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Roger Chatfield

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Everything posted by Roger Chatfield

  1. Can't believe how cheap these are.. Rog.
  2. A few size comparison pics... Valve springs Valves It was in to have a few cracked heads replaced, here it is in all its glory with yours truly...lol A few more pics for all you engine spotters. This is the engine and alternator for a Class 43 Power car (HST) Its a 64 ltr V16 with quad turbos 2250 BHP at 1500 rpm..... In the powercar (roof and exhaust removed) Rog.
  3. Back to sea, soon comes around doesn't it mate, calm seas and fair winds buddy. Rog.
  4. I've got a mystic storm, tbh to begin with I wanted a green car but really didn't like the tan interior. Luckily a blue car came up for sale on here and was only 3 hours away, it was the first ar I saw and I just had to have it. Even though I've had a few serious problems with it (had to replace engine) I absoluty love it. Just my opinion, I know folk say a storm is just a normal VR with badges but I do think that the general public believe they are something a little bit special and I think even though it's just a couple of badges they will always catch a little bit of a premium. Keep looking mate, one will pop up at some point...however it won't be mine...lol Rog.
  5. Car SOS is back on, new series starting tomorrow on National Geographic at 8pm. Rog.
  6. Update, so I phoned around and couldn't get it any cheaper, went back to Flux and reduced the mileage to 3000, also stuck the wife on it and got it down to £229... however that wasn't with agreed value and I could not protect my NCB but I can drive other cars 3rd party. Rog.
  7. Awesome Jim, this is going to be a really asset to the community. What's the plan, just have it online somewhere or maybe issue it on disc etc. BTW, offer to help is still there, I've only got a home scanner but I'm sure its up to the job. Rog.
  8. Good find, I like the way it tells you what other models use the same part. Rog.
  9. National Day, I went last year and really enjoyed it. Rog.
  10. Welcome to the club mate, you'll like it here, good bunch and Sean is spot on, you got a good one. Rog.
  11. Ian, thanks for the kind offer mate but I've had a bid now so they will be sold, hopefully so,done with the correct knowledge will get a bargain. Rog.
  12. Currently at 99p so I wont actually have a bag of chips for you to **** on...... lol Rog.
  13. Is this basically a abs ecu? I'm intrigued by the 'diff lock' thing? Rog.
  14. Very very nice mate, I'm quite pleased you didnt pop round, would have put my old stormy to shame..lol Rog.
  15. Thanks Jim, I shall be sharing this on the CRX forum...lol
  16. Vagcom... Gotta get it scanned or else you just guessing. Same thing happened with mine, intermittent starting, vagcom told me it was the cps sensor, changed that and all was good. Shame you are not closer as I would scan it for you, look at the vagcom thread on here or put up a post asking for help. Good luck mate, Rog.
  17. Dan at Devon Dub Shack has got a set, I spotted them today when I was sniffing around his stock, give him a shout on facebook and quote UKULELE to get some discount. Rog.
  18. My renewal with flux was £256, think I'll be staying with them. Rog.
  19. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/161660254214?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Rog.
  20. Just had a quote from Lynbrook... £718... because I use it for going to work... thanks but no thanks... Rog.
  21. Can you see the extractor? ie is proud of the head? If it is you may be able to weld a nut to it and unscrew the eazi out, then at leat you can drill the stud out and retap or helicoil. We had a similar thing happen at work, we broke a tap off in the centre casting of a railway coach, luckily we managed to weld a nut to what was left of the tap and get it out.. not too bad but then it was a M12 tap so quite big compared to a VR exhaust stud. I know its all hindsight but top tip, I soak everything in Plusgas a good 24 hrs before attempting to undo stuff, luckily I've never had a bolt snap on me... yet.. ;) Rog.
  22. Didn't realise that Dox, might fit my 2.8 mani then and see if I prefer the low end torque to the high end power. Rog.
  23. Yep, it will fit and work but the Corrado one is better designed and flows better, although TBH I doubt you'll notice any real drop in performance. Rog.
  24. It's a chunky book mate, partially good for hammering down a stuck spoiler...lol
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