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Posts posted by aide

  1. as above traditionally ceramic for exhaust and powder coating for the inlet


    i have thought about ceramically coating/ insulating the inlet to try and keep the inlet temps down, however you'd have to stop conduction between head and manifold - otherwise the ceramic/ insulation would heat the charge up :scratch: haven't done enough research to decide myself yet, be interested to know if ur proposing this tho

  2. mine was a mocal one, i *think* i used the large seal of the oil filter between two faces - long time ago and car has gone now :( i definitely fitted the wrong way round as i took it for a blast and was rather dissapointed


    did you use the longer internal pipe that came with the filter?

  3. wouldn't think swapping pipes would make much difference, does sound like there is no or limited oil moving through the cooler tho


    when i first fitted on my old vr i got the thermostatic sandwhich plate the wrong way round - don't ask me which way it's supposed to go though :D did you read the static thread above


    when i switched round the right way my temps dropped from about 115deg to 95degs

  4. there may be peeps willing to swap the other way as i've gone 16v - 16v - vr6 and am now going back to 16v.... but then maybe that's cos i'm old skooooolll :dorky:


    test drive - see what u think

  5. i forget the name but that lump of metal sits on top of the oil pump drive which itself is driven from the intermediate shaft, the cogs you see is the change in direction... tbh honest i don't know what would happen if that metal thing wasn't on when the engine was turning over??

  6. aye cheers veedubbed, have borrowed an old sawn oil drive to get the outer bearing in and found a shop to do the inner bearing, they're going to make a mandrel up for it :salute:


    not the sort of thing you wanna discover needs changing when the engines back in the motor :D

  7. yeh was relieved it could be sorted, the guy who welded it didn't seem surprised to do it at all - made me feel better, or maybe everyone over here are misers who don't want to shell out dosh for new stuff :D

  8. dunno mate, only got an engine in the garage at the minute :D


    found Idle Adjustment guide

    • Run to normal operating temperature (all electrical inc fan off)

    • Disconnect crankcase breather

    • Disconnect red/ black wire spade connector at coil

    • Adjust idle to 1000?50rpm

  9. yeh, maybe worth a try to reset, the procedure is in haynes, you have to disconnect the connector near the coil, black and red ones i think, do a search - as am only just getting back into valvers myself


    i was interested to know which pipes you'd replaced for that reason, but the flow/ return recircs quickly so doubt would be an issue.


    you've covered the bases by checking leaks and the connectors are all correct, to diagnose further you need to start checking pressures and individual components... gets pretty involved :?

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