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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Glad to be of assistance. Did you go to a dealer or "find" one ;) My only worry now is if someone asks about a gearbox problem I tell them they should get new brake pads. Indicators, wipers, well they're worked by stalks.
  2. Most of my cars pre Volkswagen would definitely be classed as snottersas I tended to buy them from the car market. The sstandout has to be a Talbot Horizon in a kind of oragey tan colour with a dark brown Starsky and Hutch stripe. Cost £20, ran it for 2 years as a daily then eventually sold it on for the same price. Was too embarased to take a picture of it but it was a faithful beastie and comfortable as well.
  3. Don't really know, never bought one. The only one I ever changed was the wiper one and I got it from you know where.
  4. Not your ignorance but rather my braindeadness. Whay I havered on about wipers when the heading was indicators I just don't know. The indicator relay is 21, top row far right I think. Still if you are in there looking and the wiper relay is a 19 it's worth changing for the 99 anyway. I think I'll go and book a room at work, it's an Alzheimers Special Unit!
  5. It'll be an ant. Get a bottle of wine and some bleach.
  6. I get mine from the local scrapyard £1 or slip it in your pocket (oops, did I say that?). Most of the VW/Audi range. When you put on the intermittent wipe it normallly just wipes at a preset interval. Switch it off again, wait the required time and switch back on. The interval will now be set to the wipe interval you left it off for. I usually switch off, wait till the rain annoys me and put it back on again, job done. Is Wales as wet as it is here?
  7. Early relay is a 19, later one 99. The 99 can be used in early cars and gives you the variable intermittent wipe.
  8. That looks about right. Let's just wait and see how close your version actually is. :bonk:
  9. 2nd Update. Got another response from my MP. He has recieved an acknowledgement of his request on my behalf from the DVLA and will be back in touch when he recieves their reply. I'll go and start War and Peace now. Should be finished it before I hear anything else.
  10. I got sacked last night from the Salvation Army soup kitchen, ungrateful bleeders, all I said was, 'hurry up for christs sake, some of us have got homes to go to!' Not every flower can say love, but a rose can. Not every flower can survive thirst, but a cactus can. Not every vegetable can read, but bless, look at you having a little go! Christmas is like any other day for me, sitting at the table with a big fat bird who doesn't gobble anymore.
  11. Lost it! After driving around for ages trying to find a parking space at the Pittenweem Arts Festival finally got a space and rushed off. Later on I couldn't remember where I'd put it. Fortunately it's not a big place and after a frantic half hour found it again.
  12. Like Alex_G60 said, it's an addiction. I was getting withdrawal symptoms. Well done Andi
  13. I sat on the train this morning opposite a stunning Thai girl. I kept thinking to myself, please don't get an erection, please don't get an erection...but she did. My neighbour knocked on my door at 2:30am this morning, can you believe that 2:30am?! Luckily for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes. The Grim Reaper came for me last night, and I beat him off with a vacuum cleaner. Fcuk me, talk about Dyson with death.
  14. Wullie

    can i do this

    Check the crankshaft pulley and bolt. This was one of the symptoms on mine, the key on the pulley had went allowing it too move on the crank. Set the timing to tdc using the marks on the flywheel then have a look at where the mark on the pulley is. It should be spot on. If it's not whip the pulley off and check.
  15. Wullie

    Corado help

    I wonder if there's a course you can go on to lern 2 spel lik this. Retire at the end of the year and will need something to fill the time
  16. Wullie

    Corado help

    Should that not be lack of spelling
  17. Don't forget the look at me and I'll break plastic
  18. I wonder what the split is between 1.8 and 2.0 Corrados. I would have thought they would be separate because of engine size.
  19. Hi, and welcome to the forum.
  20. It’s a bit early for Iceland volcano jokes. We should wait awhile for the dust to settle. I came out my house yesterday and was hit on the head by a bag of frozen sausages, a chocolate gateau and some fish fingers. I realised it must be the fallout from Iceland.
  21. You've just got to be different :) I found that using delete browsing history and disc Cleanup doesn't always seem to clear everything out. You need to go into the Temporary Internet Files folder and delete everything manually. Usually found here C:\Documents and Settings\"Your User Name"\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
  22. I used to get it (using IE8 ). I set it to delete browsing history on exit and have never had the problem since. Tools>Internet Options>General tab and tick the box. I don't know if other browsers have this function but I suppose they will have it somewhere.
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