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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Irwins will get them off in seconds.
  2. When I stayed in Canada I was fortunate enough to own a 1965 Corvette Stingray convertible with the 6.5 litre big block engine. It was phenomenal in a straight line but going round corners and stopping were another thing entirely. I bought it at a farm closing down sale for the princely sum of $200 canadian but it was a bit of a mess, having been lying in a barn for a lot of years. Stingray.JPG[/attachment:2550mxn5] It took a couple of days to change the fluids etc and it fired up after about five or six attempts. Another three months saw it "roadworthy" and I used it on and off in between time off the road for restoration work. After about a years work it was almost back to scratch, ( I had a lot of help as the farmer I worked for was into cars in a big way, though he preferred even older stuff.) but due to family commitments I had to return to Scotland and left it with him to finish intending to return to Canada later. I never did return though and Al sold it for me for $8,000 when he had finished putting a new soft top on it. My favourite "Trick" in it was to place a silver dollar on the dash and bet the passenger he couln't pick it up. As the reached forward I just dropped the clutch and took off, they got pushed back into the seat and the dollar would end up in their lap. Been looking in the loft for some later pics but after several house moves I can't seem to locate them. Will keep looking though.
  3. :salute: done Thank you. Now I feel I officially exist, going out for a few beers to celebrate. Well any excuse is a good excuse.
  4. Could someone please add me. Wullie, PA2 Paisley, G reg 1.8 16v Alpine White.
  5. Fitted a new rotor arm amongst ther bits and bobs. Whoever thought of glueing the little feckers in place should be shot! Ended up taking the dizzy off so I could hit it with things.
  6. Mine passed recently. Let's hope we're starting a trend. :D
  7. Oh, and just remembered. She doesn't wear much in the way of clothes! :worthless: :pharoh:
  8. Crikey, I'd hate to find out what you'd say about me from how I look!! :rofl: :tongue: :worthless:[/quote:3hj2eu2s] Could be interesting. If I remember correcly Purgatori is about 600 years old, has red skin, horns and wings.
  9. That is so obviously group D. What?????????? Glad I've got a KR
  10. That has got to be some kind of Candid Camera thing. No one is that bad, not even my wife!!
  11. Wullie

    stupid question??

    Anything to please a vampire
  12. Wullie

    stupid question??

    Me or Volkswagen???
  13. BMW are having paint problems though strangely they won't admit it, American owners of Frozen Gray M3's having to sign a "maintenance agreement" which requires them to immediately clean off bird droppings and that if they wax or polish their cars they will invalidate their paint warranty. Apparently the laquer isn't tough enough though BMW won't admit it. Part of the reason is being blamed on water based finishes. In addition a lot of cars apparently are quite bad with orange peel effect due to the paint being dried to quickly.
  14. Wullie

    stupid question??

    Switch on the intermittent wipe, let it have a couple of wipes then switch it off for the delay required and switch it back on again. Hey presto, they'll wipe with the delay you left them off for.
  15. Check out the Parts for Sale section. At least 1 KR engine on there
  16. Wullie

    stupid question??

    Even older ones if you stick in a 99 relay! Available from any scrapyard.
  17. Not the first time. viewtopic.php?f=17&t=66580&start=15
  18. Smiled at it and said "What a clever girl, you passed your MOT" and raised a glass of wine in her honour.
  19. Bullshit. A preconcieved notion built in by other peoples conceptions. I love speed and power. It's only financial considerations that limit my opportunities. Sorry for going off track. Geriatric speedfreak
  20. My wifes idea of a "sensible" car is her "thingy", a Daewoo Tacuma (or as she calls it a Tacuma Daewoo, cos if you stand at the back that's the way it reads??) that can carry about 300 screaming weans and all the trappings that go along with it. Loads of little cubby holes where things get forgotten and are only noticed when the smell gets too bad. The Corrado is too small, uses too much of the expensive kind of petrol, the seats are too low and are difficult to get in and out of and anything else she thinks of at the time. Part of the problem is perhaps that when I bought the C I wanted to keep the Scirrocco so traded in her car without actually asking her. Told her the heavy steering would keep her fit and the weight down. Didn't work Women! Some of them just don't get it.
  21. Put the car in for it's MOT today. After pacing up and own the house like a crabbit auld bugger finally got the phone call. Passed with one advisory, pitting on the rear discs. Wife really disappointed, she prays that it'll cost too much to repair (little does she know) and that I'll get a "sensible" car.
  22. Moral:- Buy enough paint to complete the job. WTF :epicfail:
  23. Make sure the safety catch is free to move as well. The spring seems to collect dirt and partially seize up.
  24. Went to see Predators. What a waste of the price of a couple of nice bottles of wine. 2/10. Thin plot line, undeveloped cliche'd characters. The biggest suspense came from wondering who would die next while not really caring.
  25. Ooh........My...........God. That thing is awesome.
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