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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Does it start easily and run OK? If there's no obvious leak I would refill it, run it again and keep a close eye on it. It may just be air that was in the system that's made it's way into the reservoir. Check for steam from the exhaust once it has warmed up the exhaust system as you may get condensation while the system is still cold.
  2. Haven't done it myself but you remove the whole mirror body by twisting it at the base and exposing the 2 screws that hold it to the door. They apparently can be "ahem" slightly difficult to remove. Good soak with WD 40 or suchlike should help.
  3. I got a telling off for giving this 10/10 a few posts ago, so that makes you a very naughty boy as well.
  4. Mind you £50 for a block and crank ain't too bad if you need one.
  5. This may help with the firing order and position of the leads. Hope that's all it is. http://direct.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/vie ... 2#p1163221
  6. front grille (29 Nov 2010) Early version – 09/88 – 07/91 Part No – 535 853 653 041 4 available – retail cost £40.31 + Vat
  7. Measure the lengths of the track rods on each side. It sounds as if they may have been adjusted on one side only or fitted wrongly.
  8. Hmm, is it not going up in April (again)?! Yup, a projected 5p per litre after the government increase and the oil companies jumping on the bandwagon according to a report the other day. What I found strange was that they couldn't implement the "petrol price relief" for the islands and and isolated areas without EU approval. What the heck has the EU got to do with internal taxation and relief or am I missing something.
  9. Signed up and sent the link to everyone in my address book. No harm in spreading the word.
  10. Wullie

    hi all

    Welcome to the forum
  11. More info here http://direct.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/vie ... 1&t=100703
  12. Seasn of the Witch, not exactly Oscar material but kept me interested all the way through even with Mr Cage in it. Reasonable storyline with quite a few tense moments. 7/10
  13. Those will be the knee protectors fitted to US spec car so you don't hurt your knees when you hit a wall at 100 mph.
  14. Can you still get the jet and tube? The tip got broken on mine during the snow caused by kids piling snowmen on the pack of the car.
  15. Doesn't matter if a book is out of print or not it is still copyright for. As a result of the Copyright Extension Act of 1998, most copyrights for works published after January 1, 1978 last for the life of the author plus 70 years. Any reproduction is a breach of that copyright and can result in prosecution for anyone either selling or in pessesion of it. If prosecution is undertaken penalties can be high. It is all quite clear cut and what you have is basically illegal.
  16. Wullie


    Do a compression test first and see what the results are. If the head gaskets gone you'll have at least one cylinder with a low reading.
  17. Welcome to the fount of Corrado knowledge. As of tomorrow you will be an officialy afflicted Corrado nut.
  18. If I remember correctly the second number didn't look like the part I had. I eventually got a second hand one off here. I didn't have to remove the orange bit as it was on both but I think it's held on by the metal plate bit on the outside that acts as a retainer for the vacuum hoses. I'll have a search around the hut ans see if I can find the buggered one aand have a look.
  19. If it's the corrugated elbow with the two vacuum take offs underneath it that attaches to the throttle body then mine has 027 133 649D marked on it
  20. I think we should start using a "out of 100" score for films.... this 10/10 milarky really grinds my gears :nuts: I mean... Are you saying that you can't get better than "Despicable Me"? I'm sure you'll agree that you have seen better films... so how can it be 10/10? Anywho... I saw a film last night called "Catfish". It's a documentary about a chap in New York who finds love over the internet and discovers that the person he fell for on Facebook isn't all she turns out to be. It's all filmed by camcorder and includes some really nice graphic touches (using google map street view while the crew are driving down the interstate was a very nice touch for instance) and there's a twist at the end that certainly kept me guessing! So... In the Spirit of a more accurate system I'll give this film 85/100. :salute: OK Perhaps I was carrried away by the fact the kids sat quietly for the duration of the movie so I'll go for 90/100. Still a brilliant movie though.
  21. A few weeks ago took the grandson and half a dozen of his little friends to see Despicable Me. Absolutely brilliant. Nobody wanted to go to the toilet and I loved it 10/10. Really liked the "minions"
  22. Not that it will be any consolation, I had a similar event and got nowhere. My wife hit the pothole but didn't think anything of it and it was a couple of weeks later I discovered the damage. A local alloy wheel repair place straightened the wheel for £35. Currently where I live there are more potholes and speed bumps than there are flat bits of road.
  23. I find it slightly amusing that the "wiper fix" seems to have come full circle now. Originally grinding the lobes down then TT and Lupo wipers and now seemingly back to lobe grinding. At least it's the cheapest option.
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