write an open letter perhaps also via the magazines and t'internet expressing their dissapointment at the invite only and 5 cars per stand criteria.

    2 Clubs and forums meet up outside the show prior to entering and all go in together forming their own display in the car park. If this is organised well enough it will provide an alternative focal point to the show which won't be profit motivated. From my experience the real atmosphere at European shows is the campsite car parks etc anyway. etc etc etc :mrgreen:

  6. I actually agree that the 'Storm' was essentially just a badging exercisely and really no diifferent from any high spec. late model.

    I also would do minor mods if I owned one, ride height etc but keep them reversible. I just think you'd need teflon skin from purists (anoraks?) deriding you for daring to interfere with a 'Storm'.

    I think I would return any late spec. car to standard prior to resale....

  7. Given the few differences between a 'Storm' and any late model high spec Corrado what do you think of modifications to a 'Storm'?

    Personally although I don't own a 'Storm' I would feel obliged to leave it in a stock unmodified condition. Any departure away from this standard spec. andf it would take away from its uniqueness.

    I like the freedom do do a few minor mods on a car but wouldn't want to alter such a Limited Edition car. What does anyone else think?

  8. Some people clearly don't understand offsets then! You will have no problems with the Solitudes afaik they are 6 and 6.5 ( dependant which car they come off) may be wrong but the arches will swallow them with ease. There is some availability of differing offsets from different companys its down to research i'm afraid.

  9. ET is actually in the neagative in most rims, but dont worry about this unduly. For the standard references the lower the number the more they stick out towards the arch.

    Standard ETof 43 with OE wheels therefore anthing less eg 35, 32 etc will stick out towards the arch more.ET is the distance in mm of the mounting face of the wheel from the centre line. You can only rely on camparing ET on wheels of the same width unless you understand the concept more fully. For instance imagine a standard rim of 6.5 width. If you then compare it to a wheel of 7.5 width then it is already 12mm either side of centre wider. Therfore even with a ET 43 it would be 12 mm closer to the arch and so on.

  10. Thanks for the replies. I have got some aluminium paint manufactured by a company caled 'Rustins' which funnily enough is the last thing I want to happen :wink: Afriend used this on his callipers with excellent results and i'm intending to do my callipers too. The paint is branded as heat resistant and quotes a figure of 105 deg C. Will this be suitable on the discs also :?:

  11. A friend who had a Corrado VR6 before me initially fitted Koni shocks with Eibach springs to his car. When he decided to go a bit lower and fitted FK Konigsport Coilovers, not only did he have full height adjustment and adjustable shocks the handling capabilities were vastly improved. He raved about them constantly. I have bought a set on his recomendation. 8)

  12. I've just bought myself some new dust shields and brake discs all round. I intend to get the shields powdercoated in black for extra protection but what about the discs. I want the non braking surfaces around the outer egde and the hub painted up to prevent unsightly rusting, has anyone used or know of any suitable paint or products they can recomend. :?:

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