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Everything posted by Wullie

  1. Removed mine using gallons of hot water to soften thing up a bit. Took it real slow and they came off without damage. As my C is white I think it made it look a lot cleaner.
  2. Just to let everyone know I recieved a cheque and a letter of explanation from raddo_tom today and I am quite happy with the way things have come round. Thanks to all on the forum for their assistance with this. I don't think I was too quick to judge. I had waited four months and with communication having completely stopped for the last two months I think I was reasonably patient. What would you have done? Was I being ripped off, didn't know. Was there some other problem? Didn't know. A few words in an e-mail and all would have been well. I do sincerely hope Toms problems clear up soon Wullie
  3. No, this is actually a bit rare, some rados were fettled by Oettinger. I believe it was head work and suspenders mainly. Mike, that bloke is a cheeky beggar! Didn't they have a different front grill and unique wheels?
  4. I seem to remember a BMW with doors that disappeared, was it the Z1?
  5. Mine hit 186186 a couple of weeks ago, and just about everything is still original. In the same way as Triggers brush in Only Fools and Horses though the engines more or less untouched
  6. If your unsure enough to post for advice then that would be enough for me to forget it and wait for another offer. The best scams are the ones you can't work out until your standing on the pavement wondering where your car just went
  7. I've noticed this with my 1.8. I put it down to the ISV taking over the idle. If you slow down in gear till the revs drop below about 700 they will rise on dipping the clutch to just over 1000 then drop back to the 750 idle speed. I'm probably totally wrong though and these are just the ravings of a geriatric idiot
  8. Thanks for that my man. Wonder if he'll reply to you? You guys on this forum are fantastic. My thanks to all of you once again.
  9. Tried to register with Mancvag but it rejected me!! I sent an e-mail to the Administrator so I'll wait and see what happens. On another note altogether, what the heck is a fishbulb??
  10. What the heck, let's call a spade a spade Perhaps if raddo_rob reads this he could ask his "Business Partner" to send them, or as they are "Business Partners", send them himself. If giving his address breaks forum rules I apologise and feel free to remove it, but the more I think oabout it the more annoyed I get.
  11. His partner is indeed raddo_rob, I didn't want to name him directly in case I broke some rule but all you clever people guessed it anyway and I suppose he's tarred with the same brush until he can prove otherwise. I suppose I'll just have to put it down to experience and continue the search for my centre caps. They all seem to be attached to wheels and located at the other end of the country. Many thanks to all for your support.
  12. I’m a bit reluctant to do this but I’m totally pi**ed of with raddo_tom from this forum but this has gone on far too long. On July 16th raddo_tom got in touch with me saying he had two Sebring Centre caps for sale. We agreed a price of £25 posted ands I duly sent him a Postal Order. Being a trusting soul I didn’t get it crossed as in my dealings with other members of the forum had moved forward without problem. In following correspondence the PO did not arrive and I sent another, this time crossed and recorded delivery. This one did arrive and he said he was posting them the following day. By now it was the end of August. To cut a long story short after another few PM’s to him He stopped answering. I sent him a final PM on the 3rd of this month asking for some sort of reply and offering to send stamps to cover the cost of postage but to no avail, the same silence. The PM’s are being read as they have gone from my outbox and after a post trying to track him down VR6replied, and tried to contact him. Still silence. Many thanks to VR6 for trying to assist. I am now close to £60 out of pocket (adding PO commission and postage) which I can ill afford as I’m on a pension, and to add insult to injury the post office advised me that the original Postal Order had been cashed in Tom’s home town. Coincidence? He is apparently in business with another member on here with a similar username breaking Corrado’s and selling the parts. May require a bit of caution as well. Avoid the man like the plague. Unless he can convince me differently he is a total rip off merchant.
  13. As a next step I would check the plug leads to make sure they are not failing under load, followed by checking the distributer, rotor arm and cap for dirty /worn contacts or, as sometimes happens oil leaking through tinto the didtributer body. If you can get someone to hold the engine at revs where it missing and remove the leads one at a time to see if you can track down which cylinder is misfiring. If you find it swap leads to see if the problem follows the lead, if not, swap a plug and ditto. In a word, try to isolate the fault and diagnose from there.
  14. This should help. viewtopic.php?f=45&t=84726
  15. Thanks for this. I'll pass it on to her, I'm sure she will be sitting taking notes all the way through. I'm a bit pissed and hyper at the moment. Publisher replied to my synopsis and wants to see the manuscript of my whole novel, and they've only had it two weeks. Off to pour another malt and a bottle of Deuchars
  16. When I had a problem with car smells I taped a vaccuum cleaner scent block on top of the leaf filter. Car and engine bay smelt lovely. Lasted about a week or so.
  17. What was the programme about Berlin called? A friend of mine is researching that period for a novel she is writing. Could be a help to her.
  18. My sister in law won't walk in front of the Corrado. Says it looks bad tempered and might attack her?? I love that car, it's just got timeless good looks and I sometimes wonder why people want to change them. Just folks being folks I suppose
  19. I concur. I love saying that!
  20. If I remember correctly there was a "How To" on the CCGB site showing how to fit a lights on buzzer. If not there it was the CC of America.
  21. I've had mine 10 1/2 years now. Would have bought one earlier if the Scirocco hadn't kept going so long.
  22. I'm not sure where to post this as at the moment it's not a Bad Salesman thread. If it's in the wrong place I apologise to the mods who will no doubt swiftly move it where it belongs. Does anyone on here know raddo_tom. I have been trying to contact him re some Sebring centre caps I bought from him but he is no longer responding to PM's. I understand from earlier contact that he was having some work problems but unless he can get in touch we won't be able to work anything out. If anyone can assistance with this I'd be really grateful. Thanks
  23. Wullie

    Locating tdc

    You are right about top dead centre. On the gearbox on between the slave cylinder and the engine block there is an oval shaped rubber bung which, when removed will allow you to see the timing marks on the flywheel.
  24. Sounds like the master or slave cylinder is leaking past the seals. I'd take off the slave first as it pretty easy, no need to disconnect the hydraulics or that, and see if there's fluid leaking, if not it's probably the master cylinder seals
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