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Everything posted by beastie4126

  1. No tyres on them that I know about, no probs on picking them up from yours at all. Cheers m8 let me know if you can do it.
  2. I'm having these http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... 7#p1052453 from Butterfly. Be well chuffed if you can get them for me m8
  3. Hemel Hempstead m8. You still Milton Keynes way?
  4. Hi, wondering if anyone from the herts area going to Stanford would be up for collecting a set of wheels and dragging them back. Contributions to petrol fund gladly given of course.
  5. Mr Bentley confirms - speaker/stereo and the black ones are for top speakers
  6. The brown one looks like the one for the stereo. I'll have a look in wiring schematic in the back of my Bentley manual if I get a chance this evening.
  7. I could not get the old sprocket off so a new trigger, sproket and bolt went in.
  8. I checked for faults with Vagcom this morning and nothing was reported, which is good in a way I suppose, created a log anyway. 680 /min RPM Engine Speed 1.008 O2 Active 6.8 °BTDC Ignition Timing 3.80 ms Injector ON Time 182.0°C EGR Temp (if available) 13.7° Throttle Angle 56.7°C Intake Air Temp - Manifold 1.039 ISV Adaptation Like you say if it was out I would expect it to run like a pig as well. Think I'll take a look around it tonight and make sure that I have not left anything loose or squashed a breather or something equally daft before I start taking it apart again.
  9. I like to work on the what did I change last theory and the car was fine prior to the Cam change. I want to get it running properly before I book up with Stealth for a remap so I reckon I will crack the spanners out and check the settings for the 22nd time :shock:
  10. Chaps I'm looking for some input on this one before I go and get the spanners out again. I finally installed the set of Schimmel 263's that have been burning a hole in my tool box since January last week and although I have not had the car remapped yet I am a little disapointed with the results. Now I have read through the forum in regards to these prior to my purchase and you lot had been giving them rave reviews regardless of remapped or not so this got me thinking what have I done wrong !! I was so paranoid about getting the timing right I must have checked it twenty times and then once more for good measure. Hydraulic lifters had been replaced for new ones and I primed the engine/chain adjuster before starting her properly. Only in the last couple of days have I really been able to stretch the old girls legs an although initial accerleration is ok in 1st and 2nd I find myself having to rev the car a lot harder than previously to get results once higher up the gears. This morning on the way to work I managed to loacte a stretch of my local dual carraigeway with no vehicles on it (very rare) so gave it some stick into treble figures but again it has a kind of retarded feel. Idle although a little lumpy isn't terrible and the thing still starts fist time !! Is it that I am being paranoid and I need to go visit Stealth and get it remapped and enjoy it or could I have set it a tooth back/forward on the cams or it jumped during the initial startup ??
  11. Normal instant gasket will do the job - just try and get black as it will look nicer than orange or blue :D oh and a 95 will probably have a plastic cover as mine does, a tap on the cam sprocet end should tell you.
  12. Doh I can't even get my own paint code right :epicfail:
  13. Did you switch them like for like ie VW or OEM? If you want less engine movement I would look at using at least a firmer front engine mount from the likes of Vibra-tech or similar. I switched all three on the VR for Vibra-tech and the difference is easily noticable in gear changes etc.
  14. beastie4126

    263 cams

    just found the receipt from VW WN 10203803 = Bolt @ £1.55 W021905163 = Phase sender @ £9.27 W02110911G = Sprocket @ £35.79 Add 17.5 % for vat
  15. Looks the same colour as my blue pearl 16v - LC5U is the colour code. The blue green tinge sounds about right.
  16. beastie4126

    263 cams

    Fortunately for you I did the same thing only last week :D Only the rear Cam has the plastic sender and both sprockets and bolts are the same part number front and back. From memory the bill came in at £64 from VW but that also included a plenum gasket.
  17. Decided to make the best of the sunny weather and get my new wheels fitted and then take the old girl out for a test drive. After installing cams and suspension parts during the week it feels nice to drive and even nicer to look at now :D
  18. Nope they are on the left hand side of the picture hanging down. Can't make out the colour of the wire is it white or yellow?
  19. Just had 4 x BBS RX's done by Lepsons in Gillingham for about £53 a rim. That was a complete strip, repairs for two of them and then repaint and tyres fitted etc. Most places will be able to colour match your original wheel colour so I wouldn't worry to much about colour code.
  20. Someone wiser than me can confirm this but I believe you can get minimal adjustment on the rear via the beam to body mounts.
  21. According to Vagcat its a M10X75 Bolt part number N 10209005. Thats my good deed of the day done back to being bad :)
  22. Been busy this week swapping over my refurbed subframe and wishbones as well as a full set of new engine mounts. Took a drive to Lepsons in Gillingham today to collect my refurbed BBS RX wheels, can't wait to get these fitted over the weekend.
  23. I have never seen one on a Corrado but how about a roof rack?
  24. beastie4126

    swg panel

    The pics a bit crappy but you get the general idea. I have seen a few posts from people saying that these rattle or lift at speed but I havn't had any trouble.
  25. beastie4126

    swg panel

    I fitted one to mine last year to tidy up the bay and hopefully stop the local foliage from falling in all the time. It took me longer to get the old ones off as I didn't want to break them than it took to get the new one on. Just remember to clear out all the crud in the water channels and windscreen before fitting it. I'll take some pics if it ever stops raining :sunny:
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