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Roger Chatfield

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Everything posted by Roger Chatfield

  1. Nice one Roberto, I too had an advisory on the rear wheel bearings, my tester said it was very common on these and Mk2 Golfs and not to worry about it too much, he just had to pick it up incase they are spot tested by the ministry. Rog.
  2. Good luck on the retest mate, btw I can't see the vid, it says it's private. Rog.
  3. Anyone else seen this. http://pages.ebay.com/link/?nav=item.view&alt=web&id=231495071380 M plate storm? Could be a bargain for someone, possibly the cheapest mystic blue storm in the country. Rog.
  4. I preferred it when it was Sean's ass.... But then I was in the Navy...lol
  5. So I've had the new hub a few days now and I must admit I'm really pleased. New hub is working a treat, good coverage throughout the house and no drop outs. Even the kids are happy....lol Rog.
  6. No mate, not sure when it will be on but each week they do a 2nd hand hero's section, this week it was 4x4's so maybe it'll be in that section. Rog.
  7. Just watched it, actually quite good, loved that mk2 Jag and the Alfa 4C.... Yes please... Rog.
  8. Oh dear, just seen this on the news, doesn't look good, could this be the end of TG? Rog.
  9. What a beauty, someone is going to get a proper bargain. GLWTS fella. Rog.
  10. Yes mate they are. Give Dan a ring on 07800 848406, don't to quote UKULELE for a nice bit of discount. Rog.
  11. Nothing this weekend mate, just wondering why you are fretting about something months away... :) Oh, I might have some 288 calipers available soon if you are interested. Rog.
  12. Just to confirm this is sometime in July and not this weekend isn't it... I'm just a bit concerned as why Wayne is fretting about where and when he is having his wheat'O's.... :) BTW, I shall be collecting 10 ltrs of water from one of the natural springs on Dartmoor a few days before, none of the hard 'up north' water for Stormy... Rog.
  13. I'm coming up from Plymouth so could meet you boys in Bristol or something. Rog.
  14. Evening chums, Dan at Devon Dub Shack is currently breaking a very clean G60, engine and box are gone but the rest is available. DDS is fairly local to me so if anyone wants something looking at I can do that, also I'm going to the National day so could bring some bits up with me. Finally, if you mention the code 'UKULELE' to Dan he'll give you a nice bit of discount. Rog.
  15. Update, I phoned VM to ask to be disconnected and they (surprise surprise) have offered me a new super hub 2 and lowered my rental to £66 (from £78), new hub arrives tomorrow, I've got 14 days then either go on a new 12 mth contract or cancel and go to sky. Rog.
  16. Plymouth, Tavistock Rd KFC, about 3.30 ish today... lovely M plate Red VR6, looked very clean.
  17. Evening chums... Bit of a dilemma for you, currently we get our telly and interweb via Mr Bransons love child 'Virgin Media', we have 20 meg broadband and a XL TV package and landline, costs nearly 90 quid a month. Anyway, we have been with Virgin for year and have to this point been very happy with it, however since we have had the new wifi hub we are not happy, the Internet randomaly drops off and the wifi signal is dire, the signal from our neighbours sky box is far stronger, Virgin have assumed us there is nothing wrong with our box... So, thinking of changing to Sky... Opinions please.. Oh, we have blueyonder email addresses, will this be a problem if we move? Rog.
  18. I feel your pain mate, I had some bad luck when I first got mine and ended up swapping the engine but it was all worth while in the end, keep at it and good luck. Rog.
  19. Just voted, up to 19 but a long way to go, come on chums, let's get this rado to the top. Rog.
  20. Greetings chums, I've just replaced the keyboard on my Acer Aspire 5742 laptop because the M key fell apart. Now, I realise the keyboard of these is pretty fragile so there must be loads of folk out there with just one or two keys missing. So, I've now got a spare keyboard (minus the M), if anyone requires a key or two please let me know... better than going in the bin and saves the expense of a new keyboard. Rog.
  21. Standard VR making 197 and a standard ST making 212, figures seem a tad high. Out of interest what is Vince charging for a power run? Do you just one run or is it a couple? What gear are the runs done in and do you get a print out with afr's (is an exhaust probe used). Sorry for all the questions, just that I'm possibly trying to sort out a rolling road day out down here in Plymouth at Alan Jeffery's and want to see if what he can offer us it comparitable with Steath's setup. Rog.
  22. Out of interest, what are these quoted as out of the box? Rog.
  23. Chanel 234 (history) on Virgin, Thursday 5th at 2100.
  24. CRX stickers were only available at the big meets and then only to folk who had donated to the server fund, I know it sounds cheesy but it was like a little badge of honour, sort of showed that you were helping the community a little. Rog.
  25. So, thanks for all the tips friends, I had a go at this yesterday. Before. And after. Tools of the trade...lol I used the wifes Vanish carpet cleaner for the first clean then Auto Glym interior shampoo for the second clean, I used loads of paper towel to dry up and a cut down paint brush to agitate the spray.. All in all I'm very pleased with the results. Rog.
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