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Roger Chatfield

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Everything posted by Roger Chatfield

  1. You are not up your wheels but have the 'Rays Engineering' logo as your avatar, how ironic..lol
  2. Ha ha, yep, little power nap on the sofa
  3. Cheers fella's, I think I may have found a bargain, chap wants £75 for it, is that good or not?? Rog.
  4. Morning chums, a quick saturday morning question. What size CDA are we using on our VR6's, I've got an offer of a 80mm item and wondered if it's suitable. Many thanks Rog.
  5. Thanks for the positive comments guys, I must admit as soon as I saw the car I knew I wanted it, also meeting Andy just confirmed that I was buying a very genuine car from a very genuine bloke, however it's always to get the old 'two thumbs good' from the forum folk.. 6 days to go, train ticket booked, can't wait.. Rog.
  6. Funny you should mention about levellers and washers, the mot rules have changed this year to include self levelling and washers if HID's are fitted, I guess it's a way to get rid of all the illegal kits that many have fitted. I had them fitted on my last Honda CRX, yes they were bloody bright but as someone mentioned earlier the beam pattern wasn't very good, I guess the rado lights would suffer the same problem.
  7. Is that a weld or is it some type of sealer?? As said above, why would someone weld a split rim? If it was leaking they would just use some sort of sealer. Rog.
  8. Out of interest, has anyone fitted HID's to their rado? Way brighter than normal lamps and draw less power. Rog.
  9. Just received my membership pack with two copies of Sprinter.... Firstly, very impressed with the membership pack, the card and key ring are a nice touch, Second, Sprinter... How good is that, I've not read them cover to cover yet but what I have read is very impressive, I've read many a worse article in a mainstream magazine so considering Jim is an amateur I think he should be applauded for his efforts. Two thumbs good from me. Rog.
  10. I've got a CTEK zafar 90 and it's an awesome bit of kit, I use it with my caravan battery, just leave plugged in for the whole winter and it 'cycles' the battery. Rog.
  11. I was going to keep it quite until I pick it up but I'm so excited about it that I feel I need to tell the world...lol I put a post up on CRX-UK and surprisingly did not receive one negative comment, I guess proper car folk like proper cars and the Corrado draws mutual respect wherever it goes. 12 days to go... Can't wait. Rog.
  12. Little update, went for a viewing yesterday and ended up putting a deposit on this little beauty. Pick it up in two weeks and can't wait. Rog. (Very very happy)
  13. Jim, sorry to be a pain but is there any chance I could get a copy (only joined on Friday) Totally understand if it's not possible. Rog.
  14. Yes mate, heard of Hond-R, IIRC they built a stunning K20 powered CRX a few years back. Sorry, working on the 27th. Rog.
  15. Yes mate, had a couple now, been into CRX's for over 10 years and I'm part of the admin team on the CRX forum. Awesome little cars, little bit quirky as well so the normal 'chav factor Honda yoof init' brigade tend to steer clear of them. My current is a very tatty jap import Si which I picked up for very little money, total rot box with a knackered engine, I've welded it solid with the idea of using it for track day fun but tbh I just don't get the time, in the last year I've only used it once on track and it's a bit loud for day to day use. My previous CRX was my baby, I had it over 8 years and did the lot to it, ending up being a 200 bhp turbo charged beast and was minty mint... But I got bored of it and tbh the whole Honda scene, hence why I'm here. Always liked the Corrado and now is the time for me to get one. Rog.
  16. Buy a Clio.... Don't think so...lol Cheers for the input guys, signed up to CCGB last night, know what you mean about saving thousands, as admin over on CRX-UK I know the value of a good owners club and forum. This place and CCGB seem like a nice friendly and helpful place, I just need a Corrado now... ;) Rog.
  17. Nice one, cheers fella's, I only bought the tyres this year for my track day spec CRX, I have done less than 1000 miles on them including one track day at Combe so it makes sence to keep them for any possible future Corrado purchase. Rog.
  18. Cheers, so how many members are there in the CCGB? Rog.
  19. Ok, I'm new so please excuse my ignorance but what's the difference between the forum and the CCGB? I've had a look on the CCGB and the forum section seems to be quiet compared to here, however is seems most members on here are CCGB members. What's the score? Rog.
  20. Evening chums, quick question for you all. Now I know that Solitude alloys should have 205/50/R15's fitted but will 195/50/R15 tyres fit and be ok. Just that I've got 4 nearly new Yoko Prada spec R's sat my garage gathering dust, I was thinking about selling them but if they will fit VR alloys then I'll keep them for any up coming Corrado purchase. Cheers Rog.
  21. Did anyone see last weeks 5th gear, Jason Plato was showing how you can improve the health of an old engine. He had a VR6 that made 177 on the rollers, after Redex the power went to 185, then after a good service and new leads/plugs the power rose to 188. I always thought Redex was a bit of a gimmick but I guess it does actually do what it says on the tin. I'm off to Tesco tomorrow.. Rog.
  22. Very tempting but tbh I need something with mot. Rog.
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