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Roger Chatfield

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Everything posted by Roger Chatfield

  1. Evening chaps, Anyone know where I can get a ODB2 style (16 pin) to the older style 2x2 adapter?? apart from Ross Tech as I don't really want to pay there prices. Or, does anyone know the wire outs between the two so I can possibly make my own cable? Cheers all. Rog.
  2. Update, Sean has his setup back now but I now have my own cable so can do scanning in the Devon / Cornwall area. Rog.
  3. Rob, not being funny mate but your car is stunning, it's the right colour, the right wheels, the right interior with the right mods... basically it's awesome.. however it has a few minor problems, I'm sure it's all fixable with a little bit of time and some nice weather... be a proper shame to see it sold or broken when you have put so much effort into it. As for a newer car, forget it mate.... boring with a capital B, yes it will start every day and yes it will be nice and dry but you'll just get really bored driving it, it'll eat you alive every time you drive past another R32 and don't even get a nod of appreciation because most modern cars are not owned by enthusiasts and imagine how gutted you'll be when you drive past a nice Corrado... been there, done that when I sold my CRX and bought a DC5 Integra. If it's really getting to you mate just buy a car cover and walk away from it until the weather improves, at least you wont have to look at it every day... give me a sound if you need a VR6 fix, more than welcome to have a drive in mine mate, remind yourself what awesome little cars these are. Rog.
  4. There was me hoping it would be south of Exeter....lol Newbie question.... Out of interest, why hasn't the venue been released yet? Rog.
  5. Still not starting Rob?, thought you got to the bottom of this, ecu or something wasn't it. My old CRX used to leak, I ended up buying a cheap car cover for it, well worth it, also put a dehumidifier in it for a few days, amazing how much water it managed to suck out of it. Give me shout if you want a hand with anything mate, I'm working the next few weekends but get days off in the week. Rog.
  6. Massive thanks to VAG-hag (Chris), sold me a ABS module for a very good price and kept me in the loop ref posting etc. Two thumbs good from me. Rog.
  7. Looking good mate, should have given me a bell and I would have popped over and given you a hand. Rog.
  8. Have a loom in the vagcom thread and see if anyone local to you can do you a scan. I've just bought this: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181288570216?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649 A lot of ebay cables have limited functions and only use vcds lite, I messages the seller and he assured me his cable uses the full version of vcds and can basically do anything a main dealer can, comes with a 12 month warrantee and he seems to have very good feed back. I'll let you know how I get on. Rog.
  9. What goes down a washing line at 100 mph???? Honda pants.....
  10. I'm in but it's my wedding anniversary that weekend so the boss will be coming so the venue needs to be near a shopping mall...lol Seriously, it's good idea, I used to go to Japfest every year, used to drop the missus off at the local outlet mall and spend the whole day at the show.. then make a weekend of it... win win, me happy, wife happy... result. Rog.
  11. Afternoon all, hope you all had a good Christmas day. Anyway, quick question for you, A workmate has lent me his Ross Tech VAGCOM cable, I've just had a look at it and noticed that it's the Micro-CAN model, it says on the label that it's a CAN-Only dongle interface for VCDS. Now I don't know much about VAGCOM but I'm fairly certain the Corrado doesn't have CAN, so will this work on my car?? Just thought I'd check before I download the VCDS software from Rosstech. Many thanks Rog.
  12. Halfords vouchers for me, deffo Rado related...lol Rog.
  13. Sean popped round mine today to pick up his vagcom, very nice storm, looks stunning on its rx2's and a real credit to the hard work Sean has put into it. 2 thumbs good from me, Sean is a real nice bloke to boot. Rog.
  14. Evening chaps, my OE lead removal tool is broken so I need a replacement. eBay is showing two different types, one at £10 ish and one at £22. £10.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VW-VR6-SPARK-PLUG-LEAD-REMOVAL-TOOL-/171081550455?pt=UK_CarsParts_Vehicles_CarParts_SM&hash=item27d5414a77 £22.... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Laser-Tools-HT-Lead-Removal-Tool-VW-VR6-3793-/231029892225?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item35ca746481 From experience which one do folk recommend?? Many thanks Rog.
  15. Thanks for all the info chaps, I've just ordered one from VW heritage using the part number quoted, I'll let you know how I get on. Rog.
  16. Plymouth sounds like an awesome idea... I'm in. Rog.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/groups/709562912393640/permalink/788173057865958/ Link to a vid of the fire, personally I think that could have been put out quite easily in the first few mins. Rog.
  18. Rob, I'm pretty sure we proved that your sensor was ok. Rog.
  19. Gravity 3D, 9/10 from me, being a bit of a space nut this was right up my street. Rog.
  20. Evening chums, as some of you know the oil temp on my mfa is reading high so I'm thinking I probably need a new sender. So, where is best place to buy one, also does anyone know the part number. Many thanks, Rog.
  21. No way, gutted for you mate, I honestly thought you had this one nailed. Let me know if need a hand. Rog.
  22. Just to add, I currently have Sean's setup, available to scan in the Plymouth area. Rog.
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