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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. I think it's the top front one, however they are the same and you can check by swapping the wires around to see if another sensor wil bring the guage to life.
  2. I stick a little fan heater on the parcel shelf when the forecast is for freezing or snow. Switch it on and leave it running while I have brekkie. Cars clear and roasty toasty when you go to it.
  3. Cat person, Get them from the Cat Protection League who insist on them being "neutered". Have always referred to it as them being de-catted and with the tranpositioning of it to me, well. sounds painful.
  4. Have been out being literary, now with music???? Saw this, remembered using it to replace high beam led and hey presto. Red wine and memory can do strange things
  5. Have a look her. It might just save a bit of unneccesary hassle. viewtopic.php?f=45&t=84726
  6. I'd say it was a dead lambda probe reading that. I might just get it decatted it at the same time. Ooooh, that sounds painful for some strange reason!!
  7. Rain, hail, sleet or snow I'm out in it. It's my one and only daily driver. I've had it for thirteen years now and it has never let me down. I have my little quirks about maintenance and things but water will never hurt it. Really, what is more important, the driving and enjoyment of a C or a slight smear on the paintwork. Might I suggest that the driving of an almost unique car is next door to heaven. Bu**er to a small rain mark on the bonnet. My tuppenceworth.
  8. As the clutch is held to the flywheel by spring pressure and that pressure is released by the slave cylinder then a fault in the slave or the clutch hydraulics would mean that the clutch wouldn't release properly. not cause it to slip. Possible causes could be as mentioned previously, scored or damaged flywheell, contamination with oil/hydraulic fluid or somewhat less likely high spots on the new clutch friction material. These will wear down with use and the clutch will come to you. Only way to be sure though is to pull the gearbox off again and look.
  9. I checked that dude, my cable isn't snapped at the latch, i think its snapped somewhere around the release pins. Jim, thanks fella, need to 'pop the hood' first lol. I seem to recall one of the HT's having a small nick in it quite a while ago, shall investigate further... :gag: Some more ideas in this theread viewtopic.php?f=3&t=66962&start=0&hilit=bonnet+cable+broken
  10. Just a thought. Seriously though, try here. http://wiki.the-corrado.net/jammed_bonn ... _tips.html
  11. Anyone else thought origami ????????????? All those creases and folds.
  12. I had a similar event in the last hour of the last millenium. Stupid female on her mobile phone failed to notice the red traffic light and the fact that five cars were all stopped. Probably fortunate the car was worth more at that time as it was repaired under insurance. I however, being a manly bloke said I'm alright and I'm off on leave anyway so everythings OK. Was it Feck. It was almost a week before I went to the doctor and the girls insurance used that succsesfully to limit what was a legitimate claim due to my "manliness". I almost wept when I saw the pictures on page 1 of the post as it looked so familiar though mine had front end damage as well as I got pushed into the car in front. Look on the bright side. You're still breathing and, if the worst comes to the worst, it may be possible to buy it back and get it repaired yourself. If anyone else has said this, sorry for repeating it. I just read the first few posts and it all felt so familiar. Get a bottle of Wolfblass Yellow label as an aspirin subsitute and wait for the good lady to get home to console you. Wullie
  13. Dry the whole area, dust with talc and turn the ignition on till the pump primes. Now have a look to see if there any any "trails" through the talc which should point you in the direction of any leaks. If nothing shows try running the car for a few minutes, just to get some fuel flowing through the system and re-inspect.
  14. The wifes Tacuma died at 57,000 miles (thank you whatever diety is out there, was a petrol guzzling monstrosity) Got a 51 plate Corsa with full service history, 31,000 miles only to find the timing chain is bu**ered, umpteen other annoying things like bushes, drop links and wheel bearings are dying rapidly. Roll on Arnold Clark, warranty???? this is normal wear and tear and not covered. I almost feel sorry the Tacuma has gone. A service history is just a stamp in a book and means that there is a stamp in a book. I can get a stamp on every page of any car I want from one or two disreputable garages around here for the price of a pint.
  15. I'm old and tire easily so C is good enough for me. Also I'm just lazy.
  16. Strangely enough, the checky bunnet barstewards are your friends in these kind of scenarios as it usually gives them an easy booking. As long as you don't exceed the exemptions you are allowed when attending an emergency they will usually give you all the assistance they can. As part of a fire crew we had plenty of witnesses aboard the appliance in the event of any incident but I don't know how that would be with you if you are on your own. The one to be really careful about is being able to treat a red light as a give way sign. Although you have the right to proceed "when safe do do so" you will be the one that get's done if there is ANY accident as a result of your actions. On the other hand I had the great enjoyment when attending a serious house fire in a posh part of town where the access road was blocked by residents parking along one side of it blocking it enough that I couldn't get up it. The gaffer just pointed ahead and nodded so I chucked it in first gear and drove on. I failed to miss several cars as other obstructions got in the way. Got to the incident and pulled an elderly couple out who were taken to hospital. This caused some upset among the damaged car owners. When the police arrived I was summoned and prepared myself for the worst, but no! The police had asked the owners of the damaged cars to stand beside them and made them apologise to me as they each got booked for obstruction the Fire Service in the course of an emergency. There were a few sheepish faces lined up. Unless it has changed since I retired there aren't many exemptions the main ones being allowed to exceed the speed limit, the red light one above and strangely being allowed to proceed more than 15 feet off a carriageway. Never understood that one. Moral? Don't think a blue light gives you the right to do as you please and adjust your driving to suit the conditions. When I got up the ranks a bit, I had a Scirocco Scala as my staff car and used a Kojak style blue light. People weren't expecting a low slung coupe to be an emergency vehicle and it led to a few "misunderstandings" as it appeared from behind taller vehicles. Oops, getting carried away. Wullie
  17. What kind of emergency vehicle do you drive?? I drove Fire Appliances for years and never had the time to consider who was following me, let alone the time to stop en route and have a word with them. Was there a tone there ? I'm either on the ambulances or rapid response vehicles (police spec volvos). You should always consider who's behind you (checking mirrors every 10 secs) and if when on the way to an emergency I spot a crash due to this stupidity then I'm duty bound to stop and deal with it or risk losing my licence to practice medicine. Nope, no tone, not even a two tone. Just the way you had worded it seemed strange. What I meant was that if en route to an emergency if someone decided to tag on that was up to them as long as they did not cause me any obstruction. The most that would be done was the police would be contacted and their reg and circumstances reported. Never known it to be done though in my time. If we saw another incident (of any description) the procedure was to radio it in to control and continued to your shout. Control would then mobilise as necessary as they have an overview of all incidents and available resourses and would mobilise accordingly. This may or may not mean changing my destination to the one I had reported. It just seemed strange that in your original post it seemed you would stop on your way to an emergency to reprimand someone for their driving but your second post clarifies what you meant.
  18. Lastly people who pull in behind us and try to follow to cheat the que. I've had to stop on emergency drives before just to get out and tell them off to avoid another accident. That is all :salute: What kind of emergency vehicle do you drive?? I drove Fire Appliances for years and never had the time to consider who was following me, let alone the time to stop en route and have a word with them.
  19. Years to wait and £70,000 and Butterfly's started planning her mods. Now that is forward thinking.
  20. Say no more http://www.topspeed.com/cars/jaguar/201 ... 97047.html
  21. What direction do you turn the adjusment screw to weaken the mixture on a KR engine with K-Jet fuel injection. Mine is running as rich as a very rich thing that's just won the lottery but I don't want to turn it the wrong way. I haven't got access to anything at the moment to check the CO2 emissions.
  22. I found these somewhere but never got round to doing anything with them. They may, or may not help.
  23. Hit 190,000 miles today. Gave the steering wheel a little pat. Opened the ashtray and the spring broke. Oh happy Corrado days. Edit, just noticed this is my 650th post. Must be a round number type of day.
  24. My wallet hates me for loving it :confused4:
  25. Try here search.php?st=0&sk=t&sd=d&keywords=abs+resistance
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